Sunday, February 4, 2007

hello people...again....

hola. como estan? sometimes "google trasnlate" doesnt work. i speak espanol as a first language, and let me tell you that its not always that accurate. like, this spanish/french teacher at my school, asked me how to say "fish". i, ofcourse, said it how my family says it, or how my parent's part of mexico says it, "pescado". fish. but she and this other spanish-speaking student say "pez" for fish. i understand "pez" as fish, but, "pescado" is what people i know use for fish. the teacher probably studied spanish spanish. the other student is most likely NOT from Jalisco, or anywhere in there. so she says "pez". they both probably think im stupid. because i say "pescado". and not "pez". another reason i dont like saying "pez": there is this candy, called a "pez". no? a "pez dispenser"??? anyway, i know it is super bowl sunday. and yet, i dont really care. if it was the soccer wold cup, i would be cheering and stuff. (italy won!!!/right?) but football has never interested me. its too violent, actually, i dont care if its violent. its BORING!!! and yes, i know, that soccer is boring sometimes too. im not a very "sporty" person. i like playing hockey, though. havent played in a LONG time. i havent posted for reasons of my own, and the fact that i was playing "Bejewled2" on popcap. im adding that 2 websites that rock. i am very annoying. people are typing, and i alert them of misspelled words and fragments. they want to chuck rocks at me. do i care? not really, no. bored, BORED!!! i saw AMW yesterday. "america's most wanted". havent seen it in a while. they have new graphics. a little bit over the top, in my opinion. i HATE HATE HATE HATE HATE cologne. STOP WEARING IT!!! WE DONT WANT YOU MORE JUST BECAUSE YOU WEAR AXE AND STUFF. i need 2 drink more water. but really, i despise cologne. a little bit is nice, but too much and im passing out from the stench. god. i would like to see the "godfather". yes. i have never seen it before. i also want to see all the chuckie movies, and some REAL scary books. "goosebumps" is a load of sh*t. pure cheese. when i was younger, the "living mummies" used to give me nightmares. dollar tree has a FROZEN FOODS area. i knew this already, and was shocked. i sent txts and emails to jess on how i could not believe it. does this mean we are all doomed? my dad is wearing this MCR shirt that has a rifle in the front. the rifle is fine. but the MCR logo isnt. NOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! he doesnt even know who they are. think of the embarrasment.... why? what did i ever do to people? ok, never mind. but still. i have to go.

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