Friday, March 30, 2007


I GOT A HAIR CUT!!! I GOT A HAIR CUT!!! I GOT A HAIR CUT!!! finally. i didnt get one just now, but many hours ago. around 4. its short. ish. layered. but long layers. awesome. my waves became curls in some places and now i have nice hair!!! woo hoo!!! i soon as i got a hair cut and walked back home, i called D. told her i got a hair cut. then she told me she was going to come over. then i ran over [i know. i made a huge deal out of cutting my hair. but i had never gotten an actual hair cut. just chopped off split ends.] and gave told them. then it was about 20 minutes of L and her sister, C, messing around with my hair. outside. then, i txt ed everyone, and Jess called moi. she's in Washington w/ her mom!!! she switched plans er something and now has more minutes or something. when she called, d was already here. then M1 txt me back and tolod me she hadnt gone 2 L's place because she was sick. N was also sick. yesterday, she sounded REALLY sick. but i talked 2 her 2day, and she sounds WAY better. anyway, then D, L and i went outside and hung out next to the laundrymout of however it is you spell it, and L fixed my hair in 2 ponytails, or "pig tails" as u crackers call them, (no offense. why do u call them that??? "pig tails"??? thats not right.) and i acted like a little kid and D took pics. on her awesome samsung cell phone. slides open like chocolate, but is WAY better. then i made her delete every last video and picture, (her phone takes vidz 2.) and then we tried to play basket ball. we didnt get to play because we believed someone jacked L's cousin's ball. but b4 that, we were in where i live, and watching the hilarious shakira vid. and the fftl interpretation, on youtube . and snacking on chips sprite, and popcorn. lets see, it was : my brother
my sister
my other sister
D's sister d
L's sister, C
that was all. then, D and d bought candy from the candy selling lady. she sells mexican candy in her apartment. very nice person. then we looked for the "jacked" basketball. we didnt find it. then, many hours later, after L went inside and i had to go in, my littlest sister found the "jacked" basketball under the table. me and her went over to L's place and gave her the ball. i was like "she found it under the table" and L was all grateful to la chaquetona, or chizpi, as others mostly call her. "chizpi". almost everyone (except me) calls her that. my nickname for her is "Chaquetona". she hates it and almost always yells it back at me, all pissed off. "CHAQUETONA!!!! TU ERES!!!" its really funny. she has accepted her nickname. she still yells it back at me if she wants to make people laugh. she still prefers "Chizpi". do we not understand what "chaquetona" means??? it means "cheeky person". the "a" at the end makes it femenine. i call my brother "chaqueton" and the little one year old my mom 'sits "chaqueton numero dos"
i have totally gotten off subject. pobre.

i will not continue with the story because i am 2 lazy. hence "Lazee Crazy/ee"
the solo in this song is the best.

i might do a little "awards" thing. called the "Awesome Awards". here is awesomest guitar solo.
Awesome Guitar Solo nominee no. 1
Awesome Guitar Solo nominee no. 2
Awesome Guitar Solo nominee no. 3
how did my post on the last official day of spring break in my eyes become awards?
cant finish. have 2 go. im in trouble. no more lap top 4 me 2day. adios.
Happy Last Day of Spring Break

Thursday, March 29, 2007

title: title

gtbs will be on on fri. or sat. i am now taking requests. so far i have 0 requests.
Make a request
or, if that doesnt work, post a comment.

i am very bored. i am posting just to post. what 2 say, what 2 say. nothing.
futurama is coming back in 2008!!! yay!!! How I Know
wikipedia rocks!!!
by the

Bleach: Official Webste: i think...: Anime Network thing

Shonjen Jump Bleach Webpage

i have to go.

really bored.
you nerds are deli rippers!!!

Wednesday, March 28, 2007

poki migra

poki migra. poki migra. poki migra!!! hilarious. especially the pikachu part. u dont understand? oh. she hasnt told u. oh! u dont know her. shame. D told me something very funny. i have added stuff. a lot of stuff. but the main idea, poki migra, is the same.
One day, in Math Class, the person who sits next to me wasnt there. thank you, god. no really, thank you. then, the person with the same name, said that the "poki migra" had gotten him. everyone laughed. then the friend of that person added that pikachu had... had... had... raped him. so, the pokimon migration had taken him, and pikachu had done that to him. i could NOT stop laughing.

the next day, the person who sits next to me was back. they told him about the poki migra and pikachu "rumor", and i, yet again, could not stop laughing. then, later that, day, i called gaby and spilled. she didnt get it at first. she's so stupid. she didnt understand what i meant by "poki" migra. she probably thought it meant "not a lot" (we speak fluent spanish slang) and didnt get why we added pikachu in at the end. i had to repeat the ENTIRE story several times until she decided she was just going to ask what i meant by "poki". i said "pokimon" and she finally understood. then she could stop thinking about it and was distracted for the rest of the phone conversation. after we hung up, i, from WAY over here, in china, heard laughter. gaby's laughter. it wasnt loud. but i could still hear it. she's wierd. and unbelievably stupid. i mean, who doesnt get "pokimon" from "poki"???
that was D's head. isnt that funny, though? poki migra. *smiles at self*
very funny. OH!!! i KNOW!!! i should do a video of someone being taken by the poki migra! im not doing the pikachu part. maybe pikachu will be "into" the person taken. offers to take them to the movies? soy un genio. "pika, pikachu. pika? pikachu!" translation: "Someone like you should always have someone to go to the movies with. what say you and i go, and see (movie) on friday, after i convince the poki migra to release you early? I will pay for the feature presentation!(*says it like its a herioc thing*)" or something like that. that would be sooooo funny.

DO NOT steal the pikachu part i made up. thank you. if you do, chances are this will happen to YOU:
  1. my people will glare at you
  2. revenge will be had.
  3. you will dread checking your reflection on the mirror after we're done with you.
  4. 4 words: Bury Me In Black *big finale* bwa ha ha ha ha!!! *sarcastically*
  5. i will call you. and say..."i wanna see what your insides look like, i wanna see 'em"

actually, no i wont. i dont care that much. i will be pissed off, though.

just because i am posting links to mcr's old work doesnt mean i like their new work. i despise it with every fiber of my being[(TM) gaby], remember?

im getting boring again. wtf? pikachu did that to some kid in D's math class? woah. and he got taken by the poki migra? freaky. i'm never going to "china".

luigi is crazy. u know, from lfmb? the mexican soap opra watched by everyone, except me, and i only hear about it because my mom watches it and talks to me about? ignorance isnt bliss. :)
i am still teaching of fftl's "shame shame". on the last 2, search for fftl or from first to last. estoy loca.

so far i have done NOTHING to celebrate spring break. :( thanx, place where i live. they have "inspection" this week. f*** you. i hate you. ruin my spring break, why dont you? i have slept late, though. and watched tons of tv. even though its "bad" for me.
hopefully, here is a video:
Lyrics 2 Bleeding Mascara
From Yesterday 7 mins long!!!

i have 2 go. adios. happy spring break. i hope it doesnt suck like mine! we only get one week.

Tuesday, March 27, 2007

I'm BACK!!!

"noooooooooooooooo!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!" the world said, when it read the "title".

"what, do u hate me??? me odias? que ise?" i asked.

