Wednesday, February 28, 2007


anyway, ayer i said that there was this person who changed her ways? ok. so last year, there was this girl who had black curly hair. total metalhead. (i am not a metal head.) this year she "magically" straitened (that was spelled wrong...) her hair and died it...............BLOND. yesterday i was all QUE? and today she wore something decent to show that she was still with her music. thats nice. una pregunta: why is your hair BLOND? whatever. it just wierds me out, and in the post i lost yesterday i talked about how i hate the way people change thier ways for (conformist, really,) "styles."/ways. reminds me that dollar tree has a frozen foods section... i know! i was all shocked and amazed and freaked out. totally sent the "fallen falcon" emails about this. and txt messages. i was also kind of scared, because, if FOOD is now that cheap, how much does our, "economy" or whatever it is that people call it, suck? that was an obvious sign that the end is near. im not against cheap food, but the qualaty of the food is sometimes horrible, and isnt oil/pollution associated with the making and transporting of cheap food? how many pesticides were used to make this cheap food bugless? (more or less) what about the cost of making the packaging? what about the meat they sell there? (i know!!!!!!!!!! they sell a little bit of carne. ) is it kosher? is it remains of good meat that people buy at actual grocery stores? by "good meat" i mean clean meat that has nothing nasty in it. i have to go. this talking on and on will continue tomorrow. adios.
-gaby, the one who has to go now, or she will be grounded.

Tuesday, February 27, 2007

my computer is really messed up...

i just wrote a nice post on someone being mad at me for a stupid reason, and the way people are dissapointing me, with their conformist ways, and then i gave a real example, and then i said aquateen hungerforce was on, then i said how bored i was, and then i finished the post, and gave it labels, and then i hit "publish", and then i got to a page that said my post had published successfully, and then i clicked on "view post", and then i got to randomthoughtsbygaby, and my post wasnt there, so i went back, and clicked on "edit post" and then the post under this one got changed, and now that post doesnt say anything, and i forgot, but i also said that my antivirus had said there was this ":serious internal program error" and then i talked about the mean virus-maker-uppers, and anyway, my post i started @ 9pm didnt work. and now i have to enmail my ss teacher. adios.
-gaby. who's computer is mad at.

what just happened?

Monday, February 26, 2007

"nadie puede leer esto!!!" (yo dije) "porque no?" (pregunto el mundo...) "porque no tenia ninguna idea de escribir para mi titulo, por eso."(yo dije.)

como estan todos? i had no idea there was a limit to how many characters you can "use" in your "title". i stayed after school 'til 5 today. me, L, M1, and M2 had a good time. recording each other, "interviewing" each other. there was a piont when i said something, ad was completely serious, and M2, (who was recording at the time) started to laugh a silent-face laugh, and she couldnt breathe, and we were all wondering why she was laughing. nobody understood what i just said, huh? also, as we were filming, the camera girl would start laughing for no reason whatsoever. then, once, L was saying something, and me and M1 started to skip around like little girls in front of the camera to see what happened. M2 stopped the camera and told us to stop acting like my sister. then i sat on a rocking chair and fell. because i was rocking it too much. and then i got back on and M2 pushed me and i fell again. it doesnt sound like fun, but we were goffing off and all the teachers were at some meeting, and couldnt come out and say "that's not very nice, blah blah blah blah. " a wise cartoon character that i am forced to watch once a week once said: "noooooooooo touchy!!!" yah. i would like to say that people keep leaning on me, pushing me, grabbing my hair, not giving me my, as my 1st grade (looooooooooooooong time ago...) (ye olde skool) counsileor once said " everyone needs their own personal bubble." amen.!!!!!!!!!1 TO THE PEOPLE: IF YOU LEAVE ME ALONE for FIVE MINUTES, i will give a great sigh of relief, and actually go and volunteer somewhere, someday. ah, someday. the great excuse of all lazy/busy people. people never leave me alone. its like they are trying to kill me. oh, my mom is watching "objetivo fama" and the singing artists are actually all really good. they sound as if they drink from the fountain of Talento. they are all 10 times better than anyone on american idol. and, no1 on american idol is my idol, and what the hell is an idol except a false god, and someone you look up to? i have found something even wierder than quoting your 1st grade school counsilor: i can actually sing. but, in spanish. not an awesome fountain-of-talento voice, but a decently good voice. in english, i sound like un pito de calabasa. (exprecion.) "failure by designer jeans" isnt working on purevolume. noooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooo!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

i am done with mi tarea, and i get to skip part of 1st, 2nd, and some of 3rd period 2morrow. and if i get caught, it wont matter because i will be at the high school. woo hoo. anyway, i have to wash thy hair. i will now visit plz read the xmas songs. gracias. i have to go. adios.

-gaby. i hate it when they spell "gaby" with an i, 2b's, or a v. pisses me off. :) its FOUR letters. how hard is it to remember g-a-b-y??? how stupid are you? as you reflect on your stupidity, i will read FFTL lyrics and ponder why idiots keep trying to get my computer with a virus. :). eso, mi amigo, era sarcasm.

