Tuesday, April 17, 2007

shun the non believers... shuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuun...

why do they always send the Pope?

if you do not understand the title and the line above, plz go click on some gtbs links until you get it. this has nothing to do with religion. it has to do with *left blank on purpose*

anyway, hola. como estan todos? blah blah blah.
other gals are being nicer to me than usual... [not that they despise me because of weirdness, or they just in general hate me. these people are definatly not bitches. they're ok. decent. nice. but, everyone has their moments.] at first i was like, "we only have a few classes together and only talk occasionally, about blah things. wtf is going on? some new rumor's going around, huh." some of them know people who are friends with the bitches i hate... the fact that their friends are acting nicer and stuff is because of... well, they are friends with... well, its not because i'm nice or a good person. someone has been telling them something... or the person who told someone something told someone else, who, in turn, told everyone else that she knew, or the person just told everyone and advised them to spread the word. OR: someone told someone, the last someone told her, and she told friends. yeah. i guess that's what happened. am i close?

something funny [not funny "XD, weird, and wtf?: damnyou'reslow. every time we see you, you are surrounded by girls. wtf? there are always at least 2 by your side. WTF? you're not hot.
of that, i am sure. you dont even have great hair. in my opinion, off course.
note to the world that the world seriously needs to read: damnyou'reslow. he walks slow. hence "damnyou'reslow". he has like, shoulder length died black hair. he's a cracker. is he incredibly nice to all girls? does he have some magic we havent seen? oh well. its still very wierd that he's followed around by girls. or maybe they're all his friends? i dont buy it. i think he might have some sort of magical girl attracting quality. you must think i'm f&cked up. oh well.

por favor go here for some serious SOAD info and stuff.
LYRICS TO BYOB fresh from their website, i copied and paste-ed.

Why do they always send the poor

Barbarisms by Barbaras
With pointed heels
Victorious victories kneel
For brand new spankin' deals

Marching forward hypocritic and
Hypnotic computers
You depend on our protection
Yet you feed us lies from the tablecloth

Everybody's going to the party have a real good time
Dancing in the desert blowing up the sunshine

Kneeling roses disappearing into
Moses' dry mouth
Breaking into Fort Knox stealing
Our intentions

Hangers sitting dripped in oil
Crying freedom
Handed to obsoletion
Still you feed us lies from the tablecloth

Everybody's going to the party have a real good time
Dancing in the desert blowing up the sunshine

Everybody's going to the party have a real good time
Dancing in the desert blowing up the sunshine

Blast off
It's party time
And we don't live in a fascist nation

Blast off
It's party time
And where the fuck are you?

Where the fuck are you?
Where the fuck are you?

Why don't presidents fight the war?
Why do they always send the poor?

Why don't presidents fight the war?
Why do they always send the poor?

Why do they always send the poor?
Why do they always send the poor?
Why do they always send the poor?

Kneeling roses disappearing into
Moses' dry mouth
Breaking into Fort Knox stealing
Our intentions

Hangers sitting dripped in oil
Crying freedom
Handed to obsoletion,
Still you feed us lies from the tablecloth

Everybody's going to the party have a real good time
Dancing in the desert blowing up the sunshine

Everybody's going to the party have a real good time
Dancing in the desert blowing up the sun

Where the fuck are you?
Where the fuck are you?

Why don't presidents fight the war?
Why do they always send the poor?

Why don't presidents fight the war?
Why do they always send the poor?

Why do they always send the poor?
Why do they always send the poor?
They always send the poor
They always send the poor

random thoughts. and stuff. boring. do not read. unless you're D.
  • i have found my fftl heroine cd. YAY!!!
  • whenever i'm at home, i wear my hair down.
  • i made a skeleton thing with a group, and it is/was awesome, and totally in color, and i told M2 that that was the one my group's skeleton thing, and she didnt buy it. i actually really did make it. with my group.
  • i havent done my homework.
  • i have news for D, but i'm to lazy to pick up the phone and dial her number.
  • to D: something went wrong but not wrong. it has to do with nf. email me. you have to know.
  • i utterly despise the sick bastardly fag M2 sits next to in science class. he called me a little fucking boy. what the fuck? do i look like a little boy? look at me. no, i do not. ask warrior, lemon, nf, my family, et cetera. i have hated you for quite some time now. so sad that someone i know likes you. his name is fred. dont give me any shit about me telling you what my opinion is of you to your face. if i do you'll give me some cheap insult. i am very people-shy, and will probably mutter a curse. then you'll make up some shit about me, my mom, or something. i dont need any shit coming from anyone. you make fun of people, but have you ever looked in a mirror?
  • utterly means the same as totally, right? que te puedo decir? i am of beaner origin.
  • i need to do my homework.
  • i have to go. "charlie...charlie...charlie...charlie...we're on a bridge!" "a magical bridge of wonder"
the charlie the unicorn vid is the best. i have seen i i dont know how many times.

adios world. i hope i am dead before you die. admit it. you hear the world is coming to an end, and stuff, and you're thinking--i hope i die before that happens.---

death to fall out boy!!! but especially pete wenz. my hatred for him runs deep. :)
note to fftl: i know you'll never read this, but could you guys plz get hair cuts? just a few inches. seriously. its kinda looooooooong now. and your awesome hair record, well, its been broken.

shut up. i know i'm weird. at least i'm not a nerdy deli ripper. like you guys.
***you nerds are STILL deli rippers***

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