"no. actually, i just think you're REALLY annoying. and its kind of a drag that you're back to talk on and on and on and on. why cant you go to Mexico for spring break like everyone else?"

"3 reasons:
1. i dont want to.
2. where would i stay? remember, i have TONS of familia in Mexico. i will move from cousin to grandma to cousin to aunt, to grandma to cousin to uncle to aunt, to grandpa, and finally, to convent. then back to cousin and aunt, then grandma again, then dad's uncle, then mom's friend, then mom's cousin's friend's uncle's daughter's bestfriend's aunt's grandpa's great granddaughter's cousin's step sister. muy complicado. of course, i would visit my FAVORITE COUSINS OF ALL TIME. Y and W. then my godmother's cousin, et cetera. it will NEVER end. that is why i havent been to mexico in 8 years.
3. it will be full of turistas. they would buy all the candy. that i was supposed to take to my friends.

do u understand?"

"no. but only because i dont want to." the world said.

i am 'sitting for a 1 year old, a 5 year old, and a 10 year old. the 5 and 10 year olds are my sisters. the 10 year old just kicked the 5 year old in the stomach. the 1 year old is pacing around with a little kid book. oh, yeah. also a 7 year old. mi hermano. he's watching TV in his room, doing nothing. such a good-ish boy. do i seem irresponisble? the 10 year old is taking notes on recipes for my mom. the five year old is looking for candy. the one ear old is still pacing. dont worry. the one year old is fine. he is in a baby proofed area. always in my line of vision. if something was to happen, the five year old will spring into action. she's very helpful. the only person who is problematic, (spelled wrong, whatev.) is the 10 year old. holds the one year old when he doesnt WANT to be held, kicks cute little 5 year old in the stomach for no legitamit reason, annoys me... dont worry. there is an adult nearby, who's doing the laundry, and is in charge of us all. they have come to a truce. they are sharing candy. the 10 year old gave the one year old a smarties candy. only 1 piece. the 5 year old is now drinking water. and being joined by my brother. only he doesnt want water, so he got himself some juice. i just advised the 10 year old to hide the candy. the one year old wants more. but she hid it well. my brother is talking to me about the latest aired episode of "the grim adventures of billy and mandy". the five year old is trying to give the one year old candy. she gave him another smarties. he doesnt seem hyper. or on a sugar rush. but still. 2 smarties are potent stuff. who knows how much high frutcose corn syrup they contain. now the adult is back, and i have given the one year old a bottle, and he is on the couch. i am left with my brother and the one year old. when he's done with the bottle, or starts to get restless, i'm supposed to take him outside. or send him to the adult so she can take care of him while the washing machines work. was this REALLY boring??? i dont care!

did we enjoy saturday's GTBS? i hope we did. the 10 year old and the 5 year old are back. dost thou care? they are watching ned's declassified school survival guide. they need a class clown. anyway, i am very bored. i am an excellent multi tasker. i have to go. i'm doing some mandatory Language Arts african folk tale homework. go here:
Something Funny: the colbert report. go to to watch a funny vid. that u can edit to make him look like a... well, chose a word __. muchas gracias.

here is a vid.
Atreyu: Bleeding Mascara

-gaby. wierdo. i hate assumers. f u. :)
happy spring break. is today tuesday or wedsday? tuesday? ok. does wedsday have an "n"??? whatever.

Saturday, March 24, 2007

Welcome to Gaby's Titled Blah Show (III)

hair explanation: I am an admirer of awesome hair. for proof:
  • everyone in FFTL has excellent hair.
  • i was SUPER PISSED when i heard the vocals for mcr had cut and died his hair. i YELLED at the TV. OUTRAGED. ask someone in my family. :)
  • everyone knows sonny has the best hair.
  • i noticed that in chop suey, the vocals had shorter hair than in Question! or BYOB. first thing i noticed.
  • i critized shakira's hair. go find music in spanish. look 4 shakira. u shall c.
  • i feel a sense of loss when someone with awesome hair gets a hair cut. tell any1, and die. :D
  • i just do, ok? even though i dont exactly take good care of my hair. i wash it and brush it, maybe occaisonally moistureize it, but, eh. my hair do hasnt changed in........ years. i know. AND its frizzy. (really, really, really frizzy) AND i dont have any kindo of fancy shmancy hair cut. thank god no1 sees me in the morning. my hair is like, a 'fro. because some of it gets out of my hair thing, and... its just horrible. tell any1 and die! :)

forget anything i said that was hair-related. D, tell any1, i will walk up to tu amigo, the one that i dont shut up about?, and SAY a few things. a few lies. and u, in turn will call SOMEONE and tell lies. oh, how we blakmail each other. how we blackmail each other.

on friday damnyou'reslow acted really weird. abla me, D.

Welcome viewers. to the thrid episode of GTBS. i hope you enjoy. here is the musica:

The Used
Box Full of Sharp Objects just because their song is called that, dont ASSUM they are "emo". you're "emo". since u know soooooo much about that. "emo" is a kind of music!!! motherf***er!!! LISTEN TO ME 4 ONCE!
Take It AWAY fave the used song...

the creek song the BEST part is where he screams. the bass is AWESOME. "never looking back" wtf is up with the rat and the bird?
All Nerierd beware i have no idea. the vocals are a little 2 soft for my taste. sounds kinda like someone with a high voice singing on a sore throat. they r ok, i guess. not in top 5, though. not that good.

Bury Your Head now, before u go around burying heads, bury your dead first.
Voices nice vid.

My Chemical Romance
Thank You for the Venom this is the vid. on the life on the murder scene dvd thing. before they became a stupid band. back when they rocked? yes. i own murder scene.
Bury Me in Black awesome song. hilarious "stick figure" video. i liked the part where they told them to "pick up the phone, f*cker!!!" awesome. muchas estrellas. in the end, does he kill him? let me know.
Helena this song is about the Way brother's dead grandma. this song/video has a significance 2 me. i'm not going to tell u why, because i dont trust u, world. but i will say that it is a long story.

"you *sniff* dont trust me? *sniff*" the world repeated what i said, sadly.
I'm Not Okay (i Promise)
Its Not a Fashion Statement its a F*cking Deathwish a la' Bleach Bleach ROCKS. on saturdays @ 9 on adult swim. (cartoon network) pacific. :) go, Ichigo! save Rukia!!! from death...

Interpretations/funny videos (they are found purely by chance. and accident.)
Helena "parody" this person is a genius!!!
MySpace is Gay good singing. muchas estrellas. i apoplogize for the gee aye double-you graphics.
and yes, myspace is gay.
"Battle of the Bands: The Used vs My Chemical Romance"REALLY FUNNY u must watch this. i order u to. hilarious.

*yes, gaby does requests.
Miss Murder Requested by: D, and my littlest sister.
here's a disturbing thought: i heard that davy is going out with jade!!! EW!
The Black Parade. I HATE THIS VIDEO WITH EVERY FIBER OF MY BEING. requested by D. i really hate this video w/ every fiber of my being.

System of a Down
Chop Suey the singing is very well done. voice tricks. muchas estrellas.
La la la la la la! every1 is going to party and have a real good time. spring break, 4 me, starts monday. this is the weekend. doesnt count. bwa ha ha ha ha. i have no idea why i laughed an evil laugh.