Sunday, February 25, 2007


otra vez??????????????????????????????????????? porque???? now computer, 1716. has tried to get my computer with a "high" level virus!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! i am going to do a full-systems scan. I OFFICIALLY HATE YOU TOO. gracias POR NADA. son.of.a.bitch.

quien piensas que eres?


i have to do my math HW, and lisen to FFTL on purevolume. dont worry, computer, 4847. i still hate you. and your owner. :) adios.

-gaby. who stil hasnt done her math HW. and hates computer, 4847. :)
por favor visita a este website: it has entertaining games, and helps when thou art bored.

Friday, February 23, 2007

"...send the critics to hell with the sound of our voices..."-GUESS.

shit!!! i totally forgot to explicar what kind of person damnyou'reslow is!!! explicacion: poser with shoulder-length hair. not in a good way, like sonny moore, but in a bad way like someone who has shoulder-length hair and is a guy and it isnt a good thing. o. se me olvido decir que como estan todos. como estan todos?

today i worked on documentary thing, and it was fun, but also kind of serious. my friend L told her story, and it was kinda sad. the camera hates me. i think. M1 filmed the whole thing as M2 waited for a basket ball game. ***gracias a mi maestra de social studies por dejar me usar su camara.

i found a site that lets u go to KVLT for FREE. yesterday i visited this website, if the hyperlink is wrong, a quien le importa? that site has the words to the songs. smart people refer to words of a song as "lyrics.". one song is kinda... not good. not good-not good as in good, but not good as in NOT GOOD! i like the 2 christmas songs. santa is going to die because he isnt real and i never believed in the fhapp lardass anyway, and FFTL said he was going to die. i also liked the whole "12 days of Xmas" redo. i have never heard it, but if you read the lyrics and sing it to the tune of the original 12 days of Xmas song, it sounds nice.

(refreshing page...)

"send the critics to hell with the sound of our voices" is from::: the latest plauge. i spelled plauge wrong, didnt i? ya se. "you were always my enemy, carefully crafting my demise..." yes, yes you were. por favor guess---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- oh!!!! i just remembered!!! por favor means "for a favor" and i think i know why please means plz!!! ok, so, if you do someone a favor, arent you "pleasing" them? and "por favor" directly translated means "for a favor..." and i think, that a loooooooooong time ago, in that place where Pip is from, and they changed it because to do someone a favor is to please them. the place where Cortez came from, Espana, stuck to "por favor." i came up with this one on my own, muchas gracias. this is one of the awesome things of being bilingual, being able to figure out stuff like this when you are bored. woo hoo.

there is this once-a-week article, and they ask THE mexican Q's, (some are disgusting and i dont bother to read them...) and he answers. anyway, this person asked something, about mexicans driving low riders and stopping in the middle of the road, and then glare at other cars. then THE mexican funnily explained that no mexicano would ever stop in the middle of the road without:
a. turning on emergency lights
b. blasting los horoscopos de durango a few thousand decibels, (true. no really, this is true. my mom has like, three of their cd's. i can dance to every single one of them. yes, gaby can dance. and yes, the end is near.)
c. (the person asking the Q. also said that everyone got out of the car, and then glared.) gustavo arellano replied to the person w/ this: {we would never just glare. we would glare and add a well-timed "p****e gabacho!!!"} yes, he said that. only in a slightly different way.

***advice: NEVER whistle a 5 note whistle at someone who knows someone who/is someone who speaks espanol. never. ever. if you do, you will find yourself crying in pain. or being sued. something bad. DONT EVER DO THAT. the people whom the whistle is directed at WILL get REVENGE. venganza. dont believe me??? ask an espanol-speaking friend of yours. they should know. if they dont, they should then ask around.

bored, bored. plz "believe. my words" "are"nt "lacking honesty." (from 'Failure by designer jeans') adios. i shall now surf thy spiderweb to ease thy boredom.

-gaby, la loca. que si sabe bailar. pero no le gusta bailar porque es un waste of time.

Thursday, February 22, 2007

esto no esta bien!!! voy a ver cuanto espanol yo puedo toss.

hora si estoy segura que gente que yo cononsco esta leyendo este blog. si lo vas a leer, entonces deja un comment. eso es lo uniquo que pido. cuanto trabajo te questa escribir un comment? otra vez que esto pase yo voy a poner a mi blog para que nomas los que tienen un blogger/google account puedan leer lo. entiendes? ya se que no se como escribir muy bien.

apparently people are dropping "f"'s as if they were gum. no1 i know really drops many "f's". sure, M1 says it when she's pissed, pero lo dice en espanol. my people prefer to drop "d's" "s's" and "she is such a freaking "b". not as much as the "d's" and "s's". and only one of my friends drops "b's". the rest of us drop them occasionally, when deserved.

i am really, really, really, really, really, really, really, really, really, really, really, really, really, really, really, really, really, really, really, really, really, really, really, really, really, really, really, really, really, really, really, really, really, really, really, really, really, really, really, really, really, really, really, really, really, really, really, really, really, really, really, really, really, really, really, really, really, really, really, really, really, really, really, really, really, really, really, really, really, really, really, really, really, really, really, BORED. today me, M1, and M2 did a vid. after school. M2 worked on a paper for this class she has, and i "interviewed" M1. on an actual camera that records stuff. but it came out really stupid. we were sitting on rocking chairs, and the camera and M1 were both moving in opposite directions. really wierd. when the camera recorded my voice, i sounded as if i had a really bad sore throat. and M1 kept laughing and messing up on what she was supposed to say, and i started to ask stupid questions. we deleted everything...

