Friday, April 6, 2007

*angry screaming* "SWEETNESS!!!"

hola. como estan todos??? where did i suddenly sign off yesterday??? [slowsongandvideowierd plz, for your own sake, do not watch. gracias. ]

yesterday i left off at "gangstas". wtf. there are no "gangstas". in my school. there are only few. and they dont go around, saying "im a gangsta!!!" they just are and are acknowledged as such. stupid people. is there anything more to say? will i go as far as calling them posers??? would i dare??? yes. i will. ifyougoaroundsayingyouareagangster,andyouarenot,youareaposer. :D it has been said. dont give me any of that "i can touch the ground, man" shit. just because you walk funny and touch the ground with your left hand, does not make u a "gangster". me and my friends make fun of people who walk like that. im serious. we have walked behind them and copied their "i can touch the ground, man." walks. actually, i just watch and laugh and only 2 of my friends copy the person. the rest of them observe and comment. its very funny if the person being copied turns around to see what is going on and we all act innocent and stop talking. they dont buy it. are we still not clear??? i will sort of put it into terms you can "understand" yo, you aint nothing. stop playin. i am a very bad english slang speaker. as you can see. oh well. you are nothing. stop posing. :

angry chipmuncks

D, have u gotten and read the txts i sent you???

bored, bored. what to talk about next. arent sped up songs hilarious?
title: if you do not understand the title, wtf is wrong with you? nothing. if you understand the title, it means you are weird, like myself. if you are, join the "club". there is no one but me there because i am the only one who admits to being wierd. this is very sad. like "note to self".
*********** is back!!! *********** didnt move away!!!! YAY!

world, can i ask you a question?


why does tofu have the same texture as mexican cheese?

"i cant tell you. top secret."
its true. same texture. i know.

bored, bored, you, D, are probably bored to death right now--- dont worry, i will attend your funeral. and then get kicked out because i was the cause of boring you 2 death. perfecto.
remember the sub. that thought i was italian? wasnt that funny? ugh.
********** didnt move away!!! YAY! L did something very stupid this last week. but i cannot say. she will kill me. no me crees??? do you have any idea how fast she can move and how sharp her nails are??? do you? she will throw her shoes at me if it comes to a chase. maybe even through her hair thing at me. then scream out all she has on me. and make a few stuff up. i am completely serious. i will not tell the world what L did. nunca. also, it would be betraying of trust, and blah blah blah. bored, bored. its safe to say that M1 skipped today because of pig heart disections in her science class, right?

"yeah. i wont tell anyone." the world assured me.

i dont really like victory records. they suck. but some of their bands dont. victory records is pretending to be nonmainstream, and not rich, when it is. annoys people. OH!!! ********** didnt move away!!! YES!!! shut up, D. youre probably laughing right now because i keep bringing it up, and are going to tell me how stupid i am on el telefono. i am going to say it again. *********** didnt move away, yay! ya se. soy pathedica. (spelled wrong) OH! Jess showed me some 10 commantments of mcrfan. i agreed with several of them. #3 was something like this: "thou shalt seek revenge on all those who wrong you" amen.

i have read my post on yesterday. seems i have lost my touch. i am boring. i have no voc. (voice.) *pretends to care* remember, this is MY blog. i can say whevere the f*** i want. :)
i have figured out the reason i cant embed vidz. from youtube. they only embed to ghay myspace. remember? that vid. on one of the gtbs "episodes"?
and now, Musica. a great thing. i dont know what anyone would do without musica. the world would go even more insane than it is now. all would be bad chaos. not good chaos. RTOC is good chaos. nota: si tu no sabes que RTOC es, wtf is wrong with you???
im guessing someone was played?
song #2 is kinda weird...
personally, i prefer
*purevolume is part of unborn media or something.
forget purevolume. the only play the music they want to play. i want bleeding mascara, but noooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooo.

Ex's and Oh's
Bleeding Mascara
youtube is better than you.

and now, to close, i leave you with:
1person that i cant say on internet
2yesterday's bastards. dont get wierd. they didnt say anything 2 me, in my face. i would have slapped their facial skin off. they were idiotas and deserve to be embarrased somehow.
*advice* watch yourself. i will get you back somehow. i cant beat anyone up on school grounds... go to the park!!! we will be waiting. bwa ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha... by we i mean: a black belt, a tough short person with sharp nails, a tough texan-raised girl who can FIGHT, me, another person who can throw you far, N. N can make something up and slowly spread it through the "system", et cetera. :)
"ghosts are now waiting for you... are you dreaming..."

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