Wednesday, February 21, 2007

todo esta bien

all is well. thank you for asking. plz visit purevolume and lisen to FFTL . actually, you dont have to, but dale una chansa. i might have spelled that wrong... a quien le importa? i think Chiodos is ok. i have thought this for quite some time now, but i didnt say. SAOSIN is also good. but not as good as my 5 bands whose name pops into my mind when i think of bands. i wish it would rain. there is this idiot, and i suspect he has to many "amigas". when it all blows up in his face, i will be there, and i will laugh. or feel shame for how messed up we all are. anyway, hast thou ever felt this feeling where something happens, and a song that you know has words that totally fit in to what happened? yeah. when that happens, deja vu. whatever deja vu means... i dont have the exact dictionary definition. this is how it happened: (this did not happen this day. or, as a matter of fact, this month.) me and my people (i refer 2 friends as "my people".) were eating lunch at our table. anyway, "damnyou'reslow" passes by, and is wearing black eye make up. me and my friend M look at each other and yell, "SE PINTO LOS OJOS!!!" this was said at the same time, without us planning it. we were amazed that he painted his eyes. and shocked. then we started to laugh, because we had said something at the same time. then he turned around, and i think he glared, and i was the only one who noticed the glare. i felt bad, and FFTL's "Waltz Moore" immediatly popped into my head. i know i am REALLY ANNOYING with the whole FFTL thing. so, if you dont know the lyrics to that song, here they are: well, some of them...
"i cant eat, anything, without shoving my hands down my throat. and i refuse to meet the world without smearng on make-up, with my hair, blinding my eyes..." i vowed never to make fun of someone wearing eye make-up ever again. the glaring eyes... scary... looked like they wanted me dead. actually, no, they didnt want me dead. i exagerated just now. they were super pissed, though. and i did feel wierd. they wer pissed off by the unfairness or something. or i overthought this and they were pissed because we were laughing. either way, that was an sort-of idea- butnotreally changing experience. my friend M is writing a story on vampires, werewolves, and humans. she wants us to select a character and make it up. not based on ourselves at all. jess, on the other freaking hand, made me this character named "Ela" (i picked the name) and changed 2 things for the worst: 1. she made my character thats supposed to be me, wear a pink leather mini skirt with a pink and white shirt. 2. and my "super" powers are attracting "men" and "killing them" with my voice. what the f*ck?! then she refuses to remove her binder from my locker. i have placed it in a findable spot and the principal has probably taken it and placed it in the lost and found box next to my social studies class. (is that still there?) anyway, i could have mentioned this yesterday, but forgot. NOT COOL. i apologize for saying this on the internet, jess. but it had to be done. adios. i must go pray a rosary with my mom and sister.
-Gaby, the wierd one also known as Ms. Lazee Crazee. who has a concience. and has had too much orange juice. yesterday. i havent had any yet today.

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