something that really pisses me off is the fact that SOMEONE can watch premios lo nuestro, and i didnt get to watch the fuse fangoria chainsaw awards. where bands performed??? and it was on, at least FIVE TIMES. i didnt get to watch it because

a. "im watching a movie. go away."
b. "la fea mas bella(novelas diferentes) is on right now..."
c. "gaby!!! im watching spongebob squarepants!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! put it back!!!! (crying.)"
d. "we are going to blankety blank blank's house. no, you cant stay home."
e. "i dont wanna. you didnt let me watch (algo estupido) yesterday."

i havent done any of my homework.
plz visit the following websites:::: bad things here sometimes. go straight to SURS or the taste of chaos tour game where vocals for this band fight to the death with the vocals if this band.
adios. i have to go. D called.

Wednesday, February 21, 2007

todo esta bien

all is well. thank you for asking. plz visit purevolume and lisen to FFTL . actually, you dont have to, but dale una chansa. i might have spelled that wrong... a quien le importa? i think Chiodos is ok. i have thought this for quite some time now, but i didnt say. SAOSIN is also good. but not as good as my 5 bands whose name pops into my mind when i think of bands. i wish it would rain. there is this idiot, and i suspect he has to many "amigas". when it all blows up in his face, i will be there, and i will laugh. or feel shame for how messed up we all are. anyway, hast thou ever felt this feeling where something happens, and a song that you know has words that totally fit in to what happened? yeah. when that happens, deja vu. whatever deja vu means... i dont have the exact dictionary definition. this is how it happened: (this did not happen this day. or, as a matter of fact, this month.) me and my people (i refer 2 friends as "my people".) were eating lunch at our table. anyway, "damnyou'reslow" passes by, and is wearing black eye make up. me and my friend M look at each other and yell, "SE PINTO LOS OJOS!!!" this was said at the same time, without us planning it. we were amazed that he painted his eyes. and shocked. then we started to laugh, because we had said something at the same time. then he turned around, and i think he glared, and i was the only one who noticed the glare. i felt bad, and FFTL's "Waltz Moore" immediatly popped into my head. i know i am REALLY ANNOYING with the whole FFTL thing. so, if you dont know the lyrics to that song, here they are: well, some of them...
"i cant eat, anything, without shoving my hands down my throat. and i refuse to meet the world without smearng on make-up, with my hair, blinding my eyes..." i vowed never to make fun of someone wearing eye make-up ever again. the glaring eyes... scary... looked like they wanted me dead. actually, no, they didnt want me dead. i exagerated just now. they were super pissed, though. and i did feel wierd. they wer pissed off by the unfairness or something. or i overthought this and they were pissed because we were laughing. either way, that was an sort-of idea- butnotreally changing experience. my friend M is writing a story on vampires, werewolves, and humans. she wants us to select a character and make it up. not based on ourselves at all. jess, on the other freaking hand, made me this character named "Ela" (i picked the name) and changed 2 things for the worst: 1. she made my character thats supposed to be me, wear a pink leather mini skirt with a pink and white shirt. 2. and my "super" powers are attracting "men" and "killing them" with my voice. what the f*ck?! then she refuses to remove her binder from my locker. i have placed it in a findable spot and the principal has probably taken it and placed it in the lost and found box next to my social studies class. (is that still there?) anyway, i could have mentioned this yesterday, but forgot. NOT COOL. i apologize for saying this on the internet, jess. but it had to be done. adios. i must go pray a rosary with my mom and sister.
-Gaby, the wierd one also known as Ms. Lazee Crazee. who has a concience. and has had too much orange juice. yesterday. i havent had any yet today.

Tuesday, February 20, 2007

utterly confused/pissed off/utterly confused/wierded out/pissed off/ wishing people would just STOP ASSUMING THINGS!!!

