Wednesday, February 7, 2007

"...i can feel my mind wandering again..."

"Note to Self" !!! get out of my head!!! pacific chai green tea chai latte is really good. i am drinking it at the moment. delicioso. some people are really wierd. but they are considered "great" people by other people. in other words, someone following the public image of what they should be, conformists. they dont really think about philosophcal things, or socrates-like thinking. outside the box. i am honest about where i live, (apartments) and they feel ashamed for me or something like that. why? if i honestly cared and was (for some reason) "embarrased", i wouldnot tell u where i live. i wouldnt really talk much. why should i be ashamed that my family doesnt own some fancy shmancy house with a perfect lawn, a dog, 2 "nice" cars, (we have 4. cars. chah. what. now.) and 2 brand new computers fully loaded and each of us with our own room, bathroom, and mini fridge? get over yourself. this has nothing to do with any individual, this is for all of those conformists out there. we live in a three bedroom apartment, we have no pets because of asma, and we have 2 computers: 1) my own personal 2005 toshiba laptop, 2)a old ibm "white" computer for games and the occasional hw assigment of my sister. we'r HOBOS!!! NOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!. we r not hobos. that was, mi amigo, SARCASM!!!dee dee dee!!! this is fun. :) but seriously, plzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzz think outside the freaking box for once. some of them do. gaby the wierd mexican-american (chicana) has officially thanked you. congrats. oh, once, this sub thought i was italian. my name ******** ******* (gaby)sounds italian. i used those little stars 'cause i dont want my full name on the internet. how estupida do you think i am? anyway, he said my name, (old person) and totally thought i was italian. i had a good laugh about that l8er. stupid, stupid substitute teacher who thought i was italian. he found out i wasnt when i worked on my expository on "la llorona" in spanish, after i was done with my work for that class. i have truck loads of homework any very little hope of ever finishing it before 11, and i am wasting my time posting on my blog that even bores me. "im sick of this scene" amen, sonny moore. i keep changing the subject. habit. i would like to say that i regret ever deciding to end it and there is a "world war me" going on inside me. im not ending ma blog. i just had to say that. dont ever ask, jess. when and if you read this. thank you. maybe the sub thought i was italian because of my nice brown wavy hair.(yes. i am admitting my hair is "nice". get over your self.) and sometimes i have an accent...when i get excited. or when i just feel like it. i must go now, fellow human beings. (no, i dont watch any scifi.)adios.
-GABY: The wierd chicana/lisener of GOOD music/nonconformist/future shrink/artist/future doctor/chocolate addict who laughs at racial jokes... (what? they are funny. admit it, d*m*t!!!! even my dad, an immigrant, calls what u people call wetbacks, "mojados"!!! one thing i REALLY hate are those stupid "emo" jokes. "i wish my lawn was emo, because then it would cut itself" go f*** yourself!!! you either lisen to emotional music, or u dont! if someone is cutting themsleves, u dont go around, making it WORSE!!! if u have EVER made fun of anyone who actually seriously, honest to dios cut themselves, u are dead to me. i dont care about what happens 2 u. i really dont care. how would YOU feel if you were depressed or something like that, and u actually cut yourself, and THEY made FUN of you? wouldnt that make it worse, jackass!!! once i freaked out because a guy was wearing black eye make up. like, eyeliner. scared me. not the person, but black eyeliner doesnt really ) work on that person. what do i know? the only make up i ever wear is chapstick and the occasional lip gloss. pro active really works. i was never a really pimpleee person, but it clears up the few ones i have and prevents new zits. woo hoo. i know. i am BEYOND wierd. piensas que me importa? ) now REALLY:
ps: there is this "C" word. i dont know what it is or what it means. until, like, 2 weeks ago, i didnt know a "c" word existed...
PPS: i know. my writing is boring. i need to work on details. elaorate. too bad. im too lazy 2 do it... oh well. im off to do my homework.

1 comment:

gaby said...

hello. this is gaby. i am commenting on myself. good job! i espescially enjoyed your pissed off view on emo jokes. thank you. DO YOUR HOMEWORK!!! [i am having tons of fun today. :)] visit google, @ my favorite search engine. [really, yahoo sucks.]