Friday, January 26, 2007

"If Ignorance is bliss..."

"...then eradicate my knowledge of my history..."(Shame Shame, Heroine, FromFirstToLast.) i wish. sometimes people need 2 stop being ignorant. or, when NOT sure of something, think hard, make inferences INSTEAD OF COMING UP WITH A GUESS THAT IS (i think...) 39.999999999999999999999999% TRUE!!! think hard and try to get the majority!!!(subject is about to change...) this Underoath song is, like, stuck in my head....(subject has been changed) i forgot what its called, but there is this part, and it goes like this: "what are you so afraid of???" and he is, like SCREAMING it. dos palabras: kick a$$. i am now going to translate a song that i know from english 2 espanol... i didnt do this on some free translating website. (free websites ROCK!) i came up with this on my own: actually, i kind of dont feel like translating anymore. man, am i lazy. shame on me. the reson i havent posted in soooo long is::: school. dude, i have school, 5 days a week. i know nobody reads this. thank you sooooo much. :). i watch cartoon network alot. (subject has been changed again.) bored, bored, bored, bored. the world has gone insane. who the hell is tina turner? people say she's "famous"... i dont know who that is. heard about it in a book, but i am utterly confused. bored, bored, bored... "what would you say to this blemished face, this blemished face with a crooked nose..." but, my face isnt THAT blemished. and i dont have a crooked nose... but still. bored, bored. celery, onions, and tea rock. (NOT english tea.)im applying for a job w/ jess a year from now. bored, bored. adios. i will now surf the web to ease the boredom.

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