Tuesday, May 29, 2007

Happy Birthday, Papi!!!!

it's my dad's birthday!!!! yay!!! vamos a tener una carne asada. para las crackers out there, carne asada means like, bbq, without the that nasty bbq sauce. and NO RIBS. my fav. kinda carne asada is beef, with beer poured over it and grilled. mmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmm... yes. beer. cervesa. on beef. then grilled. so what? you people eat MEDIUM RARE or wth its called. u people have horrible eating habits. seriously. i mean, that turkey insides gravy? me? hypocritical? yeah. my mom eats turkey neck con gusto, and i have a friend who likes chicken hearts. (*shudders*) but still. what my friends and mom eat is FULLY COOKED. and, when u cut it open, there is no blood. or pinkness, or
here is a song that is stuck in my head QueLloreN
this will b finished l8er. my sister took my mp3.

Monday, May 21, 2007

midnight message yay? o.O

i forgot 2 say that i was rushing to get m stuff Friday, and i had to carry a lot of stuff over to this classroom, so i piled everything on my binder and stuff, but thins annoying bottle of rubber cement kept falling, so i stuffed it into my pocket so i wouldnot have to keep picking it up, and it fell out , and guywhoproposedtohisgirlfriedlastweek picked it up and gave it 2 me, and i think he thinks i was going 2 steal it. I WAS NOT TRYING TO STEAL RUBBER CEMENT. I WAS TRYING TO GET MY STUFF IN AND OUT, AND BLAH BLAH BLAH. I PROMISE ON... MY CDS. THE ONES I ACTUALLY LIKE? YEAH, THOSE. I WASNT TRYING 2 STEAL ANYTHING. I WOULD GET IN SOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO MUCH TROUBLE IF I DID. I AM NOT THAT KIND OF PERSON. I DO NOT STEAL.
i swear revenge, i know someone who had a switch blade at school, she showed it to me, i have tough friends who dont seem tough but can actually kick your ass, tengo unas conectciones... BUT I DO NOT STEAL. that's that. now let me get back to my homework. hello, eye bags.
+ +
^ ^
^ ^
this has been

Sunday, May 20, 2007


hola paco quieres un taco? como estan todos?
just internet shopped 2 cds. fftl's dear diary & atreyu's best of. on circut city.com. they have this special free shipping thing going on right now.

"what did you pay for them with?" the world asked me jsut now.

my *rich* god parents gave moi an all access gift visa card thingy last week on...sunday?

"ok. what else are you going 2 buy?"

i dont know. dvds? more cds? cant think of any worth it...

"buy some songs 4 $1."

eres un genio!

anyway, M2 is in Mexico right now. :(
i am never 2 c her again unless she.... does something...
dont tell la migra.
M2 is telling ppl that the reason they moved was because her grandma was sick. true. but, i think it might be because her mom was there, and she didnt want 2 come back, and her parents are in <3, so i think/kinda know her dad really missed her mom, so he packed them up, and off they went 2 mexico city mexico. dude, mexico city is DANGEROUS. i heard (from L) that people are afraid to ride the busses there because off all the gangs. yah. they have serious gang problems there, according to former mexico resident, and friend of gaby's: L!!!
A Final Goodbye To M2 Last Name . ADIOS!!! BUENA SUERTE!!!

all this talk about one of my people moving is reminding me that M1 is going to go to texas at the end of june. NOOO!!!!!
we said we are both going 2 buy webcams so we can talk face2face.

why is everyone moving?
here is a list of people that i know that have moved or plan on moving.

when will it end?!

the reason M1 is going 2 live with her mom is because she is afraid of the dark, and sleeps with the light on, and last month the light bill came really high to her dad's house, and her dad and stepmom got into a fight, and stuff, about the light bill , and the step mother said "yo, o tu hija!" and M1's dad chose the stepmom, and so M1 is being shipped away 2 Texas to where her mom is because she's afraid of the dark, and her dad and stepmother fight about light bills, (stepmom doesnt even live w/ M1 and her dad... so i'm say'in "WTF???" i dont think she pays the bill so...?) i think that just because M1 made her dad and stepmom fight about the light bill (???), the stepmom was like, me, or your daughter!!! and, well, u know who he picked. but, M1 will be back after the next school year goes by, she will be back in OR, where she belongs. she told me that she cried when they were bitching about the stupid light bill. and when her dad chose his precious girlfriend over M1. its fine that he picked her, but, over a light bill? seriously? ur sending your youngest daughter away for a light bill? i am totally confused, and sorry i told the world, M1.

"i wont tell." the world said.

ok... thanx?

i am bored, but i have homework to do, so, adios.
b4 i go, here is some music.
cupid's chokehold again, but different video stuck in my head
really sad song that made ppl cry that was shown 2 me by Kuri stacy got shot...:,,( that 16 year old BASTARD!!!
a demon with perfect weapons, a demon with a smile of gold. crystal eyes and a heart of coal.YOU SOUL SUCKER!!! i wont become like you!
just give us war...a drunk eye...PICK UP THE PHONE!
oh my god!!! he killed charlie the unicorn! u bastard!!!
bang bang, guns go bang
this has been

Wednesday, May 16, 2007

title of blog: o mi dios. i heard i almost got detention 2day.

do we know gym class heroes? no? well, their "cupid's chokehold" song is stuck, yet again, in my head.
daddy yankee's "lo que paso paso" is also stuck in my head. :(
i need 2 listen 2 some atreyu. neeeeeeer neeeeeeeeeeeeer neeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeer...

perdon. yo soy muy wierd.
the UpDaTe
+jess is a bitch. me and my people have confirmed this, and she is now know as one.
+i am going to die from lack of sleep.
+i am eating cereal.
+quaker oatmeal and cap'n crunch i s the SAME "PERSON"! the only difference is the hat. and art
+i have...nothing to say...
+this is urgent/this is what we call a tragedy/they call me the rattlesnake/there was a man from way back west

+ really bored...
+M2 is moving to Mexico. Mexico City, 2 b exact.
+some crackers are so ignorant that they didnt know there is a central america. freak'n dee dee dees.
+this is kinda funny. the actual episode is funnier, but i couldnt find it. calm down kanye, settle down.plz dont watch.
+bleach kicks ass.
end song
+i painted 3 of my left hand's nails except the thumb and pinkie, and my mom got all mad, and stuff. she made me use nail polish remover, and she was like "why did u paint your nails black?" and i said that i was bored, and she was like, "instead of painting your nails black, go do something productive, like queaceres. (chores)". its just nail polish.
+ my parents are suspicious. they wont let me go anywhere. i dont like going 2 dances, i get that. i dont wanna go, and they wont let me, but, i wanna stay after school with my friends, and they wont let me. they think i'm hanging out with a guy after school. uh, no! if i was going to do that, i would be very careful that u never find out, and not stay after. but nooooooooooooooo. i'm not as wild and crazy as most of my friends, yet they dont trust me to stay after school to do work. that's not right. i try 2 explain, "i know the consequences, i wont do anything stupid.trust me." but noooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooo
god. dios mio. i........
i.......... how?
i am speechless on this matter.
+bleach rox. so does SOAD and BYOB (BYOB a la BLEACH)
+awesome guitar riffs

wth is the world?
this has been
*i despise people associated with k00ki3.*
guess who damnyou'reslow is going out with? its HILARIOUS!!!
"rly?" the world said...
yeah. tell u l8er.
"aw..." the world looked disappointed.

Monday, May 14, 2007



no me agas enojar
o te vo a patiar
en ese lugar

this hasnt been

O!!! i get it now!!! (not talking 2 u)

Sunday, May 13, 2007

feliz dia de la madre [en los estados unidos] el dia de la madre mexicano era el jueves pasado.

hola. como estan todos? for all of u dee dee dees, translation:
hello. how is everyone? para todos los dee dee dees, i forgot what "translation" is exactly in espanol. or, castellano, as my madre calls it.
viviendo la vida loca!!! i know that song that ricky martin sings. sang. whatev.
i like shrek 2. puss in boots is sooooooooooooo cute.
so is mumble from happy feet.
sorry. cartoon movies rock.

"actually, the correct term is animated movie. computer animated movies." the world rubbed in my face.

i know. i'm just 2 lazy 2 type that.

"u just did..."

i know.

post will b finished l8er. we're going on a mother's day shopping trip.

Thursday, May 10, 2007

do u have any idea...

how long it takes for 6 girls to get ready for an event? do u? i was surprised myself. but, what else do u expect? yah. we took 4 ever, and we didnt "clean ourselves up" to the extreme. just the dresses and hair, and a little tiny bit of make-up. compared to other people. and we were late. super late. then, people looked at us. ugh. then stuff that pissed me off happened.