Musica En Espanol
Gasolina plz ignore the objectifing of females. thank you. the song, if that is what they are, after gasolina, is a totally different thing. not the same song, is what i mean. for maximum listening of the song, DO NOT watch the video. especially if you "no ablo espanol". again, plz ignore the objectifing of videos. i totally spelled objectifing wrong.
Corazones if only every1 spoke spanish. then they could understand the "song".
Hips Dont Lie her hair is really crazy. worse than mine. ohhhhhhhh. i did not just say that about Shakira's hair! yes i did. song is kinda/is eh.
i am forced to know how to dance to this kind of music. :[
si la quieres
Green Day
Boulevard of Broken Dreams. hypocrits. not them, but u. "emo" expert. u must have pissed me off a lot because i throw shit at u a lot. :) since this song is sadish, its "emo". but, since Green Day contributed a lot to music, rock music to be exact. u "let it go" i know your kind. i hate u. *5 note whistle, @ u*
Idiota Americano there are many american idiots. just flip through the channels someday. this vid. is censored. :(
---way back when, when we got FUSE, [its been 2 weeks. :( ] me and my dad would start discussing green day to the max. we didnt really care about them, and i still dont care a lot, and since a special of them was on, i would watch it out of boredom, and me and my dad would go into musical styles, lyrics, et cetera. really discussing musica. good times.

i have done enough video hunting 4 this episode. adios!!! happy almost spring break!!!



Thursday, March 22, 2007

D has a serious problem...

she has a serious, huge problem in china. math class to be exact. no mas!!! if you really wanna know go here. bwa ha ha ha ha!!!! if u went to that website, that was atreyu! if you didnt, i just lied!!! its d's blog. bwa ha ha ha ha!!! if you bought that, u are a dee dee dee!!!

anyway, 2 day i cut open a pig heart. it smelled very wierd. we cut it up nicely, though. after we finished, my 2 other partners started to massacre it. that doesnt make any sense, does it? anyway, after they were done, there was pork blood everywhere. and the heart was shredded up, for raw whateveritis. my parteners were: M2 and the "sick bastard". he has gotten less sick.

i plan to, next time, on Gaby's Titled Blah Show to have the following artists on the "show":

  • FFTL (of course)
  • AFI (requests. i would like to share some of their old work.)
  • MCR (pre-and post, black parade. requests. i feel like it.)
  • Atreyu (something other than the theft and bleeding mascara.)
  • System of a Down (something other thanh Question! and BYOB. maybe chop suey?)
  • Green Day (i dont like them as much as the ones above, but they are GOOD. and they have contributed to my musica. i'm not saying specific genres, but they inspired some people. maybe holiday, american idiot, bulevard [spelled wrong] of broken dreams...)
  • Shakira (i have her 1st cd. [got it when i was nine...] requests. she has an amazing voice.[duh.])
  • Fall Out Boy (requests. my brother likes their musica. [dont ask.] gives me an opportunity to make fun of them. oh, how i hate them! how i hate them.)
  • Daddy Yankee (havent heard of him? ignorant. only regeton i lisen to. rap en espanol. he's pretty good. there are a lot of rumors going around, though. maybe play gasolina, "corazones", that other song that i forgot...)
  • los horoscopos de duarngenze/durango. (i might not do this. mexican banda. i can dance to them, though. remember?)
  • SAOSIN (voices, any thing new. because they went to TOC, and i think they are good. even if they hate FFTl... )
  • Chiodos (the "creek" song. video is AWESOME. they went to TOC. or, RTOC. as others call it. song is good. i feel like it.)
  • The Used (duh. what did u expect? awesome band. my fav. video/song is take it away.)
  • Various Interpretations that I find Funny or Insulting.
  • Weird Shit (something wierd that i chance upon while finding video URLs. for some reason, i cant embed.)
  • Requests. (so far, requests include: miss murder, by D; the black parade, by D; I'm Not OK, by D; and Shakira- Hips Dont Lie actual vid..., by D.

that is all. (i hope...) plz, if u have a "request", leave a comment, anonymously. i dont care. here is an example:

"Gasolina" by Daddy Yankee. actual music video.


"Thank You for the Venom" by MCR. whatever video is found. no interpretations, plz.

the right way to do it is to say the name of the song, the "artist", and whatever video u want it. if i dont find it, or u dont say what kind u want, i will show a link to whatever form of the song i feel like it. even if i hate the maker of the music, i will show a link to it. for some reason i cant embed. ***para my people: esta mejor si ustedes dejan un email o comento envez de ablar me y decir me que quieren ver. muchas gracias!!!

















- gaby/missmuseonFUsed/L. Crazee

dont read the following, ok?
"ok, gaby. i wont" the world PROMISED.
PS: i have found that cologne really works. a little bit,so that we can only smell it if you're CLOSE and if we smell it, we go crazy. sometimes. not always. it worked on several of my people and even ME. the cologne HATER. wtf? anyway, dont use this against me. muchas gracias!!! it DID NOT work on me in 5th or 6th per. dont get any stupid ideas. i know u. judgemental, assuming world. *scowls*
"hey, that's mean!!" the world said.
i was talking about you inhabitants, the humans. they are SO mean. and female-dog-ish.

You Nerds Are Deli Rippers!!!

Tuesday, March 20, 2007

bleeding mascara

awesome song. como estan todos?

people are acting wierd. again. for the millionth time. why? i heard someone mention " blah blah blah---gaby," then i just went back to what i was doing. wtf? is some rumor going around? does someone NEW hate me? did i offend any1? piss someone off? WHAT!!! forget it. its best i dont know. but if it gets extreme, i must know. ignorance isnt bliss.

oh. my. GOD. my friday plans are RUINED. sorry, m1, m2, m3, m4, n, l, d2, a3. :( my fault. i wont be able to make it. if i go, i have to drag SOMEONE else with me. no freaking way. im not going.

my bands and people rock. i have 2 go. all hw is completed. adios. thanx, ___ for ruining my friday movie plans. ugh.
here is a vid.
bleeding mascara.
*sniff* my friday plans are ruined. :( (like i would cry because of this...)
-gaby. sad right now.

Monday, March 19, 2007

the theft.
"see him numb, see him crushed."

hola. como estan todos? una nina piensa que yo le dije que ella no sabe nada, pero esto es lo que paso: en mi binder escribi "tu no sabes NADA" y ella me pregunto que decia, entonces se lo lei, y le dije en ingles que no sabia nada, pero ella no sabe mucho espanol, y piensa que yo le dije a ella que ella no sabe nada. can you believe that? oh. i have forgotten. you dont understand spanish. stupid. idiota. dee dee dee. ok, if youre bilingual, i dont care that u cant understand my first language. but if you speak english, and you dont understand my random thoughts *en espanol*, then you have a serious problem. wtf? for the mentally ill, wtf means "what the f*ck". ok? good. anyway, my mom told me that she expects me to apply to colledge with 3 languages. spanish, english, and the language of my choice. she advised me to learn russian. she said that u get paid more $$$ if you speak russian. she said the russians are coming. i think russian is hard. i want to learn latin, but she said that latin is a language of the past. whatev. im learning latin 1 way or another. then comes language (modern language) of choice. she wants me to get *the best* education. enough of school. i have enough homework as it is.