hola. i posted this excellent, wonderful, LONG post yesterday, and something happened and it didnt save. boy, was i pissed. anyway, have people i actually know been reading my blog? i suspect this because people were discussing how much cheese and chocolate rocked in front of, me, and i dont think they are cheese/chocolate enthusiasts. one of them claims to be some sort of early arsonist, or something, "obsessing" over fire, and made me become "utterly confused". 1st of all, i know cheese addicts and stuff. they dont start out claiming to know how much cheese rox, and then, like, what, 10 minutes later say that cheese sucks? and that chocolate is WAY better? i mean, i already know that... (but queso doesnt suck at all). also, i am pissed because, appearantly, if you sort-of defend someone, they guess you like that guy. what the hell? what is wrong with everyone??? (the world replies: "everything. everone SUCKS!!! except a few religious people and a few ordinaries that defied 'the man'. and hippies. ah, hippies..." the world talks on and i ignore it.) anyway, that is going horribly, horribly wrong. last time i defend anyone out of pity or something. the good act comes back and beats the sh*t out of you and laughs. although, that is funny if it happens to someone other than yourself. i take forever to say nothing sometimes. also, the famed "sick bastard" is even sicker than ever. just wanted to say. and i know. i am paraniod. i hate the thought of someone i sort-of-know-but-not-really- reading this randomthoughtsbyme and not even telling moi. perdon!!! also, i failed to add to the "title" that i am multi-tasking, but not really. i am, talking on and on on my blog, figuring out math HW, lisening to FFTL on purevolume, (, purevolume is a registered trademark or something of unborn media inc.) wondering why i forgot to call D, asking myself why someone i thought was my best friend is telling people stuff about me that i told in confidence, and making me seem like some kind of really-bad-thing-that-im-not- in her "book". oh, you think i dont know... how estupida do you think i am??? im not my mom and dad's daughter for nothing!!! (i come from smart, talented, musical, hardworking people. but i cant sing. i didnt inherit that trait. sorry, not trying to be cocky. im not.) anyway, everything is starting to suck. but not as bad as another time en mi vida. i have to finish math HW, or ms. mathteacher gives people lunch detention. adios. plz. leave me alone!!! :) gracias...
-gaby, aka, Ms. Lazee Crazee. :) (sarcasm. duh.)

Sunday, February 18, 2007

stuff about stuff.... bored.

hey. i have nothing to say, so i am going to talk about myself. i have brown hair, brown eyes, and i never get mani/peticures. i only keep my nails clean and keep them short. a lot of the time my hands are covered in ink because i draw on my left hand a lot. i get in trouble for doing that. mexican american. ablo espanol, pero no se como escribir muy bien. i wear pants. jeans, never skirts or dresses. i like music. who doesnt? 5 bands that rock are:
  1. FFTL
  2. the used
  3. mcr (old music. new stuff is worth nada. )
  4. afi (i know, davy dresses like a f*g. who cares? its the music. i put a star there instead of an "a" because that word is offensive to some. )
  5. think, think, what is their name? think, think... i cant remember.... they have a song... whats it called, what the heck is wrong with me....think....think....oh. i know... its this band, has a song, oh yeah, dia verde.

the bands were not in order and there are many more. i want cds but cant get them yet. poor me... i dont have a myspace profile. 2 reasons: 1. tooooooooo lazy to get one. 2. stuff happened there, and none of my actual friends are on myspace, or they are, but they havent told me.

mangas rock. my fave actual manga is fruits basket. my favorite anime is Bleach. my favorite book is what happened to lani garver. i dont read as many mangas as i read/lisen 2 music/ watch tv. there is going to be some party today for birthday, and i dont wanna go... what else? i get good grades, wow. i dont really do much of anything. sports? NO. oh, yeah, my fave movie is the school of rock with Jack Black in it. i have never seen pocahontas 1. ever. my laptop is making a wierd humming sound. yesterday my antivirus detected a virus that would have crashed my computer and protected my from it. the "risk level" or whatever was "high". what did i ever do to you, virus maker upper? i officially hate you. congrats, gaby hates your guts and wishes you a horrible life. :) i hope karma or whatever gets you, and you get dumped or you lose your favorite cd at a critical time when you need it. :) how do i make the ) into a grin? ))? whatever. purevolume and all trademarks and stuff are property of unborn media inc, co, or tm, or something. im supposed to do that. /say that. "take it away....take my....burn the sun, burn the light, take take take take take take it away. take my hand, take my life, take take take take take take it away..." -the used. take it away. in love and death. iforgotwhatyear

i hate the way some people seem nice and are actually horrible people. i also hate moldy cheese. im still wearing my pj's :) i washed my Phys. Ed. uniform. yesterday, on comedy central, i saw a movie called not another teen movie. it was funny. especially when the guy told the girl she was a talented artist, when she drew like a 40 year old first grader. ha. in the original movie, the girl actually is good at art. i would like to see epic movie. people are starting to tick me off. hypocrits. i despise hypocrits who dont admit they are hypocrits. i am very bored. im going to eat "lunch" now. turkey sandwitch. woo hoo. adios.


Thursday, February 15, 2007

i am using the font callled "Georgia"

