Sunday, April 22, 2007


hey. FYI, this is a fast post.

"YAY! does this mean its also short?"


"YEEEEEEES!!! *does little dance.*"

i am going to inform you, the world, that i am going/supposed to be a dama for my cousin Anaisa's quinceanera!!! you never heard her name.

"nunca. who's name?"

anyway, i had to convince my dad 2 let moi. he doesnt seem to like the idea of me dancing the waltz or something with a guy. the dresses r going to be RED!!! YEEESS!!! arent red formal dresses awesome? my chambelan is going to be a cousin, or this guy who's parents r friends/ know each other and go WAAAY back. i'm not choosing him. i'm having my cousin pick who i'm dancing with. i really dont care. she already asked this middle son of my parent's friends/aquatences (spelled wrong. get over it.) to be my chambelan. i dont CARE who i DANCE WITH. nobody seems to understand. my sister was like, "do you like him?" hell no. wtf, sister #1? i told anaisa to pick because i SIMPLY DO NOT CARE. this is the third time someone has asked me to be a dama, and i said no the first 2 times. 4 the first 1, i would have had to go out of state for dancing lessons, and i couldnt. the second one was my cousin, and her's was going to be in mexico. it was done in mexico, but i didnt go. for the out of state on, i did go, and it was fun. thye had this great band who played soooooooo loudly, i forgot what they're called, but they are GOOD. at the end of the party, around 1 am, we wanted to pay them for 2 more hours, but the freaking neighbors were already pissed, so... (while we were there, i danced and met up with some cousins. girl cousins. we made a circle and danced 'til we literaly dropped. (i was also wearing heels... my feet were killing me.) this happened during the best part of ANY party, after everyone has eaten, the dad's and a few mom's are kinda wasted, and everyone is dancing, and kids dance so that they dont have to watch their dad dance in a really stupid way. [this happens at almost every good party{good parties are rare, in this time.}, my dad is known for dancing stupidly for the amusement of everyone.]
one thing is fo sho, the person that anaisa chooses for me is someone i have known for years, and most likely played with when i was a munchkin. my parents are going to be godparents of the "memories". little memory things... i'll explain some other time.

i hope your quinceanera rocks, and totally kicks ass, anaisa. sorry for posting your first name on the internet. :( "shame, shame on meeeeeeee." -fftl

more information for the world to know: my dad is giving me $100 dollars for shoes and the dress. do i need more? most likely, YES. he said he might give me $200.(in cash, bitch.) the crackers out there must think we are the cheapest of the cheap. oh well. we kind of are... well, im not cheap, but everyone knows that parents are always looking for "good deals" and embarrasing us until we are so red, we're starting to turn purple. true. me and my amigas have discussed this a few times. we swap stories.

everyone that has latin-american blood dances at great, awesome parties. it doesnt matter if the song they are playing isnt what you consider "tu musica". i danced when they played some wierd hip-hop thing (english) at the one out of state. even though i hated the song.

im sorry. sometimes you have to dance. i dont really go to dances, because they suck and no one's celebrating anything, and also because my m&d would be like, "hell no. u r not going to any dance. i dont need any of that 'im going with my friends' shit. you're not going, and that's that." i have never actually asked, but i already know what their reaction will be. i knew i had to almost-beg so that i can be a dama for my cousin. i did. i almost-begged.

tell anyone, and DIE. :D

no, deveras. no le digas a nadie.

"fiiine. i wont tell anyone, god."

ok. good. adios.

"adios. hey, when's the big party?"

august. great parties need planning.



ps: you nerds are still deli rippers.
this post was published at 11:14 pm

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

wow. that wasnt short at all. look at all those paragraphs. liar. it wasnt short. *note to self*-u forgot to do a rosario today..., u forgot to call your friend, and u didnt finish your homework that was DUE LAST THURSDAY, and u didnt send M1 the story...

-me, myself, and i