Wednesday, January 31, 2007


jess told someone sometime this week or last week, after i let her borrow FFTL's Heroine, that she was "pretty sure everyone in this band is g a y." QUE? QUE!!!

why? u know they arent. you didnt think i heard you, did you? well i was there. i know, i informed you of this @ lunch. plz let me repeat myself. :) you dont have to agree with me at all on anything. but that was either a really wierd conclusion you came up with, or youre just talkin. talking the talk. the following is (i hope this works!!!) videos from FFTL's website.

ya. other vidz on 2morrow or someday. ah, someday. the excuse of all lazy people...

any way, i am very bored. adios...

Tuesday, January 30, 2007


the underoath song is called in "regards 2 myself". they are a christian metal band....(or so they say).. utterly confused. do their lyrics promote chritians? im catholic. i need to check their lyrics out if they do... adios...

Monday, January 29, 2007

nada mas que acer...

i have nothing to do. FFTL rox. i am going to put a few of their videos o links to their videos when im not tooooo lazy to do it. purevolume rox. they let you listen 2 music, free. selected tracks. i want to get their old CD, "Dear Diary, My Teen Angst Has a Body" (er somethinglikethat...) their song, "Note 2 Self" rox soooooo hard. 2 lisen, look at my "websites that rock" thing. woah. i talk as if i have people who read this other than my friends and myself, and maybe the occaisonal bored persona looking through the blogs. so sad... i turned in my book report last week. my brother is watching "power rangers". i hate them. the effects are cheesier than Juan Colordo's enchiladas de queso. and the enxhiladas are actually tastey. not boring and f****ed up. i still dont know, can i curse here? without the stars??? whatever. here is a link 2 purevolume's fftl songs:
i hope it works. bored, bored. adios...

Friday, January 26, 2007

"If Ignorance is bliss..."

"...then eradicate my knowledge of my history..."(Shame Shame, Heroine, FromFirstToLast.) i wish. sometimes people need 2 stop being ignorant. or, when NOT sure of something, think hard, make inferences INSTEAD OF COMING UP WITH A GUESS THAT IS (i think...) 39.999999999999999999999999% TRUE!!! think hard and try to get the majority!!!(subject is about to change...) this Underoath song is, like, stuck in my head....(subject has been changed) i forgot what its called, but there is this part, and it goes like this: "what are you so afraid of???" and he is, like SCREAMING it. dos palabras: kick a$$. i am now going to translate a song that i know from english 2 espanol... i didnt do this on some free translating website. (free websites ROCK!) i came up with this on my own: actually, i kind of dont feel like translating anymore. man, am i lazy. shame on me. the reson i havent posted in soooo long is::: school. dude, i have school, 5 days a week. i know nobody reads this. thank you sooooo much. :). i watch cartoon network alot. (subject has been changed again.) bored, bored, bored, bored. the world has gone insane. who the hell is tina turner? people say she's "famous"... i dont know who that is. heard about it in a book, but i am utterly confused. bored, bored, bored... "what would you say to this blemished face, this blemished face with a crooked nose..." but, my face isnt THAT blemished. and i dont have a crooked nose... but still. bored, bored. celery, onions, and tea rock. (NOT english tea.)im applying for a job w/ jess a year from now. bored, bored. adios. i will now surf the web to ease the boredom.

Saturday, January 20, 2007

"MCR debate"

my good friend jess wrote about me in her blog... wow. check out "jess" on the links thing. so funny. jess, dont get mad at other great friend, doesnt want name on internet, no matter if NOBODY reads this.. . has moved 2 "china". people are actually buying that she moved to china. she's not even chinese! she moved 2 woodburn. hello...

on and on...

i have nothing to do. i heard hilary clinton is running for president. true? i have no idea. i dont really care... i took the south park mega personality qiz, and got the following results: i am that wierd scientist dude who genetically engineers animals at this ranch. Memphis or something. then i got Mr. Mackay the one who says "m-kay" after everything. then i was tolkein, cartman, and butters. i was scared when i found out i was butters. freaked out. then, i was Bebe. i guess i am nither of them. oh yeah, i was kenny once. i kept retaking the quiz, and writing different answers... the wierdest question that was really funny, was the JLo Q. very funny. hannah montana scares me. my sister has pictures of her in our room, and she is freaky. her eyes follow me around the room... . i think underoath is good. i need to investigate more on their music... has anyone heard of Rise Against's song, i forgot what its called, but its abouit the enviroment. taking back sunday's "liar, liar (takes 1 2 no 1) is stuck in my head... i have nothing more 2 say... pizza is having cravings for orange juice... i need orange juice... and now 2 close... "sister im not much a poet but a criminal, and u never had a chance... love it or leave it u cant understand, a pretty face, but u do so carry on, and on, and on...i wouldnt front the scene if u payed me, im just the way that the doctor made me.." - MCR 3 cheers 4 sweet revenge (2004) adios.

Friday, January 19, 2007


yesterday i didnt post because i was attempting to finish my book report. yesterday, we did not have school. my book report is on Antony and Cleopatra. i havent even finished reading the play! i took a survey on...tuesday? on how emo i am, and i am 29% emo... i have a question for people out there who hate the emos: why? and why, JUST BECAUSE you wear a black or grey sweater a lot, people "magically" assume u r either "emo" or "gothic". yah. some people are like, "gaby, are you gothic?" i answer with "no. gothic music sucks. i dont like gothic music." then around me, people talk to each other, and call each other "emo" . QUE? no 1 i know of is "emo". no1 i know is "gothic". get over yourselves. is that imposible? is that hard? NO

ask a mexican is a hilarious article. plz, if you have the time, READ IT!!!
i actually had school 2day. im doing a research paper/project, on la llorona. this is an awsome site, go to it, plz...
thanx, im very bored, adios.

