Thursday, May 10, 2007

do u have any idea...

how long it takes for 6 girls to get ready for an event? do u? i was surprised myself. but, what else do u expect? yah. we took 4 ever, and we didnt "clean ourselves up" to the extreme. just the dresses and hair, and a little tiny bit of make-up. compared to other people. and we were late. super late. then, people looked at us. ugh. then stuff that pissed me off happened.

D yourmiddlename yourlastname!!!!
why the hell did u hang up on me?
i got complimented a lot. but, i prefer my usual way of going 2 school. even though, after i got home 2day, kicked off my stupid murderous shoes, my mom was like, "u still look nice. i have had enough letting u go to school ugly/how u usually go, like an ugly person."
my friends and people are always like, "if you take the time to" blah blah blah, "fix your hair" blah blah blah "smile more..." blah blah blah.

i am really bored. fyi, iyw2k, i am not boy-crazy. it just kinda seemed like i was because me and M2 were passing a note about someone, and we passed it, and this retard (NOSEY!) read part of oit, and yah. but thank god, because we didnt write names or nicknames down.

anyway, i had a decently good time at the faire, hung out with friends, was kinda bord, got pissed off a few times, ditched most of spanish, walked home and back, but with permission, me and N told a few that we had really ditched, but we cant lie, so we confessed that we, in fact, had permission, i got my mom more "clients" for her to sew for, my feet died, my hair was awesome the whole day. M2, U R A HAIR STYLING GENIUS! seriously. thanx. the saddest part of 2day was that i got the wierdest looks. from everyone.

have 2 go... parents getting mad...

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Great work.