hola. como estan todos? i have soooo much to say... lets begin with
Cell Phone Photography:
this is a piece i would like to call... "The Tree At Night, That One time When M1 Came and L, M1, and I Went To The Park" you cant see it, can you? oh well. when i figure out how to upload images on here i will post a pic. of me, L, and my sister that D took on her cell phone in negative. it looks awesome. our faces are blue!!! my hair is awesome in that pic. :(
guess what? yesterday, i walked home from school the long way because 2 idiotic bastards were being sick idiotic bastards. i will not go into details. they are younger than me, so i really wanted to flip them off and insult their mothers, but i really wanted to get home... so... i owe you one!!! beware. i have friends... so what if they are girls. they can beat the motherf*cking shit out of you in 5 minutes. after we catch you. we can run fast, too. bwah ha ha ha ha. no, seriously, be very aware. i have no idea wtf your name is... but be aware. surround yourself with people. have many witnesses. we wont attack unless ur alone.
jess now has a gmail. YAY!
hi D!!! how art thou? isnt this post boring??? D told me that the posts that talk about stupid people and how they piss me off are funny. she said most of my posts bored her to sleep. oh well.
WTF: in la escuela, people are acting very weird. for example, this stupid "emo" thing. when will it end??? most people say someone else is "emo" because of hair... in face... wtf??? actually, sometimes some people do go over board, and hairinface makes them look like shit. (on south park, "shit" is a cursed word. brings on the black death. ??? or, as it was called WAAY back then, the plauge. reminds me of the latest plauge. what is th3 lat3st plaug3, y0u ask??? think about it.) [here is an example of hair in face being a good thing: *** i happened to be lisening/watching the vid/song at the time i am writing this. you dont see it??? oh well. sonny acts effeminate in this vid. kinda funny.] the example of hair in face when it is not good is in the last "episode" of gtbs. if you are not lazy, its the one where i say something about an idiota horribly lip singing or something.
hell no. i just found something horrible. byob w/ pictures of those stupid blond twins all over the mags my sister has. ugh. i feel sick. byob does not belong with those pics. if u do not know wtf byob is, youre hopeless. awesomeheadbanging
anyway, now youre "emo" if someone who "knows" says you "are". wtf. no one has called me that so far... thanx... but still... wtf??? in my opinion, you have problems if you think calling someone "emo" is funny. especially if they actually cut themselves. dont make it worse. i have officially repeated myself to the max.
WTF: "gangstas". wtf. there are NO gangsters in my
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