Saturday, January 20, 2007

on and on...

i have nothing to do. i heard hilary clinton is running for president. true? i have no idea. i dont really care... i took the south park mega personality qiz, and got the following results: i am that wierd scientist dude who genetically engineers animals at this ranch. Memphis or something. then i got Mr. Mackay the one who says "m-kay" after everything. then i was tolkein, cartman, and butters. i was scared when i found out i was butters. freaked out. then, i was Bebe. i guess i am nither of them. oh yeah, i was kenny once. i kept retaking the quiz, and writing different answers... the wierdest question that was really funny, was the JLo Q. very funny. hannah montana scares me. my sister has pictures of her in our room, and she is freaky. her eyes follow me around the room... . i think underoath is good. i need to investigate more on their music... has anyone heard of Rise Against's song, i forgot what its called, but its abouit the enviroment. taking back sunday's "liar, liar (takes 1 2 no 1) is stuck in my head... i have nothing more 2 say... pizza is having cravings for orange juice... i need orange juice... and now 2 close... "sister im not much a poet but a criminal, and u never had a chance... love it or leave it u cant understand, a pretty face, but u do so carry on, and on, and on...i wouldnt front the scene if u payed me, im just the way that the doctor made me.." - MCR 3 cheers 4 sweet revenge (2004) adios.

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