D yourmiddlename yourlastname!!!!
why the hell did u hang up on me?
i got complimented a lot. but, i prefer my usual way of going 2 school. even though, after i got home 2day, kicked off my stupid murderous shoes, my mom was like, "u still look nice. i have had enough letting u go to school ugly/how u usually go, like an ugly person."
my friends and people are always like, "if you take the time to" blah blah blah, "fix your hair" blah blah blah "smile more..." blah blah blah.

i am really bored. fyi, iyw2k, i am not boy-crazy. it just kinda seemed like i was because me and M2 were passing a note about someone, and we passed it, and this retard (NOSEY!) read part of oit, and yah. but thank god, because we didnt write names or nicknames down.

anyway, i had a decently good time at the faire, hung out with friends, was kinda bord, got pissed off a few times, ditched most of spanish, walked home and back, but with permission, me and N told a few that we had really ditched, but we cant lie, so we confessed that we, in fact, had permission, i got my mom more "clients" for her to sew for, my feet died, my hair was awesome the whole day. M2, U R A HAIR STYLING GENIUS! seriously. thanx. the saddest part of 2day was that i got the wierdest looks. from everyone.

have 2 go... parents getting mad...

Monday, May 7, 2007

a peom./ gtbs?

i have said
"if this is what you want, then fire at will."
u have fired @ will.

and now it is time for my sweet revenge.
this isnt an empty threat or warning.
didnt yo momma teach you!
"dont mess with certain people"?
wtf is wrong with you?

oh well.
thats your problem.
not mine.
f&ck you.
dont ever write bad poetry like this, K?
****************and now i will prepare for gtbs. **************
i'll be back. dont look for me.
-crazy gaby
Welcome To Gaby;s Titled Blah Show!!!

this week, i am going 2 play a lot of daddy yankee.
i know it has been a few weeks since the last gtbs.
lets begin!!!

Ride the Wings of Pestilence
Ride the Wings of Pestilence: FAST!!!
Shame Shame

Ex's and Oh's
neeeeeeeeeeeer neeeeeeeeeeeer neeeeeer neeeeeeeeeeer neeeeeeeeeeeeeer neeeeeeeeeeeer neeeeeeeeeeeeeer neeeeeeeeeeer ****does air guitar, im such a nerdy wierdo.*** awesome riffs.

Thank You For The Venom: Bleach
i <3 bleach!!!
no idea why this is here....

DADDY YANKEE [its pronounced "daa-dee-YAN-Ke!!!"]
Mixture of Songs Starting With La Gasolina
its dance-arific!!!
Lo Que Paso Paso
is this salsa? good. me on a sugar rush and this on, surrounded by friends, i will totally dance. me pissed off with people i hate, i will totally leave. :)
No Me Dejes Solo
feat. wisin y yandel.
why the parent references?
plz. ignore "ladies" dancing... "
"hey, they're guys. what does anyone expect?" the world told me just now.

i know. but still.... ignore.

"catholics...." the world said.

shut the f&ck up.
Tu Principe

My Milkshake

My Milkshake boiz vs.girlz
damn song is stuck in my head. has been there since last thursday. :(

It's Dangerous Business Walking Out Your Front Door

wtf 2 the part where the drummer sings about him kissing. ???


as always,
ps: up yours.

Sunday, May 6, 2007

dieing of toooomuchhomeowrkitis. no, seriously. on mon. i will have bags under my eyes again. :(

hey, ese.
[long pause while does homework]
why does M2 think i like the brother of hot guy?
she's CRAZY.
i have the "milkshake" song stuck in my head.
oh homework. why r u trying 2 kill me?
[long pause while does homework]

counts toward grade
makes me stay up late
is despised by me
why do u hate me?
kill me now b4 i die from exhaustion
lack of sleep
i hate you.

*that was a horrible example of poetry. horrible. never wrote shit like that ever. *

[loooooooooooong pause while does homework]


this has been gaby.

kiss my ass, homework.
yeah, i know. im not passing science.
i dont care abut what u think of me as 1, world. i am pissed and sleepy.

Thursday, May 3, 2007

damn right! its better than yours! *snaps*

okay. fine. i deserve that. you are an excellent revenge planner. genius. eres un genio! even though your reason for revenge is a misunderstanding. what can i say? i was trying to do my work, and you pissed me off. oh well. currently, i am planning a group-flip of, made especially for YOU!!! me and some of my people are going to smile at you, and give you the finger. :) that was a message for k00ki3. if u r not k00ki3, ignore. k00ki3 is such a retard. estupido. but, great revenge planner. i'll give u that, k00ki3. by the way, your hair isnt that nice anyway. :P up yours.

i am such a bitch. sometimes. hello world. i am back from vacation. HOLA!!! all girls are bitchy somehow, [sometimes/several/many/all the] time(s).

me, L, mi familia, and M2 went to walmart 2day 2 got fabrics for the renaissance faire. 2 much info? anyway, after having a good/bad time, we went to albertson's, and my dad was in the car, and my mom and sister #1 was with her in the store, and we had already dropped M2 off at her place, and there are these vending machines, and me and L went to them, with my little cute tiny little sister, and my brother. anyway, most of them were sold out, so all 4 of us went to the darkest part, where a lone vending machine was, and there were these 2 guys, and one of them looked at us, and there was something bad in his eyes, and i was like, i dont care. and pushed my siblings along, and he looked at us again, and L freaked out, and got the hell out of there. i of course, followed her. i had 2. i was supposed 2 b with her. yah. the dudes were most likely stoners and drunks. or, they got high often, and drink. they had many smallish paper bags. and me and L only saw, 2, and then later, she she looked back, and said that there were more than 2. i looked back, and they were like a group of 5, standing around paper bags. i think i like danger. i didnt care that the first dude's eyes were bad. i kept going. with 2 little kids. damn. i am a horrible sister. yeah, i totally like danger. wow. something i have figured out about myself that is NEW!!! yay!

the Update:
+on a party last weekend, i had a taste of corona. beer. it was better than others. relax. i'm no underage drinker. i simply had a sip. from my mom's beer. i had tasted this red beer b4, a long time ago, and still remember the HORRIBLE taste. ugh.
+no really, my toe nails are (still) purple. why doesnt anyone buy this? they really are. god. is it that unbelievable? wtf? no better yet. what the hell? answer this whenever u can... i can prove it, 2. i will remove my shoes and socks, and SHOW you my purple toe nails. god.
+k00ki3 is an ingenious revenge-getter. i did not know that.
+this girl wrote "im going 2 blow up the school!" er something in the girl's bathroom, and yeah. u can conclude what happened. but we didnt evacuate. people have lately been bitchy and annoying and hateful 2 her. they brought this on themselves. i sit next 2 her in math. im not her friend, or enemy. stupid people. dont piss people off. they will get u somehow. by scaring the shit out of u, or wasting your time. like i said, u brought this on yourselves.
+'80's hair styles scare me.
+i love danger.
+i learned something i used to know but forgot today. 2 deep for the dense world 2 know, and WAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAY 2 personal. what can i say? not even the friend i trust most, D, knows about this. or much of it. and, i havent talked on and on w/ her in AGES!!! wtfru? SERIOUSLY! clue: has nothing to do with u. clue: if someone finds out, and uses this against me, i will kick their ass. no, this time i will do it. i have a conscience, but 4 someone 2 use this against me... i will become ruthless, kick their ass, spread some interesting "fact" about them, and get revenge, and hold a grudge. like i said, we can all be bitchy.
+i have 2 go!!!


bAcK fRoM vAcAtIoN!!!
as always,
i need 2 get more sleep.
you are my friend. u know who u are.

Tuesday, May 1, 2007


cant post 4 a while. 2 busy having a very busy life.
next time gtbs, dance edition, chitchat about stuff no1 cares, about, peope update, i now an starting 2 get internet friends...

homework is killing me, destroing me.

D, call me.
we figured out someone's name, and they werent in the year book or directory. school 1. we r GOOD.
as always,
-crazy gaby

Thursday, April 26, 2007

krispy kream donuts. oh god. today, i tasted a REAL donut.

no, seriously, i have never ever had any krispy kream donuts b4 today. my dad bought some. the original glazed kind. 200 calories. worth it. even though they were small.
today i figured out (with the total support and help of my people ofcourse,) what the person who's name i didnt know. N, u r a genius. turns out el misterioso has a brother in the same grade i'm in. asked the brother if he has a brother, the ans. was "yes. why?" and was quickly answered by a quick "no reason" by me.
YAY! we finally know his name!!!
D is coming back from "China" next school year. or in the middle of it. YAY!
i have finished all of my urgent homework!!!
i still have 2 study 4 a test and turn in a really late assignment.
jess is pissed at motherfucker. why doesnt he care as much as he should?
we figured out what awesomehair's name is. ofcourse, u already know. :D
people are retarded. motherfucker has a bitch. the other dude does everything motherfucker tells him to, and today, after i asked motherfucker's bitch if he was motherfucker's bitch, motherfucker said he was, and motherfucker's bitch said no. but then motherfucker slapped his bitch like a pimp slaps a dirty ho. it was REALLY FUNNY. i couldnt stop laughing. neither could other people. XD
the guys in sci class are (most of them) gay. they talk about other guys not having asses and shit. how f&cked up are they? very f&cked up. Warrior, i know u are nodding and laughing you're freaking head off right now. isnt this hilarious? XD
this retard almost got beat up or something by sickbastard, or this other guy. very confusing. the guy getting beaten up was in the bathroom, or something, and started yelling "help" or something, and motherfucker's bitch said that that dude was "giving birth" or something in the bathroom, and that was also funny. someone also said that he was constipated. and needed help going. that was funny 2. XD
people hate me now!
its just over this bridge, this magical bridge, of hope, and wonder.
why hasnt filmcow made any more charlie the unicorn and retarded friends vidz?
there is only one vid.
Warrior. make sure to get a jacuzzi for your new mansion in "china". and a pool. and a pool table. and a trampleen.