anyway, cant wait to buy cds. so far i want 6 cds. thats like, 40 dollars if i shop at FYE: for your entertainment(tm) chah. but i "dont deserve" them. i have to say this. my name is gaby lastname, and i'm a chocoholic. i have gone 26 hours without chocolate, and really want chocolate. no seriously. *long pause* actualy, never mind. my dad just got home and brought me a 3 musketeers bar. like all delicious chocolate, it must be washed down with a ton of water. to prove that i have eaten a 3 musketeers, here are the ingredients as listed, on the wrapper: MILK CHOCOLATE (SUGAR, CHOCOLATE, COCOA BUTTER, LACTOSE [WTF???], SKIM MILK, MILKFAT [???], SOY LECITHIN), SUGAR, CORN SYRUP [noooooooooooooo!!!], HYDROGENATED PALM KERNEL OIL AND/OR PALM OIL, LESS THAN 2%: COCOA POWDER PROCESSED WITH ALKALI, SALT, EGG WHITES, AFTIFICIAL AND NATURAL FLAVORS. what have i just eaten??? i thought it was chocolate! it should have more cocoa powder and less milk!!! nooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooo!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
i heard that hydrogenated palm kernel oil is REALLY bad for you. oil from the seeds er something. shame on you, MasterFoodsUSA. oh sorry. was that incredibly boring?

bleeding mascara is an awesome song. im not giving a link. :)




( __ )


bored, bored***.
***= really, really, really, really, bored!!!

something interesting: atreyu hates fftl and so does saosin!!!

-gaby. missmuseonFU*sed/L. Crazee

***************************************u nerds are deli rippers!!!

Sunday, March 18, 2007

Random Thoughts

hello. world. did you enjoy the latest episode of GTBS? i hope you did. it took me 4ever to find the hilarious Shakira vid. requested by my good friend D. i hope youre happy. y havent u called me yet? anyway, an excellent song/vid that i forgot, by SOAD, is "Question!". i totally forgot to copy and paste the URL into the hyperlink thing. i dont get FUSE anymore. :,( that was a face crying. oh, sorry, "emo" expert. was that "emo"? perdon.

{Gaby's Titled Blah Show Request(s)*
a request has been given: my littlest sister, the five year-old, wants to see AFI's "miss murder". she was singing the chorus at the top of her lungs. i wish i had a camera. now she's singing the song to herself. can u belive it? how cute! anyway, here's the link:
Vid: Miss Murder (long version. w/ prelude 12/21)
*any request made at any time by anybody will be shown on a post and an "episode" of GTBS. if you dont make a request, but want to see a video, go to google video, you lazy bitch/bastard. all of the requests are done by my people. i have no internet friends. :(
i'm sorry, was the frowny face "emo"? that was sarcasm. dios mio. }

anyway, appearantly WARNING: the following is kinda like gossip. but not really. its TRUE. i heard that something Sonny Moore said when he left FFTL, that it wasnt what he wanted, and that if he stayed, he would have been like a ho, because he didnt want to do it, but he would have gotten $$$ and fame. all he wanted/wants/has is a solo career. so he left FFTL. they still rock. but i'm repeating myself again... so, he now has one, (solo.) and its wierd. its pop-ey/poppy. whatever. i dont like/support* his NEW music. i support his honesty.
*not buying his solo cd. no freaking way.

and now, because i feel like it and can, i'm going to do a mini episode of GTBS. does any1 care? do any of the viewers care? *silence* oh, right. my people are busy. they have lives... (i have a life 2!!! going to the movies w/ 7 other people next friday. c? i have a life.) here it is. internet. links. keyboard. action!

