Friday, February 23, 2007

"...send the critics to hell with the sound of our voices..."-GUESS.

shit!!! i totally forgot to explicar what kind of person damnyou'reslow is!!! explicacion: poser with shoulder-length hair. not in a good way, like sonny moore, but in a bad way like someone who has shoulder-length hair and is a guy and it isnt a good thing. o. se me olvido decir que como estan todos. como estan todos?

today i worked on documentary thing, and it was fun, but also kind of serious. my friend L told her story, and it was kinda sad. the camera hates me. i think. M1 filmed the whole thing as M2 waited for a basket ball game. ***gracias a mi maestra de social studies por dejar me usar su camara.

i found a site that lets u go to KVLT for FREE. yesterday i visited this website, if the hyperlink is wrong, a quien le importa? that site has the words to the songs. smart people refer to words of a song as "lyrics.". one song is kinda... not good. not good-not good as in good, but not good as in NOT GOOD! i like the 2 christmas songs. santa is going to die because he isnt real and i never believed in the fhapp lardass anyway, and FFTL said he was going to die. i also liked the whole "12 days of Xmas" redo. i have never heard it, but if you read the lyrics and sing it to the tune of the original 12 days of Xmas song, it sounds nice.

(refreshing page...)

"send the critics to hell with the sound of our voices" is from::: the latest plauge. i spelled plauge wrong, didnt i? ya se. "you were always my enemy, carefully crafting my demise..." yes, yes you were. por favor guess---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- oh!!!! i just remembered!!! por favor means "for a favor" and i think i know why please means plz!!! ok, so, if you do someone a favor, arent you "pleasing" them? and "por favor" directly translated means "for a favor..." and i think, that a loooooooooong time ago, in that place where Pip is from, and they changed it because to do someone a favor is to please them. the place where Cortez came from, Espana, stuck to "por favor." i came up with this one on my own, muchas gracias. this is one of the awesome things of being bilingual, being able to figure out stuff like this when you are bored. woo hoo.

there is this once-a-week article, and they ask THE mexican Q's, (some are disgusting and i dont bother to read them...) and he answers. anyway, this person asked something, about mexicans driving low riders and stopping in the middle of the road, and then glare at other cars. then THE mexican funnily explained that no mexicano would ever stop in the middle of the road without:
a. turning on emergency lights
b. blasting los horoscopos de durango a few thousand decibels, (true. no really, this is true. my mom has like, three of their cd's. i can dance to every single one of them. yes, gaby can dance. and yes, the end is near.)
c. (the person asking the Q. also said that everyone got out of the car, and then glared.) gustavo arellano replied to the person w/ this: {we would never just glare. we would glare and add a well-timed "p****e gabacho!!!"} yes, he said that. only in a slightly different way.

***advice: NEVER whistle a 5 note whistle at someone who knows someone who/is someone who speaks espanol. never. ever. if you do, you will find yourself crying in pain. or being sued. something bad. DONT EVER DO THAT. the people whom the whistle is directed at WILL get REVENGE. venganza. dont believe me??? ask an espanol-speaking friend of yours. they should know. if they dont, they should then ask around.

bored, bored. plz "believe. my words" "are"nt "lacking honesty." (from 'Failure by designer jeans') adios. i shall now surf thy spiderweb to ease thy boredom.

-gaby, la loca. que si sabe bailar. pero no le gusta bailar porque es un waste of time.

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