hello world. the "hello world" piece i did a long time ago is kind of cheesy. here's what went wrong: when i was writing it, in between places, i would make this ^ only, it was that like a (. and in there i would add awesome details and the planet coughing violently. but that is how you show html, so it didn't show up. bummer. i never say bummer except for just now. my language arts teacher thinks i am a good writer. she was all telling me this in front of people and totally embarrassing me. my whole language arts class probably thinks i am some kind of teachers pet. crap... oh well. its not as if their opinion of me matters...except for like, a few nice people, and stuff. HelloGoodbye is SO gay. how the hell did they get to number 5 on No. 1 Countdown Viewer's Choice? "without love pain, cant get enough, pain, i rather feel pain than nothing at all"-3 Dahys Grace or something like that. good song. they came in number 3. then 30 Seconds to mars' video for "from Yesterday" was number 2. guess what song was numero uno? yeah. mcr's totally shallow song from their new totally shallow cd. come on!!! just because their first to cds rocked a a lot, doesnt mean you have to go by with everything they say. i am over thinking on this subject. 30 sec. 2 mars is ok, but they are kind of i dont know, they have a lot of "explicit content." overly so. sometimes stuff i say makes no sense at all. i need to figure out exactl how many cds i want and the number of bands i lisen to... i have no homework at all this past week. awesome. some people are really annoying. they start humming and drumming with their fingers...sometimes im like "im going to KILL you!!! STOP!!!!!" but i, ofcourse dont say anything. i just get really irritated... and have day dreams of strangling that person to death. no, that was an exageration. sorry. although, i do feel like bitch slapping them and then throwing rocks at them. no, just bitch slapping them until they start to cry, and their cheeks are (FACE cheeks!!!) are redder than an artificially flavored cherry popsicle. becuase they are all "Hmmmmmmmmmmmmmhmhmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmhmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmh
and it really gets to me, ESPECIALMENTE if i am trying to do my school work. SANTA!!! i hate it when someone is checking someone else/you out and they totally act as if they arent. pisses me off, thats what it does. although some moves are very "smooth" i can still tell. "im not checking anybody out, im putting on my backpack" what, you think i have a brain the size of an orange? fat chance. even if i did, i would still totally be WAY smarter than you, you stupid dee dee dee. i also hate eaves-droppers. (i think the word "eaves-dropper" comes from medival times. here's why: they had this thing called "eaves" and the would "drop" them on the ground, and this was done whenever they "cleaned" [air quotes, air quotes.] their homes. i think, that like, 2 people would talk, and the servant, slave, or person, would go in and drop the eaves, and hear the whole entire conversation. am i good, or what? im a student in public school. i have no extracuricular activities. i figured this out when my social studies studied medival times, and i read a book on some family, and they explained what "eaves" are. [straw, or something like straw. if you were muy rico your eaves were sweet smelling things, like herbs and stuff] i came with this theory on my own. has any1 noticed i have never mentioned my grade or age? plz, if you have ever read this, plz comment and guess my age. gracias. adios.


Monday, February 12, 2007

aw crap. ( was "crap" offensive? so sorry if it is...)

hello world. today some things have gone horribly wrong, but some things have been awsome, too. ok. here is a list of horrible things:
1. THEY are going to kill me. not literally, but figurativly. they are going to make this week suck. (explanation for the term "THEY" they is them, which is you, which is their. by they, their, and them, i am sometimes refering to conformists, and sometimes to people i hate, or have something against. ) they dont even have a legitamite reason for killing me. THEY think THEY do. but they dont. ASK ME!!! dont magically think stuff that you shouldnt think. i alway had a problem with this.

2 . i never get enough sleep, and therefore am always tired. i only get cranky when a. sleepy b. provoked c. angry d. annoyed et cetera.

3. 2 words: writing assesment this week. i cant write well under pressure.

4. Cant concetrate overall. sitting arrangment in sci class making it hard. no mas!!! thank god i am sitting next to............

5. people are acting really wierd... i was joking around with friends, and said if they were to write a eulogy of mine, the would say: "gaby was very wierd. everyone hated her... she died because..." remember, i was kidding. well, someone bought it, because they have a brain tumor the size of a honey dew melon. dee dee dee!!! hah! loco.... but seriously, people are acting REALLY wierd. starting to freak me out... and its monday!!! they are not acting wierd because its valentine's day week. they are just really, how should i say, wierd. i cant explain it. oh well. i dont really care.

6. new math class rule: homework not done, lunch detention. talk about stressful... im in this computer class, and some people are acting REALLY bad, and the principal got pissed off, and she scared me. she was all yelling and threatening with detention. and like, 1/3 of the class had nothing to do with it. i was in that one third. ms. myprincipal'slastname scares me, and she was subbing for one of my classes, and i was all afraid...

i have to go... adios. c u 2morrow! read yesterday's post. it rocked.

Sunday, February 11, 2007

"I asked the World, and it replied sadly..." but not really, i made it up

"hello, world. como estas?" gaby asked el mundo.

the world replies: " im not doing to well, i am currently sick. the humans have polluted my atmosphere, water, dirt, and wild life. they are using up all of my resources. my doctor says i dont have much more time to live. "

"thats a shame. i wish i could help you out". gaby said.

"you can...all you have to do is try not to throw away too much trash, recycle more, plant a few trees... stop cutting down my medicine, the rain forest... you know, treat me with more respect for raising so much life, i at least deserve to live as long as i need to... not die a few million years early. " the mundo replied hopefully.

"if i help you, it wont make much difference. im just one person. what do you want me to do? become a hippy?" i, gaby, told the world.

"you dont have to become a hippy, just be aware of what you are doing to me... and let your consience do the rest... maybe pay a few extra $$$ to get good energy, like wind or that water powered thing, hydrosomethingiforgot. maybe stop cutting down my medicine... like i said before, plant a few trees . im sorry, but i cant seem to... speak, right now... they just dumped some............ toxic waste at one of my onceuponatimereallyclean rivers......... . i have to go now my i feel.... really sick right now... goodbye... cruel children i have cared for thousands..... of------years... "

"goodbye, World. Earth. i will try to stop you from dieing, or your prized vital organ, the ozone layer, from being torn. tomorrow i will watch what i throw away, and what i poor down the sink... et cetera. be strong." i closed.