Welcome viewers. como estan todos? today i am doing a mini gtbs episode. to kick off the "countdown", i have a request. from my little sister, the five year-old? yes. i believe it says in my "cue cards" that she would like to see AFI's "Miss Murder". well. here it is:
Vid: Miss Murder Requested By: my littlest sister. she shall remain nameless.
now that i'm at it, lets add love like winter.
Vid: Love Like Winter Requested By: no one. added just because.

~~~~~~~~~~~Random Music~~~~~~~~~~~
Question! here because it rox
BYOB here because it rox (metal?)

Interpretations!!! YAY!!!
My FAVORITE*!!!! although some people hate the person who made it. :)
*because its hilarious.
that was a mini episode of gtbs.

i am now very bored. i am tired of trying to help people out. they. forget it. im not helping any1 else out. as ok.

this has been:
  • gaby
  • miss lazee crazee
  • missmuseonFUsed
  • other

i will now eat. i havent eaten, since, like, noon. starving. the noon thing was "breakfast". i was online @ 10 am. then there was an offline period that was very long. anyway, dance! monkey, dance! adios.

-gaby/l. crazee/missmuseonFUsed (actual username)

plz. visit and lisen to "take it away". rox. adios

Saturday, March 17, 2007

Welcome to Gaby's Titled Blah Show!!! (II)

welcome viewers! como estan todos? today, i will be doing a special funny vid/bands i like/interpretations countdown!!! yay!

the first vid. today is the hilarious From First to Last Interpretation!!!
for some reason i cant embed! oh well. here is a link!!!
Vid: FFTL Interpretation
i still havent stopped laughing!!! 5 stars.

System of a Down
the second vid. is: SOAD!!! BRING YOUR OWN BOMBS!!!
Vid: B.Y.O.B. (actual vid. )
it rocks!!! 4 stars. (are they metal? whatever.)
BYOB uncensored
weird sh*t the used to "sleeping beauty"
the title says it all.
A7X interpretation i hate avenged sevenfold. :D

The Used
Box Full of Sharp Objects live, at the warped tour.
Take It Away: audio/pure music from the cd? awsome song. "burn the sun, burn the light".
All That I've Got-go books!!! find the END.

Ex's and Oh's awesome song. from SURS?
The Theft (actual vid.) Internation Music Feed
The Theft (lyrics vid.)
Bleeding Mascara

*yes. gaby does requests.
I Write Sins Not Tragedies Requested by D.
Shakira-Hips Dont Lie-Verasche hilarious!!! Requested By D.

Thanx for watching!!! tune in next time for another episode of Gaby's Titled Blah Show.
i hate fall out boy. "I AM AUNT SUE!!!" dont ask. adios.

Friday, March 16, 2007

oh. that explains a lot...

"life is bleak, man." -zen charger insights.
true. i now understand. it's because im "emo". idiotas. "emo." do i lisen to emotional music? i dont really care, and personally, i dont really think my music is "emo." maybe a little, but what, u expect me to lisen to shit like fall out boy, this band where the vocals has curly hair, and this other band... starts with a/"mana". i lisen to whatever the hell i want. i also have a question for you "emo" experts. how is *ahem* fftl "emo"? is lyrics suggesting "wear your skin as a suit, pretend to be you, your friends will like you more than they used to" "emo"? how? is "sister, im not much a poet, but a criminal, and you u never had a chance, love it or leave it, you cant understand, a pretty face, but you do so carry on, and on, and ooon. i wouldnt front the scene if you paid me..." "emo"? how? that was *ahem* mcr, pre black parade, thank u for the venom. merci! por le venin. is "what are you sooo afraid of? why are you so afraid?!" "emo"? *ahen* underoath. is *ahem* soad "emo"? HOW? HOW. i hate you! :D si tu piensas que eres un genio, por favor, EXPLICAME como es que mi musica y yo somos "emo"? oh. im sorry. youre 2 thick headed 2 understand. poor unfortunate child.

i have to go. my show is on. nxt time, gaby's titled blah show will be on. special no fftl episode. adios.

tune in for gtbs. 2morrow. hopefully.

Thursday, March 15, 2007


hello world. como estan todos? i dont care. :D since im wasting my time posting links to videos, i will no longer do that. maybe a few embeds, but no more links unless its crucial that the world see the video. ok?

"ok. i liked the whole "gaby's titled blah show" thing. but no1 else got it."

i know. how stupid are you? you know SURS? surs=stevens untitled rock show. i did gtbs. do we not see? on SURS they interview bands and stuff and show videos. how ignorant are you? and if you think ignorance is bliss, go get your knowledge of your history eradicated. do we not understand what i meant by the last thing i said? stupid, stupid people. gaby's titled blah show is where i show links to vids i like or hate. hello. dee dee dee. what it in your head? oh, i forgot. you dont HAVE a head.

anyway, today i met a true bitch, oh, how i hate her. how i hate her. she's not canine, shes humana. she's the talks-in-a-girly-spoiled-biatchy-way-on-purpose-and-flips-her-haaiir-and-smiles-and-takes-any-guy's-side-just-because-stupid-inconciderate-bitchy-slut*cough*-thinks-she's-better-than-me-for-SOME-reason-when-we-all-know-we-are-supposed-to-be-"created"-equal-stupid-doesnt-care-if-she-jumpropes-and-a-guy-looks-at-her-while-she-does- kinda girl. i hate you soooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooo much!!! i dont care if your ways are different than mine. just dont be that way.

anyway, youtube rox, some FFTL fans that dont watch SURS and didnt know that FFTL (b4 being dropped) joined capitol records, still thought they were with epitaph. i have to go.


Wednesday, March 14, 2007

Welcome to Gaby's Titled Blah Show!!!

Welcome viewers. como estan todos? today on Gaby's Titled Blah Show i will be talking about... STUFF!!! isnt that interesting? anyway, i heard sonny moore, on his "solo career" is doing techno. i know! every1 is going to hate him now! i know i will! there is no way i am going to buy your cd or whatever. i will acknowledge that you have an awesome voice, and your hair rocks, but techno isnt what im into! why am i so "happy"? anyway, here are some links!!!
Interpretation of FFTL by The Genius*
Ride the Wings of Pestilence*
Final Fanasy a la' dutch e pestilence*
Note to Self *
Note to Self a la' Naruto
Note to Self a la' Naruto II
Christmassacre con milky way, now hated because got rid of glasses* Travis ritcher screams in this one!! (while sonny moore played guitar!!!) sound is kinda bad!
Waltz Moore a la' FFTL*
wavesgoodbye amen to that!
wierd sh*t!!! sonny'a new music. compared to FFTL, worth _____. compared to pop and rap and all those stupid things, ok. i guess. but i dont really like it.




Tuesday, March 13, 2007

"will you please JUST STOP!!! you are getting SO ANNOYING!!!" the world told me.

"dear diary,
my teen angst has a bodycount. its 6, going on 7 now."
-guess. this is SO obvious.
if only it was that simple... my math hw is officially done. my 1st per. class work is suffering and im about to get an overall grade of "B" in 2 classes. :( this cant happen. my mom will only let me get 1 B. in 1 class. i have to make my grades go up.

yesterday, i said i was going to explicar emo jokes. they are simple yet disasterous. (i spelled disasterous wrong... i think...) i hate them. :) NO. IM NOT EMO. refer to me as "emo"and you will be 29% right. according to a survey i took long ago, that had nothing to do about music, but what i "look" like, and how i do my hair... (the maker is probably on grass...) anyway, appearantly im 29% emo. (does any1 know who barry wom is?) and i have never enjoyed "emo" jokes. they suck. i have a special part in one of my earlyish posts where i say that if any1 makes fun of someone who actually cuts, they were dead to me. that is still in effect. but, if you make the occaisonal "emo" joke, i will not laugh, and become totally serious, and most likely will not talk to anyone about anything. not because i have ever cut myself, NO. but i know this person. i think she's a senior, and she lives in Washington, you know, the one north of oregon, where i live? (why do they call washington DC "washington" and washington "washington state???" they are all on....) she talked to me about something, back when i was really naive, and didnt understand any concepts. she had cuts on her arm, and i foolishly/stupidly asked her where she had gotten them, and she sort-of-but-not-really- explained, and i was still confused...(remember, i was really naive.) and then asked someone in family about it, and the person i asked answered (en espanol, offcourse.) amd said she was (the 1 who had cuts) stupid, and didnt actually ans. my Q. i figured it all out l8er. that is why i never laugh at "emo" jokes, even if i really hate the person. if i laugh, (on 1 occaison i did...) it was because they were really stupid, and the person was clearly not emo.

"now i know" the world said

"good, because i have to go."
i said.



adios. drink liquids.
-gaby. dear diary...

Monday, March 12, 2007

you nerds r deli rippers...

