Tuesday, February 20, 2007

utterly confused/pissed off/utterly confused/wierded out/pissed off/ wishing people would just STOP ASSUMING THINGS!!!

hola. i posted this excellent, wonderful, LONG post yesterday, and something happened and it didnt save. boy, was i pissed. anyway, have people i actually know been reading my blog? i suspect this because people were discussing how much cheese and chocolate rocked in front of, me, and i dont think they are cheese/chocolate enthusiasts. one of them claims to be some sort of early arsonist, or something, "obsessing" over fire, and made me become "utterly confused". 1st of all, i know cheese addicts and stuff. they dont start out claiming to know how much cheese rox, and then, like, what, 10 minutes later say that cheese sucks? and that chocolate is WAY better? i mean, i already know that... (but queso doesnt suck at all). also, i am pissed because, appearantly, if you sort-of defend someone, they guess you like that guy. what the hell? what is wrong with everyone??? (the world replies: "everything. everone SUCKS!!! except a few religious people and a few ordinaries that defied 'the man'. and hippies. ah, hippies..." the world talks on and i ignore it.) anyway, that is going horribly, horribly wrong. last time i defend anyone out of pity or something. the good act comes back and beats the sh*t out of you and laughs. although, that is funny if it happens to someone other than yourself. i take forever to say nothing sometimes. also, the famed "sick bastard" is even sicker than ever. just wanted to say. and i know. i am paraniod. i hate the thought of someone i sort-of-know-but-not-really- reading this randomthoughtsbyme and not even telling moi. perdon!!! also, i failed to add to the "title" that i am multi-tasking, but not really. i am, talking on and on on my blog, figuring out math HW, lisening to FFTL on purevolume, (http://purevolume.com/fromfirsttolast, purevolume is a registered trademark or something of unborn media inc.) wondering why i forgot to call D, asking myself why someone i thought was my best friend is telling people stuff about me that i told in confidence, and making me seem like some kind of really-bad-thing-that-im-not- in her "book". oh, you think i dont know... how estupida do you think i am??? im not my mom and dad's daughter for nothing!!! (i come from smart, talented, musical, hardworking people. but i cant sing. i didnt inherit that trait. sorry, not trying to be cocky. im not.) anyway, everything is starting to suck. but not as bad as another time en mi vida. i have to finish math HW, or ms. mathteacher gives people lunch detention. adios. plz. leave me alone!!! :) gracias...
-gaby, aka, Ms. Lazee Crazee. :) (sarcasm. duh.)

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