Monday, April 9, 2007

andy's crayola crayon

the title is stupid. ignore.

guess what!!!

"que quieres? estoy queriendo ver tele. dejame en paz." the world said.

i have finally come up with a nickname for D!!!

"cuando vas a entender que no me importa?"

its WaRriOr !!! :D soy un genio.


here is a video i would like you to see.
vid. its level of stupidity is dangerously high.

***una nota para los estupidos: awesomehair isnt in any of my classes. mmmmmmmkay?

N told me about a sad song/vid by Aventura. i looked for it, but found nothing. whats the name of the song???

M1 thinks Ivy Queen is a guy. do u think Ivy Queen is a guy???
here is a vid: que lloren
i really dont know... is she a he??? is he a she??? personally, i think she's a she. nails are tooo long, but whatev.

this songs rox. i have said this many times.
this video was found next to 2.3(?) somethings of crack cocaine, and a suicide note, in the home of Serj Something. kinda funny. i knew he was on crack. they did this interview on Fuse, *sniff, tears slowly go down face* i dont get Fuse anymore. :( but i get mtv and mtv2. WTF.

i despise mtv. mtv2 is a little better, because sometimes they ACTUALLY play music. but both channels suck because of all those pointless, boring me to death, shows. so, lately, instead of getting my daily dose of music from fuse, i have been watching cartoons and comedy central a lot. sometimes there's nothing on, and i have no books that i havent read at least 5 times, and i have been called/ have called most of my friends, and i know whats going on, and i have nothing to do, i watch whatever the hell is on food network. gaby/sprite can cook. since i was nine, i have been cooking by myself. i dont do recipes. all food network does is give me techniques and ways of cooking. its an art. ONE THING I CANT DO: warm tortillas on el comal, until they are crispy. yeah. i cant do that. they burn, and the place i live in is filled with smoke. my family starts coughing like crazy, and i get glared at. and yelled at for burning them, yet again. its actually very sad.

this song rocks: 777 if u watch the vid. you will get the triple 7's.

i must go.

long live fftl. and the chipmuncks.
-Sprite/gaby/lazee crazee/missmuseonFUsed/other

i have a strange NEW obsession with fast music. that has been made fast. :)

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