Friday, March 30, 2007


I GOT A HAIR CUT!!! I GOT A HAIR CUT!!! I GOT A HAIR CUT!!! finally. i didnt get one just now, but many hours ago. around 4. its short. ish. layered. but long layers. awesome. my waves became curls in some places and now i have nice hair!!! woo hoo!!! i soon as i got a hair cut and walked back home, i called D. told her i got a hair cut. then she told me she was going to come over. then i ran over [i know. i made a huge deal out of cutting my hair. but i had never gotten an actual hair cut. just chopped off split ends.] and gave told them. then it was about 20 minutes of L and her sister, C, messing around with my hair. outside. then, i txt ed everyone, and Jess called moi. she's in Washington w/ her mom!!! she switched plans er something and now has more minutes or something. when she called, d was already here. then M1 txt me back and tolod me she hadnt gone 2 L's place because she was sick. N was also sick. yesterday, she sounded REALLY sick. but i talked 2 her 2day, and she sounds WAY better. anyway, then D, L and i went outside and hung out next to the laundrymout of however it is you spell it, and L fixed my hair in 2 ponytails, or "pig tails" as u crackers call them, (no offense. why do u call them that??? "pig tails"??? thats not right.) and i acted like a little kid and D took pics. on her awesome samsung cell phone. slides open like chocolate, but is WAY better. then i made her delete every last video and picture, (her phone takes vidz 2.) and then we tried to play basket ball. we didnt get to play because we believed someone jacked L's cousin's ball. but b4 that, we were in where i live, and watching the hilarious shakira vid. and the fftl interpretation, on youtube . and snacking on chips sprite, and popcorn. lets see, it was : my brother
my sister
my other sister
D's sister d
L's sister, C
that was all. then, D and d bought candy from the candy selling lady. she sells mexican candy in her apartment. very nice person. then we looked for the "jacked" basketball. we didnt find it. then, many hours later, after L went inside and i had to go in, my littlest sister found the "jacked" basketball under the table. me and her went over to L's place and gave her the ball. i was like "she found it under the table" and L was all grateful to la chaquetona, or chizpi, as others mostly call her. "chizpi". almost everyone (except me) calls her that. my nickname for her is "Chaquetona". she hates it and almost always yells it back at me, all pissed off. "CHAQUETONA!!!! TU ERES!!!" its really funny. she has accepted her nickname. she still yells it back at me if she wants to make people laugh. she still prefers "Chizpi". do we not understand what "chaquetona" means??? it means "cheeky person". the "a" at the end makes it femenine. i call my brother "chaqueton" and the little one year old my mom 'sits "chaqueton numero dos"
i have totally gotten off subject. pobre.

i will not continue with the story because i am 2 lazy. hence "Lazee Crazy/ee"
the solo in this song is the best.

i might do a little "awards" thing. called the "Awesome Awards". here is awesomest guitar solo.
Awesome Guitar Solo nominee no. 1
Awesome Guitar Solo nominee no. 2
Awesome Guitar Solo nominee no. 3
how did my post on the last official day of spring break in my eyes become awards?
cant finish. have 2 go. im in trouble. no more lap top 4 me 2day. adios.
Happy Last Day of Spring Break

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