i have 2 go.
"people hate me now!!!" (tm)

Tuesday, April 24, 2007

he's cooking pringles. oh no. *freaks out*

hola paco. quieres pringles cocinados?
i didnt think so.

i have heard stuff about presidential candidates from the media. go here for a list. Washington Post is ok. i hope a democrat is prez next.

something true: immigrants love democrats as far as i know. yo soy un citizen. americano. no, its not "americana". i am refering to "America" not "a female American". my parents are always speaking fondly of democrats, happy that they are here. is Oregon democratic? i dont even know. m parents say it is, but what do they know? dont tell them i said that...
i think democrats are better than Republicans, but that's mi opinion. some republicans are mean.
did u hear about the Alberto Gonzalez thing? where he is all going "i do not recall..." all the time? i know. i have been watching WAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAY too much daily show with jon stuart, and the colbert report. damn you, comedy central!!! thanx, mami. for taking FUSE away. that, mi friend, WAS SARCASM. todos saben that i miss FUSE. watch those shows and comedy central sometime. good for u.
end of "discussion".

i should do a gtbs on dance music. i have been thinking of this for several days now.
not shitty dance music that i hate, but the stuff i am forced to dance to because of mi sangre. its actually very sad. people dont take me seriously because of this, and what is expected from me. they expect me to love to dance, and wear genX clothing. dont get me wrong, genX clothing is kind of awesome. i like it. but the clothes they make doesnt always say, "gaby". as in, me. i dont love to dance like i love to read a good book, talk on and on, and listen to mi musica. i can dance. and sometimes i have to dance. but i dont love dancing, and i have told my people that next time i loudly exclaim "oh my god!", that they slap me. i hate it when people the age of my sister marvel at the "hotness" of guys that look like shit, and that are pictured in stupid mags. wtf?
ok. u know high school musical? i hate that stupid movie. in my sister's mags, (i mean, i get mags. like "seventeen" and "cosmo", [not to mention "Shojo Beat". manga/anime mag.]they are good. but "tiger beat" and shit like that is just SAD.)they call the retards in the MADE 4 TV movie "cuties" and "hoties". what the hell??? when is anyone going to understand that they are not what they think they are? they look like shit, and are soooooooooooooooooooooooo stupid.
end of "discussion". (sabes quien es caliente? uno que no se como se llama. :( pero es muy caliente! tell any1, and die.

what should i talk on and on and on about now?


seriously, i need help.


so that's how it is. i say "whatever" to you once, and now youre giving me the silent treatment?


damn. you can really work the silent treatment.


i'm starting to get annoyed.




what do you think i should talk about next?


fine. dont talk to me. i dont care.


you officially suck.


ok. so, what to talk about...... oh,
N started laughing about something 2day, for "no reason". it doesnt make any sense because u dont know the whole entire story.
M1 wore purple 2day... but, y am i telling u this?
L got a black bunny. YAY! its cute. deveras.
D refuses to come to school here. she thinks it will be "awkward". no. it will not be awkward.
M2 got a paper cut.... y am i telling u this?
the A girl, and D3 are fighting over a guy or something.
i have an internet friend!? from school, though. i know her from a class, and we gave each other our youtube usernames.
my brother is loud.
i didnt do a rosary yesterday.
i have 2 go!!!

i still cant believe u nerds are STILL deli rippers.
ps: D agrees with me over the whole daddy yankee vs. don omar.
pps: here is aTREYU. my fave. atreyu song: the link\
adios, adios.

Monday, April 23, 2007

my toe nails are the color of wierd purple. i painted them just for the hell of it.

its true.

hola paco, quires un taco?

"no. last time you asked me this sad things happened. "

what sad thing?

"i went to see this cracker so that he would make me some tacos, and i ended up being rushed to the hospital and treated for extreme food poisoning."

you think that is sad?


well here is something sadder. the members of fftl havent cut their hair yet. dont get me wrong, i dont lisen to music just because they have great hair. i lisen 'cause it rocks, but i am an appreciator of great hair. here is their vid. see how long thier hair is? imagine how long it is RIGHT NOW. *shudders* plz, plz, PLZ cut your hair. but, if not all of u can, at least have derek bloom chop off 5 inches. plz? porfavor!!!!

guess what? apparently i'm motherfucker's friend-in-law. because i'm jess's friend. kinda makes sense.
m1 is happy i am going 2 be a dama.
i havent had chocolate all week so far since friday. YAY! i am learning to control my chocolate addiction.
no, wait. i had a granola bar 2day, and it was chocolate chip. never mind.
D is addicted to inuyasha. es official.
i am almost done with my math homework. YAY! 2 more problems 2 go!!!
my sister thinks soad is saying "from the pickle drawer" when they say "from the tablecloth". it was funny.
i had tacos to day...
bored, bored.
i need 2 clean out my binder.
-crazy gaby.
ps: this post was very shot. YAY!
pps: rubber cement smells nasty.

Sunday, April 22, 2007


hey. FYI, this is a fast post.

"YAY! does this mean its also short?"


"YEEEEEEES!!! *does little dance.*"

i am going to inform you, the world, that i am going/supposed to be a dama for my cousin Anaisa's quinceanera!!! you never heard her name.

"nunca. who's name?"

anyway, i had to convince my dad 2 let moi. he doesnt seem to like the idea of me dancing the waltz or something with a guy. the dresses r going to be RED!!! YEEESS!!! arent red formal dresses awesome? my chambelan is going to be a cousin, or this guy who's parents r friends/ know each other and go WAAAY back. i'm not choosing him. i'm having my cousin pick who i'm dancing with. i really dont care. she already asked this middle son of my parent's friends/aquatences (spelled wrong. get over it.) to be my chambelan. i dont CARE who i DANCE WITH. nobody seems to understand. my sister was like, "do you like him?" hell no. wtf, sister #1? i told anaisa to pick because i SIMPLY DO NOT CARE. this is the third time someone has asked me to be a dama, and i said no the first 2 times. 4 the first 1, i would have had to go out of state for dancing lessons, and i couldnt. the second one was my cousin, and her's was going to be in mexico. it was done in mexico, but i didnt go. for the out of state on, i did go, and it was fun. thye had this great band who played soooooooo loudly, i forgot what they're called, but they are GOOD. at the end of the party, around 1 am, we wanted to pay them for 2 more hours, but the freaking neighbors were already pissed, so... (while we were there, i danced and met up with some cousins. girl cousins. we made a circle and danced 'til we literaly dropped. (i was also wearing heels... my feet were killing me.) this happened during the best part of ANY party, after everyone has eaten, the dad's and a few mom's are kinda wasted, and everyone is dancing, and kids dance so that they dont have to watch their dad dance in a really stupid way. [this happens at almost every good party{good parties are rare, in this time.}, my dad is known for dancing stupidly for the amusement of everyone.]
one thing is fo sho, the person that anaisa chooses for me is someone i have known for years, and most likely played with when i was a munchkin. my parents are going to be godparents of the "memories". little memory things... i'll explain some other time.

i hope your quinceanera rocks, and totally kicks ass, anaisa. sorry for posting your first name on the internet. :( "shame, shame on meeeeeeee." -fftl

more information for the world to know: my dad is giving me $100 dollars for shoes and the dress. do i need more? most likely, YES. he said he might give me $200.(in cash, bitch.) the crackers out there must think we are the cheapest of the cheap. oh well. we kind of are... well, im not cheap, but everyone knows that parents are always looking for "good deals" and embarrasing us until we are so red, we're starting to turn purple. true. me and my amigas have discussed this a few times. we swap stories.

everyone that has latin-american blood dances at great, awesome parties. it doesnt matter if the song they are playing isnt what you consider "tu musica". i danced when they played some wierd hip-hop thing (english) at the one out of state. even though i hated the song.

im sorry. sometimes you have to dance. i dont really go to dances, because they suck and no one's celebrating anything, and also because my m&d would be like, "hell no. u r not going to any dance. i dont need any of that 'im going with my friends' shit. you're not going, and that's that." i have never actually asked, but i already know what their reaction will be. i knew i had to almost-beg so that i can be a dama for my cousin. i did. i almost-begged.

tell anyone, and DIE. :D

no, deveras. no le digas a nadie.

"fiiine. i wont tell anyone, god."

ok. good. adios.