i got that from a failure by designer jeans interpretation. not as funny as ride the wings of pestilence... guess what?
"what?" the world asked.

"im eating tofu!!!" i said.

"AHHHHHHHHHH!!!!!!!!!!"*passes out.*

i have 2 go. watch the same maker of the FFTL vid 's take on A7X. i hate a7x. they suck. i really just ate tofu...

i have 2 go...
adios. nerdy deli rippers...
-gaby. emo jokes. i will explain them 2morrow. NEVER drink tequila. very bad for you. "say no..." whatev. adios.

you nerds are deli rippers...

Sunday, March 11, 2007

"comprede?" "yes." "que bueno..."

okay. are we all caught up 2day? como estan todos? like i care... anyway did you visit the FFTL interpretation? hilarious. only, they are NOT gay. as a whole. individually, i dont know... and who the hell is "barry wom?" and how did he get "resume to b.o."? "dear diary, my teen angst has a bodycount, it's 6, going on 7 now..." have a question for travis ritcher: why did you ever stop screaming for heroine? you are really good at screams. anyway, do the folllowing:
1. go to google video.
2. type in "from first to last"
3. click on the 1st thing that comes up. it should be "Note to Self" (actual MuseVid.)
4. watch it. from there, click on all seemingly interesting vidz.
5. make sure to watch as many interpretations as possible.
6. if you find yourself watching a fall out boy actual muse vid, RUN. flee to canada.
7. go to i have no real reason for you to visit that. plz go...
8. go to purevolume. you should know where the link is.\
9. chew gum...
10. never ever go to this website: its not a real website, i just made it up.
thanx. oh, i forgot to explain the "tu madre" thing. i'll just give advice: ***Advice***
-never say "yo momma". it has been overdone. use easy words, like "tu madre" your mom, your mommy, your mother, et cetera. never ever use those stupid "yo momma is so ___ she ______. they arent funny, or insulting, and i hate them. use better ways, like if they say something, use their words against them. for example: "i wish my lawn was emo. then it would cut itself" to this, you would reply: "oh, like your mommy does every morning after everyone leaves?". WARNING: if they are "delicate" they WILL cry... this is VERY BAD. DO NOT UNDER ANY CIRCUMSTANCES, MAKE ANYONE CRY. or, if a hated one makes another horrible "emo" joke. if you have no idea what im talking about, read one of my was it january, or february? whatev. if they make an emo joke, reverse it to their mother. or, if you know her and she's nice, insult their grandma. "tu abuela!!!" i must go. Homework calls. **perdon por el post that bored me to tears.

-Gaby. i actually capitalized the "g". why do i care? "i'll wear your skin as a suit, pretend to be, you, your friends will like you more than they used to..."-guess. its really obvious, idiota. dee dee dee.
^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^drink soda. it tastes good.

Saturday, March 10, 2007

ride the wings of pestilence/ "interpretations"

Ride the Wings of Pestilence Interpretation Vid.

"i'll hide you in my walls, your body, will never be found, i'll wear your skin as a suit, pretend to be you, your friends will like you more than they used to..."

i have to go. adios.
-gaby. tired of trying to explain herself. something bad/wierd happens, (MY) concience is clear. drink water. good for you. but odwalla is better.

Me+YouTube=laughter that never ends...

holy shit. are you freaking kidding me? its almost 3am, and i spent HOURS embeding vidz on here. you f*cked up shitty website. i had so many videos... like, 17. THIS IS THE SECOND TIME THIS HAS HAPPENED. i swear, (even though im not supposed to...) if this happens again, im going to take me and my blogs elsewhere. myspace, or xanga. i missed out on precious hours of sleep to make a totally awesome video-filled post, and i click on "publish" and you erase everything. damn you. i went back and forth through google video and blogger, and (on diff. windows.) you delete hours of work. f*** you. i had at least 8 FFTL vidz, 2 SOAD vidz, 2 hatred vidz, and a few others. it is now 2:59 am. i hope you are happy. CTM. CTM. CTM. CTM. CTM.
D, dont let your little sisters read this post!!! here is an interpretation of Ride the Wings of Pestilence. it better work. *shakes fist at google and blogger as a whole*
actually, never mind i have to go.

Wednesday, March 7, 2007

"what happpened, gaby? you look super pissed." the world said. "DO YOU HAVE ANY IDEA OF HOW STUPID EVERYONE (other than my people, ofcourse.) ARE?"

the wall was bright orange. gaby the wierdo was standing in front of it. she was spray-painting SOMETHING on the bright orange wall. she looked pissed off. El Mundo saw her/his/its good friend, and went over to talk. "what are you doing?"
"spray-painting. obviously."
"yeah, i can tell. but why? and what are you writing?"
"im writing los idiotas a note, because the are really dense, and do not understand. the have been smoking too much grass while whoevertheylivewith is away."
"oh. what are you writing?"
"read for yourself. im done. i have to go before they get me for vandalism."
"ok. bye gaby."
"bye world."
the words on the wall that were writen in black spray paint will never be told on this blog, because it would have to be censored, and there arent enough little stars in the world. not because its obscene, but because it makes to many references to where i live, and stuff. plz imagine what it says. gracias.

do we still not GET IT??? my god. (yes, you've driven me to say "god" again. i hope you're happy.) is it NOT obvious? do we STILL not understand? NO. i dont. (that was an answer to a unasked question. MY answer to an unasked question.) and now you're going to be a dee dee dee and totally ignore/misinterpret what i have just said. f*** you. no, even worse, CTM. the FIVE NOTE WHISTLE. dammit! why doesnt anyone SEE are THEY BLIND!!!??? are YOU, the PEOPLE blind? i dont think EVERY SINGLE ONE of you is BLIND!!! what the hell? do we not understand STILL??? ok. i will explain. in the only way subtle-y possible: the taco story from the day before yesterday. yeah. im going there. tacos will never be the same. here is la historia, SPECIALLY edited for purposely stupid people. :


"hola paco. quieres un taco?" i asked the world.

"no thanx. mexican food makes me puke," the world politely answered,

"porque?" i inquiered.

"because its toooo greasy." the world answered. a little bit annoyed.

"oh. you're talking about cheap mexican food stupid college drop-outs make and sell at corners
so they can buy themselves some nasty mcdonald's food." i said, with disgust.

"yeah. do you know Billy Bob Joe? that's where i get tacos." the world said.

"what kind of taco did billy bob joe make you?" i asked, yet again.

"Billy Bob Joe made me a beef and lettuce and cheddar cheese taco. with mild hot sauce." the world answered, turning a pistaccio-pudding green color.

"QUE? the REAL tacos have panela, frijoles gisados, and tapatio. those are the most common. another favorite is carne de rez asada con cebolla y ajo, frijoles recien cosidos, y chirmole. also queso fresco. queso fresco..." gaby, the ("certified") cheese enthusiast assured the world.

"ok, now i want a taco. can i have a taco?" the world asked.

"no." -gaby

"why not!!!" -el mundo

"because the first time i asked you, you said no." i answered and spied a cd store, that sold my music. i looked at it, and said: "i have to go now. smartpunk sampler vol. 1 calls."

"okay. i guess i'll have to go to Billy Bob Joe's." the world really wants a taco, and has to go to Billy Bob Joe's.
that was a nice taco story. and now, i will talk on and on and on and on and on and on and on and on and on and on and on and on, and on, and on.

today's subject for on and on and on-ing, is homework. i havent done it. poor me. and since i havent done it, i will have to end this post. plz visit the following places:
The Used
From First to Last
SURS ok, dont visit this. and NO, i DONT think steven is hot.
Taste of Chaos
Warped Massacre-fave. player is Spencer. but Geoff is really hard to beat. really. they play music as you play. kicks ass.

i have to go. Homework calls. adios.
-gaby. drink snapple.
plz. drink snapple. and odwalla.

Tuesday, March 6, 2007

PAY ATTENTION: (stupid dee dee dee)

ok. DO the following things. my time is limited right now.
1. do people not understand? plz reread/read yesterday's me-talking-to-the-world story thing.
2. visit i now know the link on websites that rock doesnt work...
3. your mom. tu madre. (awesome way to say ctm. i know. soy un genio.)

go to purevolume. we all know where that is then, the used will honor you with their presence at appearantly their title of their new cd is callled (according to an interview on SURS;) ****er. they had a good laugh about that one. for some reason, i cant bring myself to type it. anyway, drink odwalla, adios.
-gaby. drink odwalla.

Monday, March 5, 2007