"i dont think i can, human. " (while the earth talks, it coughs after every four words and weezes during these:...)
*********************if you actually think i spoke with our planet, you are crazier than... than... you're really messed up. seriously. we have a problem. this is just ONE of our problems. we have tons more. dont. get. me. started. if. you. do. this. blog. will. never. end. even. after. i. die.

i have done most of my homework, thanx for asking. the "world taking to me" thing was totally made up as i typed it. oh!!!! oh!!! i should turn it into a poem!!!!!! yeah!!!!! but, i have a problem. i dont really FEEL like working on a poem right now. i shall do it someday. ah, someday. the excuse of all lazy people. (have i said that before?, yes, yes i have.) boredbutnotreally, boredbutnotreally. today i called D. we talked for like, an hour. someone keeps calling my cell during 4th period. STOP!!! once it rang because i forgot to put it on vibrate. oh, the embarrasment! i am very wierd, arent i? i can now see why some people, pre-black parade, (I DESPISE black parade!!!!) hated mcr. they are too old, and are being placed in teeny bopper mags. but back then, 3 cheers for sweet revenge was actually kicking serious a$$. but still, people MY age were going "oh, (fill in the blank) is sooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooo hot!" SHUT UP! PLZ!!! im begging you. its been awhile, and you still havent stopped. this pains me. :( although, i would like to confess something. this has nothing to do with mcr. this has to do with FFTL. the one on vocals, Sonny, has talento. way more than the vocals for mcr, gerard. you must be going, DUH did she relize this JUST NOW? no, i didnt relize this just now. thanx for asking. that really wasnt something to be confessed, was it? i should know, im catholic. *** from now on, i will try to italic-ize anything in espanol. ok? si. sorry, i was eating a sandwitch wrap thing. delicious. turkey. ah, turkey. way better than ham. dont tell anyone, but i kinda sorta hate my sci teacher. fun-ish class, but, eh. my fave. teacher is either my math teacher, or my physical education teacher. or my language arts teacher. it is a TIE!!! woo hoo. they are all clases buenas. also my "world history" teach. or how my people call the class, social studies. all the same. i think they are all decent teachers. all of them. but class enjoying-ness wise and class fun-ness-wise, language arts comes out numero uno. i am very bored, and have nothing to speak of, so i wrote about school.

the pain, the lies, the dark.
the hurt, the angst, the sad.
the undignified thoughts and actions
of the whole
it all comes together
it forms
depression, manipulation, and crap.

that juan colorado's enchilada de queso is a lame thing i made up, because i am bored. if i was to actually think of forming it into a decent poem, it would take a lot of emotion and thought. wow. i just relized that if i took what i wrote on my posts, i could write a few good songs. THE THOUGHTS, EXPRESSIONS, AND IDEAS ON RANDOMTHOUGHTSBYGABY.BLOGSPOT.COM ARE INTELLECTUAL PROPERTY OF THE SOLE AUTHOR OF THIS BLOG. YOU ARE NOT TO COPY, TAKE, OR STEAL ANY IDEAS, THOUGHTS, EXPRESSIONS, VIEWS, ET CETERA WITHOUT EMAIL PERMISSION FROM THE AUTHOR. YOU CAN, HOWEVER, MAKE FUN AT THE "SMARTNESS" OF THIS BLOG, AND LAUGH AT IT FREELY WITH YOUR PEOPLE, A.K.A., FRIENDS, FAMILY, NEIGHBORS, AND PEOPLE YOU ARE FORCED TO BE AROUND WITH. THANK YOU.
-gaby, the SOLE author of this blog. contact me @ this web page. leave a comment. i will answer your comment, and give you permission, or not. i know. "as if anyone would want to plagerize your posts" i dont care. this is my random thoughts. MINE. from MY head. im 3/4 serious. the bold capitals are real. u better r-e-s-p-e-c-t me. i have to go, finish HW, eat another turkey sandwitch wrap thing, lisen 2 musica, et cetera. move on with my life. adios.

Saturday, February 10, 2007

South Park Personality Quiz

i took the quiz, and i am Bebe... again. the badge should show up---here:
adios. wow. that did not work. oh well. (i still havent done my homework...)
im off to read a book... does anyone think i am boring?
PS: really, really, REALLY bored. gracias.

this post is boring. uninteresting. blah blah blah.