"adios. hey, when's the big party?"

august. great parties need planning.



ps: you nerds are still deli rippers.
this post was published at 11:14 pm

Saturday, April 21, 2007

hmmmmmmmmmmmmm.../summery of a post

hola. como estan todos? blah blah blah. yesterday, i wrote a post about stuff, but blogger had something going on, or something, so it was deleted. oh well. actually, this is what happened: i clicked on "publish", and it didnt work. very simple.

this is sort of what i wrote yesterday:
something about me going hmmmmmmmm... i didnt know there were so many jugadores en mi escuela! then i said i didnt care, then i talked about the fact that i cant kick motherfucker's ass because he is going out with jess, and M1 was like, "well, she's not MY friend!" and we started laughing. she is implying that she can kick his ass. for all of you dee dee dees. also, i made this list of all the nicknames i have ever given people, and how at this assembly, i got "recognized" er something about math, and how this guy with curly hair started singing some love song type thing, and awesomehair and a few of his friends started doing the whole arm wave thing,in a stupid way, y me dio risa! N agrees with me. i asked her if she thought he has awesome hair, and she's like,"yes." or was it "YEAH!" i seem to have forgotten. L refers to motherfucker as "El Jotito". it means something like "the little fag".
M1 saw a guy that looks a lot like "damnyou'reslow" yesterday, but this one didnt glare, kinda smiled, and has flat-volume less hair. and M1 was like, "hey, look gaby, its damnyou'reslow". might not have been damnyou'reslow. damnyou'reslow almost always glares, and is always followed around by at least 2 girls. and his hair has volume. so, M1, seems there is a FAKE damnyou'reslow, damnyou'reslowthesecond.

that was boring.

"tell me about it."

something else i havent mentioned:
i borrowed my friend's "bling" yesterday.
i have "bling", i just never wear it.
we were in spanish class, and there is only 1 cracker there, and me and my friends, (N,M1,L.)

Thursday, April 19, 2007

2nd post of the day. "when will it end?"

*has nothing to do with post done b4*
oh. you have to read this.

because it has an important message about revenge. duh.

blog post

now i get something. i was/am sooo stupid. it was because of my reference to awesomehair. oh. see, soy estupida. that's why..........................................................................

"freaking dee dee."

its "dee dee dee". i didnt know you were that stupid, world.

"that's what i said, dee doodle dee dee dee"

ok.... [someone actually was that stupid. ]
go here gasolina
go here for the best reggaeton EVER, en mi opinion. Corazones

daddy yankee is better than don omar, all of my fav. bands are WAAAY better than fall out boy.

that's all. homework calls.
here are some lyrics. to a little song...called...


I said, we'll drown ourselves in misery tonight
White lies, you've worn out all your dancing shoes this time

Just give us war-worn lipstick by the door if I inflame

These eyes have had too much to drink again tonight
Black skies, we'll douse ourselves in high explosive light

Just give us war-worn, I've been calling you all week
for my shotgun

Pick up the phone
Pick up the phone, fucker

I wanna see what your insides look like
I bet you're not fucking pretty on the inside
I wanna see what your insides look like
I wanna see 'em

Well you don't say
And well I can explain what happened to my face
Late last night
I sleep in empty pools and vacant alleyways
And what I'm going through, shot lipgloss through my veins
And when I can't complain
With the falling rain


I wanna save your heart
I wanna see what your insides may be

the lyrics might not be right. mmmkay?

adios, mundo.

"adios, gaby."

sprite is actually my fav. soda.
C ya Warrior. tell your stupid cousin--that i hate-- that gaby said "up yours". no offense. you might not hate your little cousin.

"why do you hate a little kid?"

dude, he flipped me off and called me a bitch, and he's like, 8 years old, and i didnt even know who the hell he was. didnt even know he was there.
besides, i find it hard to curse at a 8 year old. mi consencia...
"i still dont get it, dee doodle dee dee dee. "

its dee dee dee, retard.

adios, que tu vida sea mejor si eres una buena persona, y que sea peor si te odio.

mother f&cker. censored because i felt like it.

world, i am super pissed right now. SUPER PISSED.

"what happened?"

oh. my. god.

motherfucker. this mother fucker, ****** bastard, idiota


he knows who he is. i have despised him for some time now. there are many reasons. why i hate. him. today, he has pissed me off. greatly. if you knew how pissed i am, if you only knew.

"whats the story?"

science class. table group working on a human bod. project.

note to the world: i have already promised and swore to several people my revenge. this is going to seem like a stupid reason to be so pissed,i know. i dont care. if you knew the whole story, oh, here it is:

we are supposed to do the rough draft of bones. i have great ideas. people have told me i'm smart and not an imbecile. i get good grades, exceeded at the writing assesment, exceeded in the statewide math test, and have more than 100% grade in science. i am bilingual. i speak spanish and english, can read and write both. i am no imbecile or stupid person.
my ideas matter.
especially when they are reasonable and work.
mother fucker.
this kind of thing REALLY PISSES ME OFF.

you ASSUME that you're smarter than me... THIS IS WHAT YOU ARE: all you have more than me is friends. you hang out with anyone.
your idea is that we draw a different bone or something like that for every different thing we have to show. THAT WILL TAKE US FOREVER.

AND WHO THE HELL made mother fucker the "leader"?
i sure as hell dont want him as the "leader".
there is no leader.

there are MANY MORE REASONS why i HATE him.
i dont have the time to tell them all.
i have to go. but b4 i go, i have more to say:

motherfucker: watch yourself. i have promised and swore


watch your self. this is a warning. we might not beat you up soon, but i am the kind of person who remembers who her friends and enemigos are. i'm not mad at M2. i have to go. adios. world. i'll post/edit again later to blah blah blah away.

"how pissed were you exactly?"

ask my science class, D, my family, M1, et cetera.


Wednesday, April 18, 2007

en espanol, gabachos!!!

WARNING: this post contains large amounts of spanish, bad spelling, and mexican-spainsh-slang. try to read at your own stupid gabacho-ian risk. i am not trying to be weird, funny, stupid, et cetera. i am completely serious.
hola. como estan todos? yo estoy eh. mejor que el ano pasado!

stop confusing me. deveras.

ya vieron a charlie the unicorn?

quiero acer un video para youtube.
cuatro personas an visitado mi youtube "channel". quien?
le di mi username a la ninaque esta en mi first per.
no se que decir.
el que se sienta junto a M2 en sciencia es peor que el "sick bastard" . su "nickname" deveria ser otra cosa, pero...whatev.

ustedes tienen que ver nuestra belleza latina!!! yo no se cuantas quedan. 12? 9? 6?
tu madre.
que piensan de ivy queen?
que piensan de Daddy Yankee? Don Omar y el tienen un problema con each other. mi amiga M1, dice que don omar es mejor que daddy yankee. noooooooooooooooooooooooooooo. daddy yankee es mejor que don omar! que no ves?
a ver si puedo poner unos videos de don omar y daddy yankee en el ortro edicion de "gtbs"
mi mami esta aciendo bestidos para bailar de veracruz.
me dijo que a los ninos berinchudos [no lo escribi bien. :(] nadamas necesitan que los castigen, o les pegen.
todovia no se el poder magical que "danmyou'reslow" tiene. estoy curiosa. quiero saber que es. porque no me dicen?
mucha gente esta muy loca.
para los idiotas:
bad word glossary:
puto: fag.
puta: whore.
perra: bitch.
and many more.........................................
oh. se me olvido que tengo que escribir todo este post en espanol!!!
mi hermano, cuando dice "thinking" dice "finking". tiene un accento.
mi amiga D dice que yo soy annoying, pero en una manera chiztoza?
mi estupidez es muy chiztozo, no?
mi hermano esta jugando con legos.
sabado gigante is watched by all. very sad. mi favorita parte es "Cuatro Para Las Cuatro, Con La Cuatro" muy chiztozo. :)
recuerdas el incidente de sal de uvas? 2 idiotas pensaron que era crack!
M1 me dijo que hay muchos nombres de drogas. ella ve muchas novellas. tambien es de texas.
mi maestra de language arts me dijo hoy que yo voy a cer un tatoo artist! M1ijo que si tambien.

Don Omar vs Daddy Yankee

viva mi musica.
note to fftl: plz cut your hair.
up yours.
note to D: watch charlie the unicorn!!!
adios, otravez.


Tuesday, April 17, 2007

shun the non believers... shuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuun...

why do they always send the Pope?

if you do not understand the title and the line above, plz go click on some gtbs links until you get it. this has nothing to do with religion. it has to do with *left blank on purpose*

anyway, hola. como estan todos? blah blah blah.
other gals are being nicer to me than usual... [not that they despise me because of weirdness, or they just in general hate me. these people are definatly not bitches. they're ok. decent. nice. but, everyone has their moments.] at first i was like, "we only have a few classes together and only talk occasionally, about blah things. wtf is going on? some new rumor's going around, huh." some of them know people who are friends with the bitches i hate... the fact that their friends are acting nicer and stuff is because of... well, they are friends with... well, its not because i'm nice or a good person. someone has been telling them something... or the person who told someone something told someone else, who, in turn, told everyone else that she knew, or the person just told everyone and advised them to spread the word. OR: someone told someone, the last someone told her, and she told friends. yeah. i guess that's what happened. am i close?

something funny [not funny "XD, weird, and wtf?: damnyou'reslow. every time we see you, you are surrounded by girls. wtf? there are always at least 2 by your side. WTF? you're not hot.
of that, i am sure. you dont even have great hair. in my opinion, off course.
note to the world that the world seriously needs to read: damnyou'reslow. he walks slow. hence "damnyou'reslow". he has like, shoulder length died black hair. he's a cracker. is he incredibly nice to all girls? does he have some magic we havent seen? oh well. its still very wierd that he's followed around by girls. or maybe they're all his friends? i dont buy it. i think he might have some sort of magical girl attracting quality. you must think i'm f&cked up. oh well.

por favor go here for some serious SOAD info and stuff.
LYRICS TO BYOB fresh from their website, i copied and paste-ed.

