Tuesday, January 16, 2007

Snow Day!!!!!

today it snowed. i cant feel my legs, feet, or toes. my upstairs neighbor went outside earlier than i did and couldn't go out side when me and my siblings made a snow man. actually, it was a snowmom and a snowkid. my sister's idea. there was no school for the entire school district. i have a book report due tomorrow and i havent even finished the book and the "magical" white polluted fluff has given me more tiempo... anyway, for now i still havent gotten a link 2 my friend's website, and she is writning this awsome story that when she gets it published (a long time from now) it will be a freaking best seller. i hope she posts it on her blog... and no, i do not have a link. she might be mad at me though... (muchas gracias por nunca leer a este blog.) PS: it rarely snows around here.

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