"well if you wanted honesty, that's all you had to say..." -guess again, mi amigo. this post starts with una historia de queso...

"hola paco. quieres un taco?" (i said) "no thanx. mexican food makes me puke," (said the world.) "porque?" (i asked) "because its toooo greasy." (the world said.) [why isnt "failure by designer jeans" on purevolume working???!!!] "oh. you're talking about cheap mexican food stupid college drop-outs make and sell at corners so they can buy themselves some nasty mcdonald's food." (i said.) "yeah. do you know Billy Bob Joe? that's where i get tacos." (the world said) "what kind of taco did billy bob joe make you?" (i asked el mundo.) "he made me a beef and lettuce and cheddar cheese taco. with mild hot sauce." (the world said, turning green.) "QUE? the REAL tacos have panela, frijoles gisados, and tapatio. those are the most common. another favorite is carne de rez asada con cebolla y ajo, frijoles recien cosidos, y chirmole. also queso fresco. queso fresco..." [tacos vary a lot. depends on part of mexico/latin america.] (i said.) "can i have a taco?" (the world was hopeful...) "no." "why not!!!" "because. just because. also because the first time i asked you, you said no. i have to go. " (i leave. the world is sad. it really wants a taco. el mundo sadly walks away toward billy bob joe's.)

ATREYU!!! GET OUT OF MY HEAD!!! "the theft" is stuck in my head again. ay no.
i have a question for people: what are you all on? grass? im assuming grass because you are very stupid, and that can only happen from killing your brain cells while being locked in your room, and smoking grass while mommy and daddy/mommy or daddy are away. seriously though, what are you all on? i was/ am wondering because wierd things are happening again.
for-example,-but-not-really, this guy kept telling me i am wierd, and i was like, "yeah. i know. i dont care." then he goes "its because you only talk to your friends and stuff, or you dont say anything." then, i was like, "i dont talk because i chose not to." then he said that i was wierd, and i said that people have been telling me im wierd for years, and that i knew. then he shutted up and a girl whose name also starts with an M told me he smelled really bad, and couldnt i smell it? and then i said the stench didnt reach me, and she said she thought he hasnt showered in a few days. then i read 1 chapter of the book im on today. also, people ARE ASSUMING THINGS AGAIN!!! dammit. plz stop. andale? por favor? te doy un dulce... [im using begging as a stratagy this time.] has anyone noticed i have stopped taking god's name in vain? i know. im improving. anyway, plz, stop assuming. ask me if unsure. plz be unsure. gracias.

i havent done my homework yet... "shame, shame on me... come again?...shame, shame on ME..." -fftl. heroine.

[censored for content. someone she knows might have read that...]

that was a smart way to get someone to click on the link. plz click on the link. really, i wrote something... but erased because someone i know might read this. someone like D. she will ask. i will answer. plz call her at (***) ***-****. click on her #, plz. anyway, i think mcdonald's food is nasty, "nastick" as my little-est sister says. i almost threw up. never again will i take whatever my people bring me back from a trip to somewhere. even if i am starving as i was that day. plz click on that link. look up christmassacre. and failure by designer jeans. and X12 days of Xxxmasx. and note to self. and secrets dont make friends. and the latest plauge. and world war me. and shame shame. ["just bodies... they bite they scratch they crawl at golden souls, hue pictures you wont see or ever know. just bodies, these golden souls with pictures were deleted, heaved into the ocean to DROWN with their brothers. their brothers..." might be off at a few places. i wrote the words without shame shame playing or the website. i was listening to the levy at the time.]

i have to go. "we wont be taken alive!!!" amen. guess who said that? i have to go. adios. read the following:
1. what happened to lani garver
2. life of pi
3. this other book, that i havent read yet. it takes a lot to be in my top 3 books. chah. someday...
i REALLY have to go. do math HW. adios for the second time, D. ablame.
-gaby. i still hate it when someone spells gaby in any other way. cuatro letras. g-a-b-y. i could spell that with EASE in kindergarten.

Saturday, March 3, 2007

nooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooo (devastated)


no!!! esto no esta bien!!! esto no esta bien!!! NOOOOOO!!!!! NO. no esta bien. this isnt right. NOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
sonny moore has quit FFTL. is working on a solo career. NOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO!!!
esto no esta bien!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
the band isnt with capitol records anymore. NOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO!!!!!
when i heard about this, i was actualy at the yahoo message boards. they said this. i thought it was a joke, or a misunderstanding, or SOMETHING!!! then i finally went to their website, and ITS TRUE!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

i was like QUE!!!??? read this:

Monday, February 26, 2007
2007 Year Of Change
There are many rumors going around right now about our band, and we have finally ended up in a position to be able to share with you what has happened over the last couple months since the Atreyu Tour fiasco, the cancellation of the Lost Prophets tour, and our backing out of the Give It A Name festival.Sonny Moore has quit the band and is working on a solo career. We (Good, Richter, Bloom and Matt Manning -- now an official member, by the way) were in the studio writing for the new record getting ready to fly to Los Angeles to meet up with Sonny to record the record when we got the news about him leaving.We know that Sonny's departure is going to be a huge deal to a lot of our fans, and we are sorry that these things continue to happen to us (and you). We all tried to make compromises, but sometimes artists just have to do things for themselves.To make matters worse, Capitol Records was on the verge of being bought out by another label and bands were being dropped. Money was put on hold from the label and with FFTL already in debt due to the Atreyu tour and studio costs..... Well, we were pretty much crippled.We had a decision to make that night at the studio that I will never forget... This was the most epic, movie-worthy event of my life. We just said, "Screw this. Let's just do it ourselves. The whole thing -- just us four." The good news is Sonny leaving meant that the band had to make changes, and these changes couldn't have been more positive. And so, that is exactly what we have been doing over the last couple of months -- self-producing the new From First to Last album, without a record label or Sonny.To get the ball rolling, I quickly called my friend Lee Dyess who owns the EarthSound studio in Valdosta, GA where we recorded "dear diary" and "aesthetic" (we also helped him build it), and arranged for the studio time which cost us the rest of our money and favors from Lee. We also teamed up with our close friend Jordan Schur who is not only managing us now, but signed our band to his label Suretone (through Interscope).Matt Good is now fronting the band along with vocals from myself and Manning. We are extremely excited about this record, and we are stoked to be singing again.Thank you everyone so much for all of your support, and to the U.K....we are really sorry you seem to have taken the worst from this, we are gonna make it up this year we promise.Check back for updates and keep your eyes peeled for a complete online over haul for FFTL...

- Travis & FFTL
!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! I WAS SUPPOSED TO SEE THEM AT TASTE OF CHAOS ALONG WITH OTHER BANDS NEXT YEAR!!! (OR AT THE WARPED TOUR.) NOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
anyway, that's out. how is sonny going to go solo?
plz visit
they play music.
i found a place that plays christmassacre: (nota: you can barely hear what they are saying...)
here is the X12 days of XxxmasX:
you can also not understand what they are saying here either, but i can. they need to sing louder.

after pensando for a while, i think that it was actually kind of obvious someone was going to leave FFTL. it had to be sonny, going to his "solo career". there are people who believe he is going to fail, and want to join FFTL again. i agree. unless he joins some other band, or forms one, there is no way he will succeed solo. solo means alone in spanish. masculine. feminine would be sola. yo no estoy sola. i still dont know who emily (on the dear diary cd) is. people have to many theories that are not proven in any way. the one that makes more sense is one someone i forgot said: that emily played 'im. then they wrote other songs. like note to self "note to self, i miss you terribly, this is what we call a trajedy..." makes sense. (i think i spelled trajedy wrong.) someone on yahoo... i have to go. for reasons of my own.