Why do they always send the poor

Barbarisms by Barbaras
With pointed heels
Victorious victories kneel
For brand new spankin' deals

Marching forward hypocritic and
Hypnotic computers
You depend on our protection
Yet you feed us lies from the tablecloth

Everybody's going to the party have a real good time
Dancing in the desert blowing up the sunshine

Kneeling roses disappearing into
Moses' dry mouth
Breaking into Fort Knox stealing
Our intentions

Hangers sitting dripped in oil
Crying freedom
Handed to obsoletion
Still you feed us lies from the tablecloth

Everybody's going to the party have a real good time
Dancing in the desert blowing up the sunshine

Everybody's going to the party have a real good time
Dancing in the desert blowing up the sunshine

Blast off
It's party time
And we don't live in a fascist nation

Blast off
It's party time
And where the fuck are you?

Where the fuck are you?
Where the fuck are you?

Why don't presidents fight the war?
Why do they always send the poor?

Why don't presidents fight the war?
Why do they always send the poor?

Why do they always send the poor?
Why do they always send the poor?
Why do they always send the poor?

Kneeling roses disappearing into
Moses' dry mouth
Breaking into Fort Knox stealing
Our intentions

Hangers sitting dripped in oil
Crying freedom
Handed to obsoletion,
Still you feed us lies from the tablecloth

Everybody's going to the party have a real good time
Dancing in the desert blowing up the sunshine

Everybody's going to the party have a real good time
Dancing in the desert blowing up the sun

Where the fuck are you?
Where the fuck are you?

Why don't presidents fight the war?
Why do they always send the poor?

Why don't presidents fight the war?
Why do they always send the poor?

Why do they always send the poor?
Why do they always send the poor?
They always send the poor
They always send the poor

random thoughts. and stuff. boring. do not read. unless you're D.
  • i have found my fftl heroine cd. YAY!!!
  • whenever i'm at home, i wear my hair down.
  • i made a skeleton thing with a group, and it is/was awesome, and totally in color, and i told M2 that that was the one my group's skeleton thing, and she didnt buy it. i actually really did make it. with my group.
  • i havent done my homework.
  • i have news for D, but i'm to lazy to pick up the phone and dial her number.
  • to D: something went wrong but not wrong. it has to do with nf. email me. you have to know.
  • i utterly despise the sick bastardly fag M2 sits next to in science class. he called me a little fucking boy. what the fuck? do i look like a little boy? look at me. no, i do not. ask warrior, lemon, nf, my family, et cetera. i have hated you for quite some time now. so sad that someone i know likes you. his name is fred. dont give me any shit about me telling you what my opinion is of you to your face. if i do you'll give me some cheap insult. i am very people-shy, and will probably mutter a curse. then you'll make up some shit about me, my mom, or something. i dont need any shit coming from anyone. you make fun of people, but have you ever looked in a mirror?
  • utterly means the same as totally, right? que te puedo decir? i am of beaner origin.
  • i need to do my homework.
  • i have to go. "charlie...charlie...charlie...charlie...we're on a bridge!" "a magical bridge of wonder"
the charlie the unicorn vid is the best. i have seen i i dont know how many times.

adios world. i hope i am dead before you die. admit it. you hear the world is coming to an end, and stuff, and you're thinking--i hope i die before that happens.---

death to fall out boy!!! but especially pete wenz. my hatred for him runs deep. :)
note to fftl: i know you'll never read this, but could you guys plz get hair cuts? just a few inches. seriously. its kinda looooooooong now. and your awesome hair record, well, its been broken.

shut up. i know i'm weird. at least i'm not a nerdy deli ripper. like you guys.
***you nerds are STILL deli rippers***

Monday, April 16, 2007

firefox/edit/Welcome to Gaby's Titled Blah Show!!! (idontevenknow...VI???)

i just installed/downloaded firefox, and it's WAAAAAAAAAAAAY better than internet explorer. its faster. seriously, this program ROCKS!!! ***firefox has been added to the "i love" list.****

hola. como estan todos? i was gone for a few days, wasnt i ???

this post will be finished later.

hi. i'm BACK. like you care.
i am on youtube at the same time that i'm on blogger. on one window!!! el mundo piensa que estoy loca... :(

should i do gtbs today??? yeah. wtfru?

Welcome Viewers. to the 6th "episode" of GTBS.

the first vid i have for el mundo today is... CHARLIE THE UNICORN GOES TO CANDY MOUNTAIN. "CANDY MOUNTAIN, CHARLIE!!!"
i found out about charlie the pissed off unicorn from the girl i sit next to in 1st per.
hilarious video. if you havent seen it yet, wtf are you waiting for???
vid: charlie the pissed off unicorn goes to candy moutain
audio: charlie the pissed off unicorn goes to candy mountain

here is some
system of a down
they rock.
furiously demanding that you BRING YOUR OWN BOMBS
someone once said F&CK THE SYSTEM
i have a QUESTION!!! for you...

here is some from first to last
they also rock. but more than SOAD...
dear diary, i recommend that you [chipmunk version. dance if you're crazy version] RIDE THE WINGS OF PESTILENCE
it was the funniest thing i ever saw. it was a ONE ARMED BOXER VS. THE FLYING GUILLOTINE can you guess who won? [prison break shit. do not actually watch. put this on, and work on homework, or something else on a different window.]
i have a serious NOTE TO SELF: stop watching mtv. if you hate it so much, why are you watching it??? [dude, they play, like, 0 music at all. just stupid shows. and i cant stop. there is nothing else to watch.... they took FUSE away... :( and F/X, and other channels.]
"RIDE THE WINGS OF PESTILENCE!!! is an awesome song!!!"screamed gaby on a sugar rush, as her siblings made fun of her... [this hasn't happened yet... "gaby, stop lying!!!" the world exclaimed loudly...]
"maybe i look like an outlaw, plz. do not KISS ME. I'M CONTAGIOUS. seriously, i have a cold/the flu."
"you were always anemone, i cant believe you crapped in my eye" XD not actual lyrics for SECRETS DON'T MAKE FRIENDS!!! other: some advice: SECRETS DON'T MAKE FRIENDS
warning: the link for secrets dont make friends are the same.
sonny singing RUDOLD THE RED NOSED RAINDEER. as you can see, the (as you guys refer to us sometimes,) ladies like guys who have great hair [if you do not see how sonny moore has nice hair, wtf is wrong with you?], and can SING. they/we all went crazy. trust me. so did i. even though i wasnt actually there. i was here, at home. searching for "fftl" on youtube.[what can i say? i was bored.] i didnt actually scream, but i was like, i wish i was there... but noooooooooooooooo i dont live in... whereever it is that happened, and sonny left fftl for some solo electronica shit. ofcourse, this had to happen. fftl's new cd is going to totally kick ass.
its a SHAME SHAME that i have school tomorrow.

here is some taking back sunday
they're ok, i guess. catchy songs that get stuck in my freak'in head... my brother also thinks their ok. thanx to me, he has better taste in music than most seven year olds. YAY!!!
i want you to MAKE DAMN SURE you dont piss me off.
(better song than MakeDamnSure)dont be a f*cking LIAR (IT TAKE ONE TO KNOW ONE)

here is some underoath
the world gave me some great advice: "ITS DANGEROUS BUSINESS WALKING OUT YOUR FRONT DOOR"
you are not going to believe this. my sister is WRITING ON THE WALLS

here is some my chemical romance

here is some afi
GIRLS NOT GREY no really, she's not. fine. dont believe me. i dont care. *does* [first afi song i ever heard.]
GIRL'S NOT GREY colorless.
KILL CAUSTIC interpretation. funny. watch. NOW!!! "grow old-bah! who'd want to?"
dont make MISS MURDER mad, because she will kill you.

here is some saosin

adios. i must go....now.

-gaby wtfru???