i want 2 more cds.... wahhhh wahhhhh. hello. i am gaby. i have nothing to say. at all. i need to get myself some internet friends, u know? i should try myspace or some chat thing. message boards? whatever. i havent done my homework yet. yes, unfortunatly, i have homework on the weekends. :( maybe if i used more espanol, i would meet someone else who also speaks spanish!!! hola! necesito amigos por el intertnet. por favor, ayuda me. no se que acer. estoy really bored. tengo una montana de tarea, que no he hecho. estoy leyendo un libro por alguien. pero se me olvido su nombre, de la que escribio libro. i need to work on my spelling... "please, dont believe, my words...." i am very wierd. gracias. remember the sub who thought i was italian? una ves estaba un maestro estupido que penso que yo era italiana. pero, despues, estaba escribiendo un papel para una clase que tenemos en puro espanol, y el maestro vio que no era italiana. estaba muy chiztozo. good times. :) i have noticed that on my Quotes blog, i have mostly FFTL Quotes. bad. i need to find interesting stuff other people say. jess, if u r reading this, plz reply and leave a lame/good Quote, so i can post it on gracias. i am very bored at the moment, and therefore, have nothing in interesting to say. bye. "and im sick of this scene." adios, idiotas del mundo. scratch the last part. ps: im too lazy to start my homework. i'll have to do it and rush tomorrow at 9pm. poor unfortunate child ***arrow pointing at me***

Thursday, February 8, 2007

awww mannnnnnnnnnnn................

NO!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! today they changed the sitting arrangements in science class!!! NOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
i dont WANT to sit there. :( yes, they make us sit where the underpaid teachers say.
ok, thats out... i need to call my friend D. i have to do my science HW. yesterday i didnt do it... this grading period, i got all a's. not all a+'s but a+'s, a's, and a-'s. last grading period i got one b= a B+. in math... this grading period igot an A+. what. now. novelas are overly dramatic and seriously messed up. thumbs down... i know. today, this post doesnt really SAY much of importance, or is anything you would find even remotley interesting. today, this poet had a worskshop, and i got to improve my peotry skills. i got skills, man. just dont tell anyone. until i am unlazy enough to edit poetry and write it the right way above. i really do have skills. out of the people that readaloud their poems, mine was more, how should i say, poemy. some were overly descriptive. some were too "blah. blah blah blah blah. blah! blah blah." BORING. one of the out-loud-readers was in the same grade i am in, and was mistaken for a grade underneath us, funny, read his poem toooooooooo enthusiastic-ly. my god, its a poem. not a full blown descriptive paragraph... or an essay. santa. anyway, it was fun. i learned about "power" words and "nerd" words. the poet was bald, and somehow resembled Benjamin Franklin. with his bifocals on. we were all laughing... none of my friends were with me, sadly. :( i saw an "alcohol" vid 2day. eh. ot was kind of cheesy. not juan colorado's enchiladas de queso cheesy, but cheesy like a greasy grilled cheese sandwitch, that, for SOME reason, you crave. it was an ok cheesy. yes. i know. i obcess over cheese. get. over. your. self. thanx! :) that mi amigo, was sarcasm. bored, bored, but not really... i must go NOW. i have metric tons of homework, i havent even started. shame on me.

Wednesday, February 7, 2007

"...i can feel my mind wandering again..."

"Note to Self" !!! get out of my head!!! pacific chai green tea chai latte is really good. i am drinking it at the moment. delicioso. some people are really wierd. but they are considered "great" people by other people. in other words, someone following the public image of what they should be, conformists. they dont really think about philosophcal things, or socrates-like thinking. outside the box. i am honest about where i live, (apartments) and they feel ashamed for me or something like that. why? if i honestly cared and was (for some reason) "embarrased", i wouldnot tell u where i live. i wouldnt really talk much. why should i be ashamed that my family doesnt own some fancy shmancy house with a perfect lawn, a dog, 2 "nice" cars, (we have 4. cars. chah. what. now.) and 2 brand new computers fully loaded and each of us with our own room, bathroom, and mini fridge? get over yourself. this has nothing to do with any individual, this is for all of those conformists out there. we live in a three bedroom apartment, we have no pets because of asma, and we have 2 computers: 1) my own personal 2005 toshiba laptop, 2)a old ibm "white" computer for games and the occasional hw assigment of my sister. we'r HOBOS!!! NOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!. we r not hobos. that was, mi amigo, SARCASM!!!dee dee dee!!! this is fun. :) but seriously, plzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzz think outside the freaking box for once. some of them do. gaby the wierd mexican-american (chicana) has officially thanked you. congrats. oh, once, this sub thought i was italian. my name ******** ******* (gaby)sounds italian. i used those little stars 'cause i dont want my full name on the internet. how estupida do you think i am? anyway, he said my name, (old person) and totally thought i was italian. i had a good laugh about that l8er. stupid, stupid substitute teacher who thought i was italian. he found out i wasnt when i worked on my expository on "la llorona" in spanish, after i was done with my work for that class. i have truck loads of homework any very little hope of ever finishing it before 11, and i am wasting my time posting on my blog that even bores me. "im sick of this scene" amen, sonny moore. i keep changing the subject. habit. i would like to say that i regret ever deciding to end it and there is a "world war me" going on inside me. im not ending ma blog. i just had to say that. dont ever ask, jess. when and if you read this. thank you. maybe the sub thought i was italian because of my nice brown wavy hair.(yes. i am admitting my hair is "nice". get over your self.) and sometimes i have an accent...when i get excited. or when i just feel like it. i must go now, fellow human beings. (no, i dont watch any scifi.)adios.
-GABY: The wierd chicana/lisener of GOOD music/nonconformist/future shrink/artist/future doctor/chocolate addict who laughs at racial jokes... (what? they are funny. admit it, d*m*t!!!! even my dad, an immigrant, calls what u people call wetbacks, "mojados"!!! one thing i REALLY hate are those stupid "emo" jokes. "i wish my lawn was emo, because then it would cut itself" go f*** yourself!!! you either lisen to emotional music, or u dont! if someone is cutting themsleves, u dont go around, making it WORSE!!! if u have EVER made fun of anyone who actually seriously, honest to dios cut themselves, u are dead to me. i dont care about what happens 2 u. i really dont care. how would YOU feel if you were depressed or something like that, and u actually cut yourself, and THEY made FUN of you? wouldnt that make it worse, jackass!!! once i freaked out because a guy was wearing black eye make up. like, eyeliner. scared me. not the person, but black eyeliner doesnt really ) work on that person. what do i know? the only make up i ever wear is chapstick and the occasional lip gloss. pro active really works. i was never a really pimpleee person, but it clears up the few ones i have and prevents new zits. woo hoo. i know. i am BEYOND wierd. piensas que me importa? ) now REALLY:
ps: there is this "C" word. i dont know what it is or what it means. until, like, 2 weeks ago, i didnt know a "c" word existed...
PPS: i know. my writing is boring. i need to work on details. elaorate. too bad. im too lazy 2 do it... oh well. im off to do my homework.