adios. i will talk 2morrow if i feel like it.
-gaby: no longer going NOOOO!!! at sonny leaving FFTL. they were working on the record and he just sings. read the thing i copied and pasted again. adios, again. bye.

"ay no!" (said i) "what?" (asked el mundo) "i have wierd news." (i replied.) "what?" (the world asked, yet again.) "read my post and find out."

i talked to D yesterday. she told me she read my blog when she was in math class in "china" and she said that it was interesting. i finished "life of pi" many hours ago. i read it slowly, because i was afraid it would end soon. it did. i was like, "crap.". awesome book.

D finally admited it!!! woo hoo! HOURS of annoyingness totally payed off. bwa ha ha ha ha!!! she's going to read this monday. she told me not to go into the details. i wont. you admited it, you admited it, you admited it, you admited it, you admited it!!! i had a traditional fiesta. there was "el mariachi loco" on full blast, colorful streamers magically appeared, people were drinking soda by the double liters, pizza was being devoured, talking was loud and interesting, there were many people pretending to be lamps, the neighbors complained because we didnt invite them, the cake was cheap, (not tres leches.) little kids played games among the partying, there was the occaisonal "i wish i was anywhere but here" people reading books in the corners, the dads were making bets on what soccer team would win over beers, the moms where swaping gossip and advice, the teens were crowded into my room lisening to music/watching TV and talking about how lame the party was and how we should all ditch and go outside, the 7-9 year old guys were in my brother's room playing video games, the 8-10 girls were playing some stupid game on the front porch area, the kids between 10 and 13 were talking in chairs, maybe playing "truth or dare"; loudness and chaos ruled. the parties i go to are actually like that. when we are at someone else's place, my age group hangs out outside. ah, mexican/mexican american parties. what a beautiful thing. bags of candy are also passed out. there is the occaisonal pinata. when there are dances, people dance. others watch in chairs. they rock. but this only happens when the right people and the right amount of people are there. also timing. timing is important.

D gets two weeks off in "china" for spring break. WE only get 1 week. i am currently annoying her so that in the one week she doesnt have school, and i do, she can come to school w/ me as a visitor. she doesnt want to because she hates a lot of people. i dont blame her. but she HAS to come. i will be very annoying. count on it, D. D's littler sister d told me something pretty wierd. she said her mom was telling their cousin that he should meet me and stuff. WIERD!!! he's like, 5 years older than me. not cool. d said her mom said that i have "beautiful long hair" and other things to her and D's cousin.

i have an Atreyu song stuck in my head. today the taste of chaos special was on on fuse. i saw the 30 secs. to mars episode and the The Used episode. i missed the others. they were each 1 hour long. i dont really like 30 sec. to mars that much. overly cocky, REALLY overly explicit, sick bastards. their songs are catchy. te doy eso. sometimes their vidz. are interesting. but as people, their hatred tank (if you dont know what a hatred tank is, read the post explaining the hatred tank. there is no way im repeating myself.) is up to here => cocky sick bastards.

im on purevolume. all songs are working. this blog isnt. im bored. think: que mas paso? my little brother is 7 years old and doesnt understand the concept of "half". he also ate the last of my chocolate bar i was saving for monday. bad chubby lie-ing not a smart1 boy. he's decently smart. but he isnt SMART. poor him. i am really bored. oh yeah.

M2 has not been acting very cool. after letting her sit with us after her friends called her a bitch, and kicked her out of their little group, she isnt being very, amiga-like. to me. the one who told her she could sit with us. im not saying "be my best friend", dont even be a good friend, but be decent. if not, stop being nice to me specifically. hang out with N. with M1. with L. but if you arent going to be decently nice to me, leave me alone. i dont need any shit from anybody. im not taking any shit from anyone.

there is, like, a little 10 year old name Miguelito, who raps heavy reggeton. (in spanish.) and the song he does is called "montala" and, well, not even the sickest americano rapper is saying that at age ten. this is just a way to say that mexico is (sometimes) as messed up as los estados unidos. regarding music. seriously, he's ten and saying things surrounded by 19 year old models dancing along. (im guessing he's ten. maybe 11? but still. i dont care about the other stuff, just dont rap things like that while surrounded by dancing 19 year old models. guess what the title of the song means. [im no prude. lisen to 1 song. called its not a fashon statement, its a f***ing deathwish. rox.] its nastly, especially since the guy is TEN.)

im bored again. cranium, maxilla, mandible, clavicle, sternum, humerus, ribs, vertibrae, pelvic girdle, radius, ulna, carpals, metacarpals, phalanges, femur, patella, tibia, fibula, tarsals, metatarsals, phalanges. those were some of the bones in a skeleton. bored again. i will now surf the web/call friend to ease the boredom. bleach isnt on 'til 9. :(
-gaby. i have no homework. except study for this bone quiz. im really bored. bored, bored. i might visit popcap. viva mis bandas.

Thursday, March 1, 2007

oh... QUE?

some people are seriously really annoying. i am starting to despise PE. i hate work out vidz. talked to D for a while. didnt admit the thing she was supposed to admit... oh well. i will annoy her until she cracks and then arranges to some day come to my house so she can kick me with a fancy black-belted kick. she's a black belt. no me crees? a mi no me importa. dollar tree actually scares me. some people refuse to believe this. porque? purevolume is actually working, and FFTL has helped me get taking back sunday's "liar (it takes one to know one)" (i saw the vid today.) out of my head. remember the sub. who thought i was italian? good times. a lot of people i know a mistaken for things they arent. sad.

people are acting wierd again. the day before yesterday, this idiota was all eyeing people i know, and being all wierd. why are you acting wierd, people? and this person... said stuff. would not leave me alone. my friend D thinks reading 151 pages in 2 days at school is a lot. whats her problem? my lie-ing, chubby, lazy, cheeky little brother who doesnt respect my authority is watching finding nemo right now. my loud music addiction is causing my mom head aches that magically start when mi musica is on. but when the munchkins (nicknamed so by jess/fallen falcon.) turn the TV on full blast, no head aches are reported, and i am the one who has to make them turn it down. esto no esta bien, not really. there is a sore throat epidemic going around. my throat is trying to kill me. making me want to cough so badly without being able to is making my eyes water, and then, por cualquier rason, they start to think im crying!!! 3 things wrong with that:
1. why the hell would ANYONE cry in a public place, other than the extreme emotional need to? i havent had the reason to cry. "ay no, el mundo se esta muriendo!" i know this already. that is not a reason to cry. i know we are all going to kill the planet someday, but thats no reason to cry.
2. when my eyes water, it means i have been close to a computer long enough/ trying hard not to cough and tear throat in 2/eye problems.
3. do all people think girls are crybabies, who cant handle the truth about stuff??? if YOU or someone you know believes this, please, plz comment, leave your name, address, phone #, email, blood type, possible escape routes, (for example, "flee to canada") people who are near and dear to you, and a list of possible acomplices that would help you escape. an angry mob should visit you when we have the time. we have lives. unlike you.

whenever someone says something, reply with "tu abuela" and watch them become enraged with fury at you. they will only get mad if they understand basic spanish, and you say "tu abuela" in a totally serious way. i did this today, said it to M2. she was pissed. it passed. i was just kidding. someday, ("ah, someday, the excuse of all lazy people"- gaby. yes, i have said this.) i will explain the whole "tu madre" thing. there are many insults many colorful ways. :) adios.
-gaby, aka: miss lazee crazee, who is having a sugar rush at the moment. mucho chocolate. "ruega por nosotros los pecadores, a hora, y en la hora asta nuestra muerte, amen." my abuela know the whole entire rosary in latin. what. now.