Saturday, April 14, 2007

feliz dia de bleach!!! (NEW: randomthoughtsbygaby: now 25% wierder!!! NOT.)

happy bleachday!!!! did we all watch bleach? no? oh. poor unfortunate child.
today, unfortunatley, i cant do gtbs. tomorrow. i'll do it tomorrow.
as you can see from the title, my random thoughts now come 25% wierder. yes. but do not worry, only selected posts will be 25% wierder. by 25% wierder i mean that i will (maybe. might change my freaking mind...) i will have strange conversations--- not only with the "world", but with myself. i know!!! it will totally be 25% wierder!!! actually, this was a stupid idea, never mind.


i am very bored, and would rather be watching blood plus right now, but the remote is gone, and there are many reasons why i am going to have to watch it at 12:30 pm, pacific.

bored, bored. i have no school monday. YAY!

bored, bored... D told moi in a recent phone call (yes. i talk on and on and on the phone. everyone does.) that the crack/sal de uvas story was hilarious, and that a country laughed... plz do not ask...

she also said that my blog is sometimes funny because i say things a certain way... is it?
i do not know.

great article: THE MEXICAN talks about... find out yourself.

great musica: fftl- the one armed boxer vs. the flying guillotine; note to self; and kiss me, i'm contagious.

me odias?

"si." the world answered.


"you're really annoying, and

Friday, April 13, 2007

i have no school today!!! YAY!!! (***plz ignore the latest "YAY!!!" thanx.)

hola paco, ese, world, et cetera. como estan todos??? yo estoy mas o menos. :0

here is something weird: D hasnt killed me yet... or has she? has she called people, and made up shit??? plz, no. plz!!!

i stayed after school yesterday with people. did i tell you this yesterday? because i dont remember. my brother and sisters are at school. and now they are home. wow. sthat vas fvast. \

i have been reflecting on my life a lot lately. something that stays in my mind is: mi musica!!! always. (tm) wtf is wrong with me? at the corner of my mind there is always this thing reminding me about music at the randomest times. i wish my mp3 player had batteries. and that i had head phones. (they all broke/got lost) :(

i have absolutly nothing interesting to say. so i will talk about myself in a very zen way.

hey. i have nothing to say. so, here's somethings about me.
i hate "gangsters". if you're joking, i laugh. if you're serious, we will mimic that way you walk and make fun. of you. (if you're nice, i might not care... depends.)
(now that i am trying to be zen, the voice i am showing through my writing isnt very zen. so i will stop.)

i hate bitchy people.

i hate posers. (if you're nice, i dont care.)

i hate pochos. you know, mexicans with the mark of the native on their forehead, refusing to speak their native language, dressing like crackers? speaking english and not teaching their kids spanish/native language? they make me and my family SICK.

i hate haters. they hate. hate somewhere else. dont go where the fans are and hate there. form hate clubs and hate from there.

i love chocolate

i think this is good: people who tell the truth as much as they can. but not freakishly honest. scares me.

i love annoying my friends. its very fun. i hope i have never gone too far. i try not to.

i love google.

i love youtube
my mind isnt made up about MySpace. YourSpace. whatev.

i love music.

i hate people who hate you because they dont understand. i try to only hate if i get it, or have a good reason.

i love fftl's music.

i hate sonny moore's solo shit. (no offense...)

i love mcr's old music.

i hate their new cd. it sucks.

i love the fact that i can post mi musica and spanish reggaeton, without anyone thinking its weird.

i love good music videos that tell you something

i hate bad music videos that ruin the song.

i love being able to post this.

i hate the fact that some people are ignorant, and refuse to inform themselves.

i love not caring about some things.

i hate the fact that i read a lot when i could be on the phone talking to my people.

i love the music channel FUSE. especially when they play my music. they helped me know about bands.

i hate mtv's stupid TV shows.

i love... having fun with my brother and sisters. all of a sudden they attack me with rose petals that had been rubbed on my sister's feet. i was disgusted, and ran. but it was fun and funny. we fool around a lot. once my sister and my brother were calling each other names, and i enter, and go "you're a piece of crap, NO, you're a piece of crap." in a funny voice, and they stop fighting and laugh. then i leave and watch TV, and they go back to their little game. :)

i hate that i have to go.

i love this song: ***** and this song, even though they are some angry chipmonks. :)
MyBlog that was a stupid link.

the reason i freaked out about D killing me, is because she knows WAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAY tooooo much, and she will destroy me.

remember that ring i told you about? wasnt that story awesome???

adios, ese.
i cant believe i just had a king size HERSHEY'S MILK CHOCOLATE WITH ALMONDS.
i havent eaten lunch. can that count as lunch??? cause i dont think i can eatwhatever it is i can have for lunch. my lunch is ruined. oh well. that's what i get for being addicted to chocolate.

ps: if you hate me, and my weirdness, think about how normal i am because i am wierd because everyone else is "normal" but wierd, and i am wierd but "normal". muchas gracias for nothing, i have to go clean my room.
adios, again.

Thursday, April 12, 2007


ey, ese, que pasa?
Hello ladies and gentlemen
I'm glad you've graced me with your presence
You're in time to see me wrestle with my conscience

awesome songs.
so many things to talk about... lets begin with the story of sal de uvas:
once upon a time, there were 3 girls that gaby knows. their "names" are: N, the A girl, and M4. M4 took sal de uvas to school, [what sal de uvas is] in little tiny plastic bags. that made it appear as if it was crack. the A girl told dos idiotas that it was a drug, and one of them started to snort it up his nose.

i will finsh this unfinished post l8er.

does anyone think the sal de uvas thing is funny? no? i will explain l8er.
ps: D's nickname is waRRioR, and D's sister d's nickname is Lemon. plz dont ask. :)
well. im BACK. ey, ese.
WTFRU??? seriously, wtfru??? WHERE ARE YOU???
im boring you to death...

anyway, isnt the crack/sal de uvas story hilarious? i mean, this retard thinks its crack, and snorts it. and since its supposed to be dissolved in water, it probably felt weird. this happend tuesday. or monday. i wasnt there. N told me. then, yesterday, M4 tried snorting it. she said it was fizzy or something. i didnt really pay attention. ***gaby doesnt do drugs, and never will***

oh, here's something that pissed me off. this stupid bitch. i did nothing to her, and she has a problem with me. she was acting all "high and mighty" in the class i have with her, and i simply said, "dont be a bitch" i think she heard me. i hope she heard me. and several other people heard me, too. :) they looked at me wierd. the thought of this makes me smile. then, after other people went in support of their friend, i was like, saying fondly, "oh, how i hate you all" and this very nice girl was all 'hate me 2???' but didnt say anything, and, i do not hate you. you are very nice. when my cell phone suddenly rang in class because some stupid person called me, you were like, 'did someone call you? see who it is' all nice and stuff. i dont think any1 hates you. im the kind of person who remembers the nice people and never forgets the what should i call them, big fat meenies. i still remember that when i was around 3 or 4 years old, a horse named june bug died, and my dad told me that they had turned her into sausages, and i bought it!!! i didnt eat sausages for many years, until my mom finally was like, 'june bug died'. and i was like, 'oh. WHY DIDNT ANYONE TELL ME???' as you can see, i was very gullible. yes i was.

wtf is up??? people in general are so weird, that i think i might just scream. wtf is wrong with everyone??? anyway, quick update:
D has a boyfriend!!!
M2 has been acting very bitchy lately and i have told her so, and i asked N what she thought, and she sort of agreed with me. what is up, M2???
M1 had detention 2day.
L... what happened with L??? she's in track!!! yay!!!
GABY: absolutly nothing that i would like to tell you about because i dont wanna. you can guess...

i lied about D, because i know she is reading this, and i know she is going to be pissed because i told the world, and she's going to prank call me, and use things against me, and call someone, and make a bunch of shit up that the person she calls will totally believe.


plz dont kill me...D... plz? if you spare me, i will shut the f up about anything happening to you, and will not announce it to the world... (dude, she's a black belt, and she knows tooooooooooooooooooooo much. i shouldnt have told her!!! oh well)

i have 2 go...
-gaby/sprite/et cetera, you know the rest.
PS: i still have no internet friends... why? you ask? because no one ever sends me a comment, that's why. its all your fault. that, and i dont make any videos.

*note to D: plz dont kill me...


Monday, April 9, 2007

andy's crayola crayon

the title is stupid. ignore.

guess what!!!

"que quieres? estoy queriendo ver tele. dejame en paz." the world said.

i have finally come up with a nickname for D!!!

"cuando vas a entender que no me importa?"

its WaRriOr !!! :D soy un genio.


here is a video i would like you to see.
vid. its level of stupidity is dangerously high.

***una nota para los estupidos: awesomehair isnt in any of my classes. mmmmmmmkay?

N told me about a sad song/vid by Aventura. i looked for it, but found nothing. whats the name of the song???

