Sunday, March 18, 2007

Random Thoughts

hello. world. did you enjoy the latest episode of GTBS? i hope you did. it took me 4ever to find the hilarious Shakira vid. requested by my good friend D. i hope youre happy. y havent u called me yet? anyway, an excellent song/vid that i forgot, by SOAD, is "Question!". i totally forgot to copy and paste the URL into the hyperlink thing. i dont get FUSE anymore. :,( that was a face crying. oh, sorry, "emo" expert. was that "emo"? perdon.

{Gaby's Titled Blah Show Request(s)*
a request has been given: my littlest sister, the five year-old, wants to see AFI's "miss murder". she was singing the chorus at the top of her lungs. i wish i had a camera. now she's singing the song to herself. can u belive it? how cute! anyway, here's the link:
Vid: Miss Murder (long version. w/ prelude 12/21)
*any request made at any time by anybody will be shown on a post and an "episode" of GTBS. if you dont make a request, but want to see a video, go to google video, you lazy bitch/bastard. all of the requests are done by my people. i have no internet friends. :(
i'm sorry, was the frowny face "emo"? that was sarcasm. dios mio. }

anyway, appearantly WARNING: the following is kinda like gossip. but not really. its TRUE. i heard that something Sonny Moore said when he left FFTL, that it wasnt what he wanted, and that if he stayed, he would have been like a ho, because he didnt want to do it, but he would have gotten $$$ and fame. all he wanted/wants/has is a solo career. so he left FFTL. they still rock. but i'm repeating myself again... so, he now has one, (solo.) and its wierd. its pop-ey/poppy. whatever. i dont like/support* his NEW music. i support his honesty.
*not buying his solo cd. no freaking way.

and now, because i feel like it and can, i'm going to do a mini episode of GTBS. does any1 care? do any of the viewers care? *silence* oh, right. my people are busy. they have lives... (i have a life 2!!! going to the movies w/ 7 other people next friday. c? i have a life.) here it is. internet. links. keyboard. action!

Welcome viewers. como estan todos? today i am doing a mini gtbs episode. to kick off the "countdown", i have a request. from my little sister, the five year-old? yes. i believe it says in my "cue cards" that she would like to see AFI's "Miss Murder". well. here it is:
Vid: Miss Murder Requested By: my littlest sister. she shall remain nameless.
now that i'm at it, lets add love like winter.
Vid: Love Like Winter Requested By: no one. added just because.

~~~~~~~~~~~Random Music~~~~~~~~~~~
Question! here because it rox
BYOB here because it rox (metal?)

Interpretations!!! YAY!!!
My FAVORITE*!!!! although some people hate the person who made it. :)
*because its hilarious.
that was a mini episode of gtbs.

i am now very bored. i am tired of trying to help people out. they. forget it. im not helping any1 else out. as ok.

this has been:
  • gaby
  • miss lazee crazee
  • missmuseonFUsed
  • other

i will now eat. i havent eaten, since, like, noon. starving. the noon thing was "breakfast". i was online @ 10 am. then there was an offline period that was very long. anyway, dance! monkey, dance! adios.

-gaby/l. crazee/missmuseonFUsed (actual username)

plz. visit and lisen to "take it away". rox. adios

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