Monday, February 5, 2007


in the utube/epitaph thing, FFTL's shame shame, after the song is over, the advertise. with some stupid band with "fate" in their name. i dont know who the hell they are. thank u. under it, is FFTL's "the latest plague." it rox. if it has advertising, plz ignore. ya se, nadie lee esto...god. dont be mean...


hola. como estas? que, no esta nadie ayi? ... im really bored. i should add orange county weekly, home for "ask a mexican", 2 my "websites that rock". unfortunatly, i have PE.[physical education, for all the dee dee dees out there. u piss me off...] for the next nine weeks. I HATE WEARING PE SHORTS!!! THEY SUCK!!! *fist in the air!!!YEAH!!!* you all think i have gone insane... pero nadie esta ayi? entonces nadie sabe que estas loca. just kidding. im actually smart. i bore myself. i was reading my blog, and i was bored with myself. i would read my blog, and my eyes would just wander away... [the tv was on...] u, if u dont know me, or have ever seenme, u think im a chubby person. just because i hate wearing shorts. shame on u. seriously, f---ed up sterio typer... there is this not-so-cheap nokoff of "american idol" that latin americans do, singing en espanol. i am sooooo bored. my "soo called" [really, their good/decent friends] friends want me to straighten and cut my hair. no. not straiten. i want 2 cut my hair in longish layers and add a little bit of black. thatd be nice. but noooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooo... i cant. mi madre no me deja... *ashamed, but not really.* bored, bored. im off to surf the 'net to ease the boredom. adios...

Sunday, February 4, 2007

hello people...again....

hola. como estan? sometimes "google trasnlate" doesnt work. i speak espanol as a first language, and let me tell you that its not always that accurate. like, this spanish/french teacher at my school, asked me how to say "fish". i, ofcourse, said it how my family says it, or how my parent's part of mexico says it, "pescado". fish. but she and this other spanish-speaking student say "pez" for fish. i understand "pez" as fish, but, "pescado" is what people i know use for fish. the teacher probably studied spanish spanish. the other student is most likely NOT from Jalisco, or anywhere in there. so she says "pez". they both probably think im stupid. because i say "pescado". and not "pez". another reason i dont like saying "pez": there is this candy, called a "pez". no? a "pez dispenser"??? anyway, i know it is super bowl sunday. and yet, i dont really care. if it was the soccer wold cup, i would be cheering and stuff. (italy won!!!/right?) but football has never interested me. its too violent, actually, i dont care if its violent. its BORING!!! and yes, i know, that soccer is boring sometimes too. im not a very "sporty" person. i like playing hockey, though. havent played in a LONG time. i havent posted for reasons of my own, and the fact that i was playing "Bejewled2" on popcap. im adding that 2 websites that rock. i am very annoying. people are typing, and i alert them of misspelled words and fragments. they want to chuck rocks at me. do i care? not really, no. bored, BORED!!! i saw AMW yesterday. "america's most wanted". havent seen it in a while. they have new graphics. a little bit over the top, in my opinion. i HATE HATE HATE HATE HATE cologne. STOP WEARING IT!!! WE DONT WANT YOU MORE JUST BECAUSE YOU WEAR AXE AND STUFF. i need 2 drink more water. but really, i despise cologne. a little bit is nice, but too much and im passing out from the stench. god. i would like to see the "godfather". yes. i have never seen it before. i also want to see all the chuckie movies, and some REAL scary books. "goosebumps" is a load of sh*t. pure cheese. when i was younger, the "living mummies" used to give me nightmares. dollar tree has a FROZEN FOODS area. i knew this already, and was shocked. i sent txts and emails to jess on how i could not believe it. does this mean we are all doomed? my dad is wearing this MCR shirt that has a rifle in the front. the rifle is fine. but the MCR logo isnt. NOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! he doesnt even know who they are. think of the embarrasment.... why? what did i ever do to people? ok, never mind. but still. i have to go.