M1 thinks Ivy Queen is a guy. do u think Ivy Queen is a guy???
here is a vid: que lloren
i really dont know... is she a he??? is he a she??? personally, i think she's a she. nails are tooo long, but whatev.

this songs rox. i have said this many times.
this video was found next to 2.3(?) somethings of crack cocaine, and a suicide note, in the home of Serj Something. kinda funny. i knew he was on crack. they did this interview on Fuse, *sniff, tears slowly go down face* i dont get Fuse anymore. :( but i get mtv and mtv2. WTF.

i despise mtv. mtv2 is a little better, because sometimes they ACTUALLY play music. but both channels suck because of all those pointless, boring me to death, shows. so, lately, instead of getting my daily dose of music from fuse, i have been watching cartoons and comedy central a lot. sometimes there's nothing on, and i have no books that i havent read at least 5 times, and i have been called/ have called most of my friends, and i know whats going on, and i have nothing to do, i watch whatever the hell is on food network. gaby/sprite can cook. since i was nine, i have been cooking by myself. i dont do recipes. all food network does is give me techniques and ways of cooking. its an art. ONE THING I CANT DO: warm tortillas on el comal, until they are crispy. yeah. i cant do that. they burn, and the place i live in is filled with smoke. my family starts coughing like crazy, and i get glared at. and yelled at for burning them, yet again. its actually very sad.

this song rocks: 777 if u watch the vid. you will get the triple 7's.

i must go.

long live fftl. and the chipmuncks.
-Sprite/gaby/lazee crazee/missmuseonFUsed/other

i have a strange NEW obsession with fast music. that has been made fast. :)

Sunday, April 8, 2007


hola. something weird: people think that going to a mexican restraunt, namely Juan Colorado's (my dad knows the owner... of, like, 3 mexican restraunts....) and ordering food, and then not finishing it, and then ordering a little white box to put the leftovers in is what old people do. WTF??? we do that. its just food. what, you' re going t throw away some perfectly good fajitas just so you dont look old? wtf??? that doesnt make any sense. i am happy to say that we dont ever finish our mexican food from mexican restraunts. and that we proudly take home the left overs. and then we eat them later or the next day. AY NO!!! we have broken a oldpeopleonly rule!!! AY NO!!! you think i care?

"actually, i can tell from your tone that you, in fact, do not give a shit." the world mused.


fftl songs: the one armed boxer versus the flying guillotine, note to self, and kiss me i'm contagious.
fftl songs: emily (kinda shrill.), ride the wings of pestilence. thats it...

rudolf the red nosed raindeer by sonny moore before christmassacre. great voice. excellent voice.

ok, now scroll down, go to gtbs, and watch all of the videos on there.

all my homeowrk is done! i now understand what XD means. at first, i was like, WTF? omg. i just remembered. im supposed to be watching mind of mencia!!!

lazee crazee wishes you a happy easter.

Saturday, April 7, 2007

Welcome to gaby's titled blah show!!! (V)/i dont care anymore.

hola. como estan todos? today i have a chipmunck/squirrel special!!! enjoy. each time i lisen to them, in my mind i see a band of squirrels playing!!!
Squirrel/Chipmunck Mode
ride the wings of pestilence the best one.

OUR LADY OF SORROWS FAST!!!! WOO HOO!!! actual song is awesome.
im not ok (te prometo) funny. helium?
its not a fashion statement, its a f***ing deathwish and some other song i care nothing for.
"...this hole you put me, wasnt deep enough..."
the jetset life is going to kill you. about drugs. it will kill you. "...check into the hotel 'bella muerte'..." (bella muerte=beautiful death in italian. no one told me, i just know. i dont speak any italiano either. i just know, you know?)
give 'em hell, kid. give them hell. "...we are made from the sharpest things you say..."
helena funny. great song. muchas estrellas.

byob fast!!! Serj is on crack? i already knew. the band is of armenian descent, that explains the name "Serj". good name. my friends think my name is too "formal". wtf? not gaby. my actual name, gabriela.
Question! fast!!! sounds as if the are actually chipmuncks/ squirrels.

Lip Gloss and blak FAST!!! "...arent you tired of eating wheat?, a tree said you could scream..."
(you must be thinking "wheat"? a "tree said"? WTF???!!! relax. not actual lyrics.) only atreyu i could find. :(
mcr, fftl, and chiodos fast muchas estrellas. the last song is f***ed up.
musica 1
musica 2
you will lisen to that if you know whats good for you.

our lady of sorrows i have life on the murder scene.

bleeding mascara "does my marrow taste of sweetness...sweetness...SWEETNESS!!!"

Actual Real Music Video Mode
note to self emotional song. really gets to you if your deep-ish. (am i deep? some of my friends think so. am i??? *questions self*) dont start with your "emo" shit. dont. start.
the latest plague (i spelled "plague" right!!! YES!!!) the drummer's hair, derek bloom's hair, is nice. i prefered it red, though. but what do they care. i like the "making of" trailer from their site. muchas estrellas.

Ex's and Oh's first song of Atreyu i heard. "get away from me."
Lip Gloss and Black "I AM AUNT SUE!!!" that what it sounds like he's screaming!!! "such rage that you could scream" = "a tree said you could scream".
"andy's crayola crayon!!!" if you dont get it, wtf is wrong with u???

not music
DID YOU KNOW??? eye opener.
did u know? music isnt that good. turn the volume WAAAAAAAAAAYYYY down, for your own sake. but really interesting *muchas estrellas*

i do not care anymore. i do not care if i let slip something that people i know besides D will find "interesting" and discuss. i do not care. anymore. i have important things to say, but dont post them because of fear of someone reading and totally misunderstanding. i dont care anymore. if you are that stupid, its your problem. if i post something, and you think it means something that it may or may not mean, i dont care. i will simply *the finger* flip you off through this blog. :) estoy cansada.

the person i refer to as "awesomehair" didnt move away after all. YAY! i was extremely excited about this. ask D. i repeatedly txted her about this.
i have a strange obsession with fast songs. this has just been relized just now.
"emily" by fftl is kinda shrill. ohhhhhhhhhhh. i just said sonny moore's voice sounded shrill. the fans will kill me. admit it. its shrill.
i enjoy "i will destroy you" music. such as: bury me in black, ride the wings of pestilence, et cetera. no comprendes? bury me in black is where i call you and tell you that i wanna seewhat your inside look like, motherf*cker. ride the wings of pestilence is where i kill you and hide you in my walls, your body is never found, and i wear your skin as a suit pretend to be you, and your friends like you more than they used to. i, of course, could never kill anyone. after killing a fly, i felt really bad. also when i killed a spider. my conscience was like "you just took a life." dude. my conscience is strong. unless they deserve it. i can and have gotten revenge. :) great revenge.

i have to go.
-Sprite (nickname made up by: D. it will not stick.)

Friday, April 6, 2007

*angry screaming* "SWEETNESS!!!"

hola. como estan todos??? where did i suddenly sign off yesterday??? [slowsongandvideowierd plz, for your own sake, do not watch. gracias. ]

yesterday i left off at "gangstas". wtf. there are no "gangstas". in my school. there are only few. and they dont go around, saying "im a gangsta!!!" they just are and are acknowledged as such. stupid people. is there anything more to say? will i go as far as calling them posers??? would i dare??? yes. i will. ifyougoaroundsayingyouareagangster,andyouarenot,youareaposer. :D it has been said. dont give me any of that "i can touch the ground, man" shit. just because you walk funny and touch the ground with your left hand, does not make u a "gangster". me and my friends make fun of people who walk like that. im serious. we have walked behind them and copied their "i can touch the ground, man." walks. actually, i just watch and laugh and only 2 of my friends copy the person. the rest of them observe and comment. its very funny if the person being copied turns around to see what is going on and we all act innocent and stop talking. they dont buy it. are we still not clear??? i will sort of put it into terms you can "understand" yo, you aint nothing. stop playin. i am a very bad english slang speaker. as you can see. oh well. you are nothing. stop posing. :

angry chipmuncks

D, have u gotten and read the txts i sent you???

bored, bored. what to talk about next. arent sped up songs hilarious?
title: if you do not understand the title, wtf is wrong with you? nothing. if you understand the title, it means you are weird, like myself. if you are, join the "club". there is no one but me there because i am the only one who admits to being wierd. this is very sad. like "note to self".
*********** is back!!! *********** didnt move away!!!! YAY!

world, can i ask you a question?


why does tofu have the same texture as mexican cheese?

"i cant tell you. top secret."
its true. same texture. i know.

bored, bored, you, D, are probably bored to death right now--- dont worry, i will attend your funeral. and then get kicked out because i was the cause of boring you 2 death. perfecto.
remember the sub. that thought i was italian? wasnt that funny? ugh.
********** didnt move away!!! YAY! L did something very stupid this last week. but i cannot say. she will kill me. no me crees??? do you have any idea how fast she can move and how sharp her nails are??? do you? she will throw her shoes at me if it comes to a chase. maybe even through her hair thing at me. then scream out all she has on me. and make a few stuff up. i am completely serious. i will not tell the world what L did. nunca. also, it would be betraying of trust, and blah blah blah. bored, bored. its safe to say that M1 skipped today because of pig heart disections in her science class, right?

