Thursday, February 8, 2007

awww mannnnnnnnnnnn................

NO!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! today they changed the sitting arrangements in science class!!! NOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
i dont WANT to sit there. :( yes, they make us sit where the underpaid teachers say.
ok, thats out... i need to call my friend D. i have to do my science HW. yesterday i didnt do it... this grading period, i got all a's. not all a+'s but a+'s, a's, and a-'s. last grading period i got one b= a B+. in math... this grading period igot an A+. what. now. novelas are overly dramatic and seriously messed up. thumbs down... i know. today, this post doesnt really SAY much of importance, or is anything you would find even remotley interesting. today, this poet had a worskshop, and i got to improve my peotry skills. i got skills, man. just dont tell anyone. until i am unlazy enough to edit poetry and write it the right way above. i really do have skills. out of the people that readaloud their poems, mine was more, how should i say, poemy. some were overly descriptive. some were too "blah. blah blah blah blah. blah! blah blah." BORING. one of the out-loud-readers was in the same grade i am in, and was mistaken for a grade underneath us, funny, read his poem toooooooooo enthusiastic-ly. my god, its a poem. not a full blown descriptive paragraph... or an essay. santa. anyway, it was fun. i learned about "power" words and "nerd" words. the poet was bald, and somehow resembled Benjamin Franklin. with his bifocals on. we were all laughing... none of my friends were with me, sadly. :( i saw an "alcohol" vid 2day. eh. ot was kind of cheesy. not juan colorado's enchiladas de queso cheesy, but cheesy like a greasy grilled cheese sandwitch, that, for SOME reason, you crave. it was an ok cheesy. yes. i know. i obcess over cheese. get. over. your. self. thanx! :) that mi amigo, was sarcasm. bored, bored, but not really... i must go NOW. i have metric tons of homework, i havent even started. shame on me.

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