Sunday, March 11, 2007

"comprede?" "yes." "que bueno..."

okay. are we all caught up 2day? como estan todos? like i care... anyway did you visit the FFTL interpretation? hilarious. only, they are NOT gay. as a whole. individually, i dont know... and who the hell is "barry wom?" and how did he get "resume to b.o."? "dear diary, my teen angst has a bodycount, it's 6, going on 7 now..." have a question for travis ritcher: why did you ever stop screaming for heroine? you are really good at screams. anyway, do the folllowing:
1. go to google video.
2. type in "from first to last"
3. click on the 1st thing that comes up. it should be "Note to Self" (actual MuseVid.)
4. watch it. from there, click on all seemingly interesting vidz.
5. make sure to watch as many interpretations as possible.
6. if you find yourself watching a fall out boy actual muse vid, RUN. flee to canada.
7. go to i have no real reason for you to visit that. plz go...
8. go to purevolume. you should know where the link is.\
9. chew gum...
10. never ever go to this website: its not a real website, i just made it up.
thanx. oh, i forgot to explain the "tu madre" thing. i'll just give advice: ***Advice***
-never say "yo momma". it has been overdone. use easy words, like "tu madre" your mom, your mommy, your mother, et cetera. never ever use those stupid "yo momma is so ___ she ______. they arent funny, or insulting, and i hate them. use better ways, like if they say something, use their words against them. for example: "i wish my lawn was emo. then it would cut itself" to this, you would reply: "oh, like your mommy does every morning after everyone leaves?". WARNING: if they are "delicate" they WILL cry... this is VERY BAD. DO NOT UNDER ANY CIRCUMSTANCES, MAKE ANYONE CRY. or, if a hated one makes another horrible "emo" joke. if you have no idea what im talking about, read one of my was it january, or february? whatev. if they make an emo joke, reverse it to their mother. or, if you know her and she's nice, insult their grandma. "tu abuela!!!" i must go. Homework calls. **perdon por el post that bored me to tears.

-Gaby. i actually capitalized the "g". why do i care? "i'll wear your skin as a suit, pretend to be, you, your friends will like you more than they used to..."-guess. its really obvious, idiota. dee dee dee.
^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^drink soda. it tastes good.

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