"yeah. i wont tell anyone." the world assured me.

i dont really like victory records. they suck. but some of their bands dont. victory records is pretending to be nonmainstream, and not rich, when it is. annoys people. OH!!! ********** didnt move away!!! YES!!! shut up, D. youre probably laughing right now because i keep bringing it up, and are going to tell me how stupid i am on el telefono. i am going to say it again. *********** didnt move away, yay! ya se. soy pathedica. (spelled wrong) OH! Jess showed me some 10 commantments of mcrfan. i agreed with several of them. #3 was something like this: "thou shalt seek revenge on all those who wrong you" amen.

i have read my post on yesterday. seems i have lost my touch. i am boring. i have no voc. (voice.) *pretends to care* remember, this is MY blog. i can say whevere the f*** i want. :)
i have figured out the reason i cant embed vidz. from youtube. they only embed to ghay myspace. remember? that vid. on one of the gtbs "episodes"?
and now, Musica. a great thing. i dont know what anyone would do without musica. the world would go even more insane than it is now. all would be bad chaos. not good chaos. RTOC is good chaos. nota: si tu no sabes que RTOC es, wtf is wrong with you???
im guessing someone was played?
song #2 is kinda weird...
personally, i prefer
*purevolume is part of unborn media or something.
forget purevolume. the only play the music they want to play. i want bleeding mascara, but noooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooo.

Ex's and Oh's
Bleeding Mascara
youtube is better than you.

and now, to close, i leave you with:
1person that i cant say on internet
2yesterday's bastards. dont get wierd. they didnt say anything 2 me, in my face. i would have slapped their facial skin off. they were idiotas and deserve to be embarrased somehow.
*advice* watch yourself. i will get you back somehow. i cant beat anyone up on school grounds... go to the park!!! we will be waiting. bwa ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha... by we i mean: a black belt, a tough short person with sharp nails, a tough texan-raised girl who can FIGHT, me, another person who can throw you far, N. N can make something up and slowly spread it through the "system", et cetera. :)
"ghosts are now waiting for you... are you dreaming..."

Thursday, April 5, 2007

especial post!!!

hola. como estan todos? i have soooo much to say... lets begin with

Cell Phone Photography:

this is a piece i would like to call... "The Tree At Night, That One time When M1 Came and L, M1, and I Went To The Park" you cant see it, can you? oh well. when i figure out how to upload images on here i will post a pic. of me, L, and my sister that D took on her cell phone in negative. it looks awesome. our faces are blue!!! my hair is awesome in that pic. :(
guess what? yesterday, i walked home from school the long way because 2 idiotic bastards were being sick idiotic bastards. i will not go into details. they are younger than me, so i really wanted to flip them off and insult their mothers, but i really wanted to get home... so... i owe you one!!! beware. i have friends... so what if they are girls. they can beat the motherf*cking shit out of you in 5 minutes. after we catch you. we can run fast, too. bwah ha ha ha ha. no, seriously, be very aware. i have no idea wtf your name is... but be aware. surround yourself with people. have many witnesses. we wont attack unless ur alone.
jess now has a gmail. YAY!
hi D!!! how art thou? isnt this post boring??? D told me that the posts that talk about stupid people and how they piss me off are funny. she said most of my posts bored her to sleep. oh well.
WTF: in la escuela, people are acting very weird. for example, this stupid "emo" thing. when will it end??? most people say someone else is "emo" because of hair... in face... wtf??? actually, sometimes some people do go over board, and hairinface makes them look like shit. (on south park, "shit" is a cursed word. brings on the black death. ??? or, as it was called WAAY back then, the plauge. reminds me of the latest plauge. what is th3 lat3st plaug3, y0u ask??? think about it.) [here is an example of hair in face being a good thing: *** i happened to be lisening/watching the vid/song at the time i am writing this. you dont see it??? oh well. sonny acts effeminate in this vid. kinda funny.] the example of hair in face when it is not good is in the last "episode" of gtbs. if you are not lazy, its the one where i say something about an idiota horribly lip singing or something.
hell no. i just found something horrible. byob w/ pictures of those stupid blond twins all over the mags my sister has. ugh. i feel sick. byob does not belong with those pics. if u do not know wtf byob is, youre hopeless. awesomeheadbanging
anyway, now youre "emo" if someone who "knows" says you "are". wtf. no one has called me that so far... thanx... but still... wtf??? in my opinion, you have problems if you think calling someone "emo" is funny. especially if they actually cut themselves. dont make it worse. i have officially repeated myself to the max.
WTF: "gangstas". wtf. there are NO gangsters in my

Monday, April 2, 2007

title: inventa uno. yo no se!!! there are many typos in "El Dador" (the giver) in spanish.

tell me something i dont know.

"your book report is due tomorrow..." the world informed me.

(silence.) (long pause.) shit.

anything else?

"you have tons of science homework. that you didnt do in class because SOMEONE (you) was talking."



**** i have noticed that being "emo" is all about the hair in your face. people have been getting hair cuts, for that reason??? WTF!

advice: never, ever, flip someone off and shake your fist at them. at the same time. makes you look like a retard.

Sunday, April 1, 2007

wtf???/Welcome to Gaby's Titled Blah Show!!! (IV) [its a 2 in 1. aaaahhhhhhhhh!!!!!!!]

hola. como estan todos. something that makes me go "wtf?!!!" :
-the fact that drinking "diet lipton green tea with citrus natural favors naturally protective AOXtm antioxidants 72mg of flaviniod antioxidants per serving 16.9 FL OZ 500 ML" makes me cold. wtf?
-the fact that mass in english at st. cyril's went wrong. how did it go wrong, you ask?

"i never asked! i dont want to know!!!" the world said, worry-ing.

well, here is a list. since you want to know so badly.
  1. we could only stand it for exactly...38 minutes. shame on us. i am completely serious.
  2. they were mean. (thats a stupid thing 2 say...)
  3. there werent enough chairs. :( im done. this is boring beyond... trying to watch an episode of the stupid, retarded "power rangers" i hate them. the show's "special effects" suck. even more than that old '60's scifi shows that i have seen comercials for.

Continueing w/ wtf:

- why do people consider "surfers" anyone with blond hair? wtf? does everyone w/ blond hair surf? i dont think so. as proof, i can assure you that Jess cant surf. or she can, and has never told anyone. i dont know. i will ask her.

-today is sunday!!! new season of mind of mencia!!! woo hoo!!! how is this wtf? material???

-i have school 2morrow. wtf!!!

-i find the book, you know, the one about some orphan??? classic? not "Great Expectations", but by the same author, Charles Dickenson or something... whats it called, the main character's name is oliver twist... well, that book, very boring. its overdue at the library and i cant make myself read it, even if i am REALLY bored. wtf???


Welcome to Gaby's Titled Blah Show!!! today i have decided to do videos for the same song!!! woo hoo!!!

Atreyu: Bleeding Mascara

Cheese Version "ITS MY BARREL!!! back off bitches"

Atreyu Logo i tried to get a pic. of the logo from google. i copied. it refused to paste. :(

Final Fantasy X2 kinda boring.

FanVid. Reminds me of something M2 would make.

Bleeding Mascara With Lyrics For Those Who Do Not Understand What They Are Saying

Some Idiota Lip Sings. I Hate Him. People Would Consider Him A "Surfer" Because Of The Stupid Hair In His Face. doesnt even know how to lip sing....

Windows Movie Maker Vid

next song, plz.

From First to Last: Ride the Wings of Pestilence

Actual Vid. i think La Llorona is in there. very interesting vid. if you know the legend. i did an expository on her for spanish class. spanish class is really easy! :) "i'll hide you in my walls. your body, will never be found. i'll WEAR your skin as a SUIT, pretend to be you, your friendswilllikeyoumorethantheyusedto..."

Ride the Wings of Pestilence a' la' Piano good. see. it COULD have been "classical music".

En Vivo decent. i didnt get to see the whole vid. because it takes too long to load.

Special Stick Figure Edition horrible timing. dont watch if really bad timing pisses you off.

Final Fantasy (Dutch) Awesome Fighting. you will find, under "1 week ago" missmuseonFUsed saying "awesome. :)". yeah. that was me... i forgot to add the "c" to the name thing. i was planning for it to be "missmuseconFUsed" but, i forgot. oh well.

YOU HAVE TO WATCH THIS hilarious. sonny sounds like an angry mouse who spent too much time trying to imitate donald duck. the screams are even funnier. it sounds like travis ritcher is a mouse being tortured endlessly. or the "chipmuncks".

En vivo II bad sound but good vid.

slowed down again...appearantly they sound like chipmuncks on crack. i wouldnt know.

special stick figure edition. really good. perfect timing.

ride the wings... slowed down DAMMIT!!! i cant find the damn video!!! wtf!!!! i MUST WATCH IT!!!! they say its really funny!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!11

ride the wings...sped up, and lip "sinc"ed to. ok.

another stick figure edition. funny. the little brother wondering what the hell was in his walls.

The Used: Take it Away

black. no pictures. "you know i hate light."

en vivo. warped tour. '04.

lip singers. estan mas locas que yo.

bleach. brought to you by: shonjen beat!

im really bored... i should have gone bike riding... i should have done the dishes... i should have gone somewhere. still bored. ughh.


Death To Fall Out Boy

death to fall out boy

not as good as killing fob

i hate fall out boy. pete is gay. i dont know about the rest.


-gaby. i hope no1 ever reads my blog. and no1 does. thanx! :D






Mind of Mencia is BACK!!! woo hoo!