Wednesday, January 17, 2007

the hatred tank

i dont think a lot of people know this, (only like, 3 people know) but whenever/ anyone that i ever meet or know of, has their own personal hate tank. the hate tank needle starts at decent. wether it goes up or down has to do with the person. for example, say i meet someone and they are decent. then they make up sh*t about me. they have gone from "decent" to "who the h*ll are you". in, not a very long time period. the who the h*ll are you thing is that i dont know you, have never met you, and dont give a sh*t about you. however, if they are "decent", and they are nice, they go from "decent" to "nice". very simple. the amount of hate decreases if you are decent or my amiga, or increases if you treat me with total complete contempt for no legitimate reason whatsoever. i also had no school today. and i still havent done my book report. they say we have no school 2morrow. i have plenty of time, thank you for asking, really, really, really bored person who has nothing better to do right now than totally ignore this blog. i have a "special" "shout out" to my friend who STILL hasnt given me a link to her blog, or even told me what her blogname is and stuff. so rude. TV SHOWS: that totally rock/kick a$$: that 7o's show, mind of mencia, south park (ofcourse), stevens untitled rock show (rocked more over the summer, though.), some shows that are kinda wierd...ned's declassified school survival guide (shut up!), cartoon network (scratch a few shows...), a few that i have sadly forgotten, and then the most embarrasing of them all, and if you DARE tell people, j, i will be super p.o.ed, as you say, and will get revenge... i watch...T.E.N.S. it starts with "the" and ends w/ "school". disney show. animated. no mas!!! also, now that i am confessing, i like this banda called los horoscopos de durango (er something like that...) and they play mexican banda music. the only banda music anyone can ever hope i will ever remotely know the songs to and be able to dance to... yes, gaby can dance. my mom taught me... i also know alot of songs because i have this ability to remember and understand what people who sing are saying. yes. i understand the screams/wailing of some music, and the plain faced singing of other music. NOTHING to be ashamed of. i like this Rise Against song about the enviroment, but i cant remeber what its called. and now, 2 close, "...fake faces everywhere i see, fake people looking back at me.." -FFTL (2006) adios. (adios means like goodbye, but i think it started out as "godspeed" because "a" means "to" and stuff, and "dios" means "god". "adios" originally meant "godspeed." and we say it in place of "goodbye". or so my theory is.)

Tuesday, January 16, 2007

Snow Day!!!!!

today it snowed. i cant feel my legs, feet, or toes. my upstairs neighbor went outside earlier than i did and couldn't go out side when me and my siblings made a snow man. actually, it was a snowmom and a snowkid. my sister's idea. there was no school for the entire school district. i have a book report due tomorrow and i havent even finished the book and the "magical" white polluted fluff has given me more tiempo... anyway, for now i still havent gotten a link 2 my friend's website, and she is writning this awsome story that when she gets it published (a long time from now) it will be a freaking best seller. i hope she posts it on her blog... and no, i do not have a link. she might be mad at me though... (muchas gracias por nunca leer a este blog.) PS: it rarely snows around here.

Monday, January 15, 2007


there are 0 comments. this means nobody has read my blog yet. woo hoo. no me importa... there are certain tv shows that rock, u know. like south park, that 70's show, mind of mencia, cartoons... i seriously miss watching looney toons. and yes, i know i am wierd. i have a friend who started a blog today. this is a link to my friend's blog: _. well, there is SUPPOSED to be a link 2 my friends blog, but "no, i have nothing to say! i dont want to send you alink 2 my blog, gaby." She read my blog and through email told me it was "very cool". she doesnt think its cool at all. she just wants me to give her her tapatio hot sauce 4 christmas that i havent given 2 her yet...
yesterday me and my mom discussed how music that is awsome for you, gets "famous" and suddenly the music isnt as good as it used to be. that happened 2 some guy my mom lisens 2. have no idea what his name is. this has to do with yesterday's second post...

Sunday, January 14, 2007

(A FEW minutes l8er)

my opinion on mcr's new cd, "Welcome to the Black Parade" is that it is not good. their first 2 cd's kicked a$$. they were packed full of metaphores and when they played they were like, f--- you!!!! also the videos rocked and stuff. when they said they were releasing a new cd, i was all exicted, and then me and one of my friends were like "yes! mcr rocks!" but then i heard some of their songs on their website. no. they were overly professional in my opinion. then it started. at first i was happy. then i realized too late that it had all gone down the freaking hill. mcr was on "teenager" mags. there were people my age going: "oh my god, they are soooo hot!". Yes. i was their age. but no, i never lisened to their music because "Mikey/Gerard/Bob/Frank/Ray is hot!" (like A LOT of people did.) i lisened because it rocked. And also because it meant something to me. And now they are all over mtv and mags and their music isnt as good as it used to be. i know i was happier when they were on occasionally on fuse, and they kept winning because the fans voted, not because some middle aged man with a mustache decided that they deserved it. so, i vowed to myself that i will not EVER buy this cd. and i havent and it came out in october. but if their new cd comes out, and rocks more than this one, and i like it, i am going to buy it wether or not the middle ages man with a mustache decides that i should buy it. And yes, i was super pissed when i found that Mikey took off his glasses-- permanently, and when Gerard cut his hair and bleached it blond. And no, i do not and will never believe that he is a natural blond until i see DNA proof and his mom saying: "he has blond hair". I know. I am WAY behind on mcr news. Piensas que me importa?

Hello People.

hola!!! this is my 1st post and it is totally lame!!! what to talk on and on about... am i doing this right? i will discuss tacos. they rock. i have nothing else to say... i would like to thank people i know... they tell me i am smart, so l8er i will start talking about things that piss me off and how messed up we all are. i also have no idea wether or not i can curse on here.