Friday, January 19, 2007


yesterday i didnt post because i was attempting to finish my book report. yesterday, we did not have school. my book report is on Antony and Cleopatra. i havent even finished reading the play! i took a survey on...tuesday? on how emo i am, and i am 29% emo... i have a question for people out there who hate the emos: why? and why, JUST BECAUSE you wear a black or grey sweater a lot, people "magically" assume u r either "emo" or "gothic". yah. some people are like, "gaby, are you gothic?" i answer with "no. gothic music sucks. i dont like gothic music." then around me, people talk to each other, and call each other "emo" . QUE? no 1 i know of is "emo". no1 i know is "gothic". get over yourselves. is that imposible? is that hard? NO

ask a mexican is a hilarious article. plz, if you have the time, READ IT!!!
i actually had school 2day. im doing a research paper/project, on la llorona. this is an awsome site, go to it, plz...
thanx, im very bored, adios.

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